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Adding media to albums

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Active Ink Slinger

I’m glad there is at least one technically fluent person on here that could put my complaint into proper words. Thanks WannabeWordsmith. 👍👍👍

Active Ink Slinger

The other problem with Infiniscroll is that once a certain number of images have loaded onto the page, that page uses significant amounts of memory. This usually means that it reloads……right back to the top again. I can never access the images at the end of my feed.

Writius Eroticus

Quote by Yeahme
The other problem with Infiniscroll is that once a certain number of images have loaded onto the page, that page uses significant amounts of memory.

Absolutely. And to mitigate that, programmers come up with all sorts of fancy tricks to unload content that's outside the viewport to keep performance up and memory usage down. These have the UX downside that if you scroll back up, the browser has to make further server requests to replenish the unloaded content, which slows down scrolls and increases bandwidth usage - a bad idea on mobile networks.

The solution is - and always has been, since the dawn of the web - to paginate such content using URL variables on discrete page loads, and to cache the hell out of images. Fast. Efficient. Great user experience.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

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* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Active Ink Slinger

What you said………lol

Voyeur @ f/64

I've had a number of people complain that they can only get so far in my media page scroll and my images are tiny in comparison to some of the vids posted. Doesn't seem worthwhile posting 1300+ images to share, if only a few hundred can be seen. And I completely gave up trying to find any particular image to use in a post. I just upload it again, wait the 5 or 6 hours for it to show, then delete it when done, further backlogging the system.

**Smile, it's free therapy**

Quote by kistinspencil
And I completely gave up trying to find any particular image to use in a post.

Be specific in your wording when searching, and you can find almost any image you want on Google - copy & paste the image URL to the post.

Quote by kistinspencil
I just upload it again, wait the 5 or 6 hours for it to show, then delete it when done, further backlogging the system.

Personally, I wouldn't complain about the media uploads issue (where there is a genuine issue) if consciously double-adding images is my method of sharing to threads and posts, when I remove them from the gallery anyway and then delete the duplicate.

There isn't any logic which I can see in that, unless, it's for a story cover.

I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.

You might as well check them out:



Voyeur @ f/64

Quote by kistinspencil
And I completely gave up trying to find any particular image to use in a post.

Be specific in your wording when searching, and you can find almost any image you want on Google - copy & paste the image URL to the post.

Quote by kistinspencil
I just upload it again, wait the 5 or 6 hours for it to show, then delete it when done, further backlogging the system.

Personally, I wouldn't complain about the media uploads issue (where there is a genuine issue) if consciously double-adding images is my method of sharing to threads and posts, when I remove them from the gallery anyway and then delete the duplicate.

There isn't any logic which I can see in that, unless, it's for a story cover.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. This is not about searching Google or anywhere else off site. I have no interest in tapping the latest porn feed to nourish the Gallery. This is about trying to re-find an image on my own Media Page.

The media engine is overburdened (running 6+ hours behind currently) for the images being uploaded. That I am forced to add to these woes because of a poorly considered and unasked for change to my personal media page display makes me want to simply stop sharing altogether.

I know, I know; try to hold back your tears.

**Smile, it's free therapy**

Quote by kistinspencil

Sorry for the misunderstanding. This is not about searching Google or anywhere else off site. I have no interest in tapping the latest porn feed to nourish the Gallery. This is about trying to re-find an image on my own Media Page.

The media engine is overburdened (running 6+ hours behind currently) for the images being uploaded. That I am forced to add to these woes because of a poorly considered and unasked for change to my personal media page display makes me want to simply stop sharing altogether.

I know, I know; try to hold back your tears.

Okay, apologies. That makes a lot more sense now.

Maybe it was unasked for, but I dont think it was poorly considered at all. Some things work faultlessly in development stages then they only go squiffy in a live environment.

Still, it makes no sense that you would double up on your images, knowing the system isn't working properly.

It'll get fixed.

I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.

