Quote by kistinspencil
I have a 1 showing on the notification bell, but there is nothing on the drop down
This is not a fix, but from my experience of getting these 'ghost' notifications, it usually happens when you get, say, a bunch of notifications from the same person (perhaps a story comment and a Like) or two comments on the same forum thread from two different people.
Depending on how you open these to read them - new tab, click the notification itself, refresh the Interactions panel and click the entry in the list, etc - the system is only informed of the one you interacted with and clears that from the notification queue. But the act of landing on the destination page often means you end up seeing the outcome of both notifications. So it kind of does a 'soft clear' directly from the queue but doesn't also relay that to the notification handler. Thus a mismatch occurs and you get a 'limbo' counter which you can't clear.
Not sure if that's exactly how it works, but something like that might be the culprit. It could also be exacerbated by the fact that, when you click on the notification and it sends off request(s) to clear it down, "an error occured" randomly happens in the background due to a temporary server overload, and the request never gets through or the response gets eaten.
The way to fix it is to wait until another message comes in and use the Clear All link in the bell notification panel. But until you get a new notification, you're stuck with the phantom counter. Annoying glitch.