Open Support Ticket to Lush Management,
Can you please allow us, paid-members, to have a VERY CONVENIENT option to communicate with ALL members of platform WITHIN THIS PLATFORM?
It is obvious that you are trying to make life harder for non-paid members but you are making paid-members life even harder. I'm very angry and disappointed right now. Who gave you this idea?
This is what you are expecting: non-paid members will buy membership.
This is what you will get in the end: NO. They will hate you, and they will leave the platform.
+ Plus paid-members will hate you as well for spoiling our communication.
+ Paid-members and non-paid members will be forced to communicate on alternative platforms like trillian, google, and whatsoever.
You SHOULD find ways to enchance interaction of people WITHIN Lush, not push them away from here to communicate somewhere else.
When they are new, people first get to know others, they communicate, they want to enhance interaction later on, and then later they buy for membership for enriched interaction with their online friends. This is how it works, at least how it worked for me. Naturally. Noone will pay for a prohibitionist service right from the start. If I were you I would limit non-paid members mailbox daily messages to 50. And their private chat messages daily limit in chatroom to 200. To meaningful limits, not absurd 8 messages daily limit, you cannot even say hi and bye. So that they can communicate comfortably with their beloved friends, and willingly buy membership for further communication without any constraints.
Please fix this as soon as possible. As this change serves no purpose other than causing harm for ALL affected parties including yourselves.
Thank you in advance. Best wishes.