This is probably a really basic question and everyone knows but I'm having a blonde moment so maybe indulge me?
How are the Story Picks on the home page selected? I noticed some are competition entries and some are not.
If they are based on number of 5 votes over the past few days, if they are competition entries, is that not giving them an advantage over other entries and signalling which ones will be shortlisted?
I've always wondered how they get selected, Thanks x
There are two opportunities for authors to be awarded a “top pick,” aka Recommended Read (RR).
1) Through competitions. The top ten are all awarded a RR at the end of the competition, never before.
2) All other RR awards are based on the Story Verifier and how they felt how the story emulated the quality needed to be awarded a RR. Some, but not all, of the expectations are grammar, punctuation, theme, and minimal need for corrections.
Hope that helped.
"I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis
The algorithm is a closely-guarded secret, locked in sprite's liquor cabinet. So, good luck getting to that.
An educated guess, though, is that it probably involves a tally of the number of views/votes/comments over a given time period (hour, day, something?) multiplied by some random numbers selected by the giant hamsters that keep the cogs turning in the fiery pits below the grounds of Lush HQ.
I suspect the phenomenon you see regarding more 'compiness' in the list is because there are a lot of eyes on competition pieces and they garner a lot of votes, views and comments in a short space of time, since most entrants (and the Lush readership at large) read and comment on each other's stories while the competition window is open.
Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:
* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
Well I'd put it this way, if you consider 1 being so poor you'd never read it again, and a 5 being one you can't stop recommending to people you meet.
Only letting people say a story is great isn't really fair.
So they allow you the option of letting a writer know you didn't like a particular story.
Frankly if I got a one and I got actual proper feedback I'd be chuffed.
Forget the score, getting someone to actually say why they thought your story was rubbish is priceless.
Having the freedom to give someone an honest 2, because you felt their story was full of cliches, is fair critique.
Only being able to say it was good, very good or great removes that option.
It hurts to get a low score, but something even the best of us get from time to time.
It's not impossible to be inspired by a similar idea. There could be 2 authors both inspired by Kafka's story and write from the perspective of an animal.
It's also entirely possible for one of us to write a story that sends another writer down a different direction.
Though if I were to be inspired by another writer I'd send them a copy of what I wrote and ask if they wanted a co writer credit for giving me the inspiration in the first place.
I've seen a few stories where people put a writers note that "this story was inspired by X who wrote a wonder story and I used it as the basis for this one."
It seems totally fine with the powers that be. Now blatantly copying someone elses work and sticking a paragraph or two in it would get a finger wag at least.
I'd strongly recommend if you're feeling inspired reach out to your fellow writer. I love to support new writers, and if someone wanted to take one of my ideas to make their own story.
I'd love to work with them on it.
Hope that helps.
If you did give someone a 3, if you put fair comments in the box I doubt they'd remove it. Just lumping a 3 and something vague is going to get it removed. If you don't like something enough to give it a 5 at least let the writer know what they could have done to get a higher score from you.
As a guide line if you want to use someone elses work either give them co writer credit or put them in the authors note so others can see where you got your idea.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.
I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work
For the first time ever, I have noticed a story of mine in the 'Story Picks' list. I am not saying that I have not had any there before, just never noticed it.
It is nice having a story there but I am still intrigued by how it arrives there though, who picks it?
Just curious.
I’m pretty rubbish at writing as far as grammar goes. I also never quite know, or even fully understand where all the commas go. Still, having said that, my claim to fame is being top of the charts on both sites at the same time. It only happened once. I often get low scores from people who never leave a comment. I also get some lovely comments from people who don’t leave scores. I’m just happy that some people read my stuff and enjoy it. It’s really the comments that keep me writing. When they stop, I’ll stop.
Be nice to each other