Quote by cupidstunts
why am I not able to publish my poem? Lush always gives me the technical difficulty message. I've been trying for over three weeks now. Even asked the Lush team but no answer. If someone would be kind enough to help. I really wana write.
Quote by Mystic_Angel_77
I was reading a published poem "When I'm away from you" by Saltine9001 and about have way through poem i got a line of options (contact us, Help, privacy options, disclaimer, mobile, lush gold) and then again at the end of the poem. Didnt seem right
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Her Helpful Spriteness
thank you for point that out i've fixed it so it reads as intended now - not sure what happened - a bug of sorts, perhaps.