You might as well check them out:



Writius Eroticus

Further to this, and the announcement about media limits, these are now in place. Pagination on media profiles has made a welcome return, but there's a slight late-breaking snag: pagination beyond page 1 forgets the album you were in.

This should be patched fairly soon (hopefully tomorrow, with luck: don't hold me to that) but in the meantime, if you want to navigate to subsequent pages in an album, you'll need to add the album ID into the URL by hand:

1. Navigate to the album you want to browse.

2. Copy the album={id_numbers} from the URL.

3. Navigate to a page using the buttons or pagination input.

4. Add the album ID you copied back into the URL, after an ampersand: &album={id_numbers}

Unfortunately you'll need to add the album ID each time you visit a different page. But hopefully it won't be for long when a patch is issued.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Voyeur @ f/64

This is very good news. So much easier to work with now. Pagination works fine in the main Public album and only does the jump back in any secondary ones.

And my uploads took less than an hour today woohoo!

Quote by kistinspencil

This is very good news. So much easier to work with now. Pagination works fine in the main Public album and only does the jump back in any secondary ones.

And my uploads took less than an hour today woohoo!

Do you upload to pvt albums?

I just saw simplyjohn's pics on the gallery section--the fucking slice of bread on the net. I'm laughing.

Voyeur @ f/64


Do you upload to pvt albums?

Not very often, but it takes just as long as public uploads when I do.

Voyeur @ f/64


I just saw simplyjohn's pics on the gallery section--the fucking slice of bread on the net. I'm laughing.

If that's his bait, it's nearly as big as the fish he caught. If he switched to tortillas, he could do fish tacos right there.

(I had to go look)

Voyeur @ f/64


Do you upload to pvt albums?

I just tested -- same image to a public album, a private, and to Misc. All posted at same time after about 45 minutes.

Site administrator


I just saw simplyjohn's pics on the gallery section--the fucking slice of bread on the net. I'm laughing.

Soooooooooo I was on holiday fishing and for a laugh put that in my landing net and this was the caption I posted in a moderators thread 'The second fish I caught today I have never seen or heard of. Apparently its only found in Shropshire and the locals have nicknamed it 'Hammy Sammy'... how silly is that.'

Yes ok my sense of humour sucks.

Writius Eroticus

Pagination of albums is now fixed. Thanks to the dev team for the swift response to the gremlin.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by simplyjohn

Soooooooooo I was on holiday fishing...

I know when you go on holidays. I have you on my calendar, permanently. You can't hide from me!!!

Quote by simplyjohn

'The second fish I caught today I have never seen or heard of. Apparently its only found in Shropshire and the locals have nicknamed it 'Hammy Sammy'... how silly is that.'

< evil loud ass laugh that turns into itty bitty giggles >

If I got you laughing w/ the almond nut joke, then we're in the same boat. Now, row row row your boat gently down the stream...

Dirty Stop-out

John, I saw this and thought of you...

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

Site administrator

Quote by deviantsusie

John, I saw this and thought of you...

That gave me a good giggle so thank you. smile

Active Ink Slinger

Im having difficulty loading media into my files. Ive cleared history and cookies to no avail. Have i exceeded some Sort of limit? Any recommendations!

Site administrator

Quote by funlovin13126

Im having difficulty loading media into my files. Ive cleared history and cookies to no avail. Have i exceeded some Sort of limit? Any recommendations!

I will have a look at this and PM you.

Quote by funlovin13126

Im having difficulty loading media into my files. Ive cleared history and cookies to no avail. Have i exceeded some Sort of limit? Any recommendations!

John(SimplyJohn) has first dibs on images being uploaded. He checks the products to measure "stroke per min"

Depends if he's satisfied, then it'll post, if not, he'll blame the "Gallery being clogged"

Site administrator


John(SimplyJohn) has first dibs on images being uploaded. He checks the products to measure "stroke per min"

Depends if he's satisfied, then it'll post, if not, he'll blame the "Gallery being clogged"

You are such a fruitcake (English slang... look it up)! 😇

Quote by simplyjohn

You are such a fruitcake (English slang... look it up)! 😇

I love when you call me names.