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Membership Options

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Have the Membership options now changed.
They did offer a one time charge, is that not the case now?
On your timeline page at the bottom left-hand side it should say when your membership ends and have a link to renew or upgrade. Here is the link to the current Lush membership page. It is a yearly charge.

The mobile site of Lush stories offers a monthly charge. I've looked on the mobile site and can't find a listing of the specific charges. Perhaps that is something that can be fixed.

If you have a membership on the Lush desktop site it transfers to the mobile site. So, no need for a double subscription.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
Thank you once again Racy for helping out. I thought I would just state the subscription options on the mobile site for clarity:

Supporter - monthly $9.95 or yearly $45.95

Supporter Plus - monthly $13.95 or yearly $75.95
Thank You both, very much appreciated.