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Do you like to sleep naked?

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oh yes..i love the feeling of sheets & skin
is there any other way to sleep? I dont think so....
Am I the only one to sleep clothed? LOL
If I'm with someone.
I love it, I always have the best nights sleep. Sleeping naked in the summer with the cool nights air coming through the window is erotic to me. Sleeping in the winter naked and curled up under a down comforter is sensual and relaxing.
Of course naked I dont know any other way
Sleeping naked is good! Very good!

But I don't recommend cooking naked...
I only sleep this way as it is a feeling of freedom...I hate being all knotted up in
doing my best to be good..
Well living where it gets to be in the high 90s at night in the summer.... HELL YEAH
Quote by macyalexander
no, I love sleeping in a silky, sexy nightie!! I have SO many, long, short, thin straps over my shoulders... it feels so good against my skin ;-)

Me too
the best way to sleep. the only way i sleep
i love to sleep naked as well. but do agree with Buz on the cooking naked. the dang wonderful bacon!!
Absolutely, I love the feel of my satin sheets-worth every Penney.
I love sleeping naked, i kick off the blankets so all i have is a sheet smile being naked is most comfy to me at home i wear no clothing but in public i must be coverd :)
I always sleep naked..It feels good...clean sheets and curling right in there..u know what I mean
doing my best to be good..
I love to sleep naked. Very seldom do I wear anything. It has to be real cold and I'm up north.
i love it,specially in the summer time.
ALWAYS! unless it's winter....
theres another way to sleep? lol
I always shower and sleep naked,and throw in fresh linen and a place to put my warm hand and you have perfection
Like it...I love it!
Slept in the nude the past 32 years !! Love
Glad to know I'm not alone with my clothes on ;-)

Quote by Driver1963

Me too
Quote by macyalexander
no, I love sleeping in a silky, sexy nightie!! I have SO many, long, short, thin straps over my shoulders... it feels so good against my skin ;-)

How about silky bedcovers? Would that convince you otherwise?
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
love sleeping naked after a shower...must be warm enough tho!
No. For personal reasons, I find it impractical. The only time I tend to sleep naked is after sex, but even then we usually put our underwear back on.