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Cover image problem.

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Active Ink Slinger

i am trying to use the new cover image. i go in there and upload my image. Add the text so it shows right. i go to save, and there is a button that says Save to Story. i clicked on it and it says it's building template It takes a few seconds, then stops. There is no cover image in my story.

i go back in and click on the cover image, and it's there but doesn't show in profile mode or edit mode. I clicked on Save as New Template, and it's been thinking for well over five minutes. maybe ten.

Writius Eroticus

Hmmm, that's weird. I'll ask if the developers can check this out for you. Thanks for the report.

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Super Admin

Is this a brand new cover image or is it one of the covers with "Fallen Angel" text that are currently on your account?

Are you using the same device / browser that you used to create your "Super Soakers" template?

Active Ink Slinger

i am using the same computer, a Macbook Air, and Chrome, all running the current version.

i'm trying to get one of those in my story. When it didn't show up, I tried again so I could see why there were multiples there. Fallen Angel, I am bringing in a picture I found on line, while Super Soaker, i just dropped in an image like before . it did see the new cover image stuff, but i didn't use it.

It seemed I was missing a click somewhere or didn't understand something. maybe both.

i just went through the process again

1) i opened my draft Fallen Angel

2) i clicked on the empty story cover and it opened up to the image i've been working on. it looks ok so i click on save

3) that changes the window to show two options a) save to story. b)save to template.

4) if i click on save to story, it works for a short bit then it says its building either the story cover or the new template, i'm not sure

i f i save the template, I get a spinning wheel thing forever. I left it working and it was going two hrs later.

it seems straight forward. but?

Super Admin

We have just pushed a change, are you able to try this again?

Active Ink Slinger

It is showing in preview, so it worked, whatever you did. Thank you for the prompt response.

Active Ink Slinger


I'm back with a problem again. I created a cover image for Cuckold Pleasures, and it showed immediately. I noticed the author's name; a bit of it was obscured by the background, so I tried to add a shape, but it is black, and the black type wouldn't show. Okay, so I got rid of the shape and used the right justification, and it moved just right.

But it doesn't show in edit mode or in preview mode.

If I go to edit the cover image, it is still there the way it works.

Site administrator

I will ask Dan to look at this again.

Super Admin

Unfortunately we found an issue with the release that resolved your issue and had to roll back to an older version. We hope to have a fix up and reinstate the fix for your issue today.

Active Ink Slinger

The weekend wife is still lonely with no cover image that shows. Am I doing something wrong?

Site administrator

Quote by keylime314159

The weekend wife is still lonely with no cover image that shows. Am I doing something wrong?

Oh see thats the problem.. nobody works weekends.😎 Again I will refer this to Dan.


It seems Lush is deleting images in my Media…is this another penalty for not subscribing? Each restriction edges me closer to completely eliminating my desire to ever subscribe again. I did re-up because of the technical issues and continue to be frustrated.

Site administrator

Quote by Icarus4

It seems Lush is deleting images in my Media…is this another penalty for not subscribing? Each restriction edges me closer to completely eliminating my desire to ever subscribe again. I did re-up because of the technical issues and continue to be frustrated.

If a moderator or administrator removes media from a members media centre that is recorded and there are no such records on your account.

Site administrator

Quote by keylime314159

The weekend wife is still lonely with no cover image that shows. Am I doing something wrong?

We cant see an issue here... could you have another look/go please.

Dirty Stop-out

Quote by keylime314159

i am trying to use the new cover image. i go in there and upload my image. Add the text so it shows right. i go to save, and there is a button that says Save to Story. i clicked on it and it says it's building template It takes a few seconds, then stops. There is no cover image in my story.

i go back in and click on the cover image, and it's there but doesn't show in profile mode or edit mode. I clicked on Save as New Template, and it's been thinking for well over five minutes. maybe ten.

I find this issue if I go to an already published story without an image and click on the add cover picture banner at the top.

I make the image and click save but it puts me back in the story as published.

I then have to go to edit story again and click on the add cover image and select the cover image that i had made.

This confused me the first time I did it

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