I hate to come out of the box complaining (new here) so let me first assure you I’m not doing that. Just reasonably concerned I may have borked the submission process somehow.
Submitted a story the morning of 4/28. The guidelines (and I did a little research before reaching out) indicate 3 days or so is likely. Now on day 5.
Here’s where a Public Posting of my concern might be of benefit to others:
-During the cut/paste I had a warning that my PC settings wouldn’t allow for (something). So I had to cut/paste again into another box. Once that populated all paragraphs APPEARED to have an extra space between. On the follow up/preview page that again appeared to be the case. So I went back and eliminated the extra spacing on all the paragraphs, by hand in your submission window. The Preview page then appeared normal - or at least it does on my end.
It’s possible that even though it now looks normal to me - your end sees some fucktarded and endless paragraph of near 10k words? Yeah, we don’t want that.
I would assume if that were the case I’d get a note back to that effect? On the other hand, maybe you see that kinda nonsense and figure if I don’t know what a paragraph is then I’m a hopeless cause and forget it, eh? Or maybe it’s simply stuck in limbo or not viewable somehow.
Again, I did do some forum research here and I’m fairly certain I’ve exceeded whatever the que was Wed morning so I figured I best ask at this point (plus others may encounter that UI issue I did and a record of it here might be useful going forward. It happens to me when I cut/paste to email also, btw).
I’m not complaining! I’m just asking if it’s in the que and looks correct in terms of format ; )