... whether men or women can send you messages?
Can you change the privacy settings that profile comments are only visible and can be made by friends?
This option seems to have been lost in the change.
Our Stories Hellcat - OUR LATEST TALE
Always Yours Eye-am-yours
Stories of Lana and Evan Cornucopia, Morning Delights, Tropical Escape
Oceans of-Love, Visions of You, Dream a Little Dream, That Attraction
RR - Sci Fi - The Thief and The Stolen Heart
Quote by Jmwsr
Is it possible to increase the size of the print? My old eyes have trouble with the small print. Thanks
Go into your browser settings and zoom in or enlarge font.
If you use chrome then go into settings > accessibility (under advance) and you'll see options to scale text/zoom.
I'll message you to ask which browser you use and help you w/ that.