Hi I'm trying to post a story written in another app and I'm unable to cut and paste it onto the site. Any suggestions?
Can you copy and paste the story to a plain text program (like notepad) on your device, then copy and paste it from that?
Which device are you using?
I'm using a Note3. I wrote it in the S-Notes app. The problem I'm having is that I can't click on the site's text field to paste it...
Why does the message "You can't post empty messages" appear when I try to paste a GIF in the forums. I can paste the same GIF on other peoples wall though. What am I doing wrong and how do I correct it?
Sorry for being so electronically challenged, but your suggestion didn't work as per my last 2 posts in the gold lounge under the thread Cum on Pretty Faces.
Ok I tried again, it didn't work. I did what you said and when I left clicked to place the blinking cursor between the 2 brackets separating the imgs I then right clicked so paste would come up and the cursor immediately jumped to the extreme right bracket. When I pasted you can see the results. Sorry you're not the first person who has tried to help me with this. I've never been able to post a picture or gif in the forums and it looks like I never will. Thank you for trying.
Wait! Nevermind, I figured it out!!