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Category Strictness?

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Advanced Wordsmith

So in my quest for the omnium badge, I am wondering how strict the mods are with category strictness, especially if things overlap. Could someone write an erotic poem on a true event and put it in the true category? I know the only category supersede is ' fantasy' but what about the other ones? like with the true poetry idea, or like a cuckold that is also about loving your wife, does it go in wife lovers or cuckold, is it the author's choice, or is it like the mods' final say on category regardless of the author's placement, (unless the author puts a note for the mod upon submission) I'm just wondering about this cos a lot of my ideas for stories do straddle a few categories, and while I may try to put it in one category to get the omnium badge, it may get moved by the approving mod, if they think it belongs better in another category, where I have already posted a story for. So just wanted to know how strict the mods are with that, to keep mindful of it as I go along. Thanks.

Charming as fuck

Quote by LuceDevlin

So in my quest for the omnium badge, I am wondering how strict the mods are with category strictness, especially if things overlap. Could someone write an erotic poem on a true event and put it in the true category? I know the only category supersede is ' fantasy' but what about the other ones? like with the true poetry idea, or like a cuckold that is also about loving your wife, does it go in wife lovers or cuckold, is it the author's choice, or is it like the mods' final say on category regardless of the author's placement, (unless the author puts a note for the mod upon submission) I'm just wondering about this cos a lot of my ideas for stories do straddle a few categories, and while I may try to put it in one category to get the omnium badge, it may get moved by the approving mod, if they think it belongs better in another category, where I have already posted a story for. So just wanted to know how strict the mods are with that, to keep mindful of it as I go along. Thanks.

No for poetry going anywhere other than the poetry categories (except poetry, and don't even start me on that), but other than that, we're not too strict. So long as one of the main themes of the story fit in the category you pick, it's really yours to decide.

Might be worth putting a mod mote in though, just to advise.

Writius Eroticus

We rarely change category unless it's been obviously mis-categorised.

And further to what Jen said, use the category for the main theme and tags for the remaining themes, to maximise your chances of someone browsing tags they are interested in and finding your story.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Advanced Wordsmith

Gotcha, Thanks to both of you for your replies. Much appreciated!