Quote by TonyZ
Is it better to do the right thing with the wrong person? or he wrong thing with the right person? Don't ask what I mean, it is a philosophical question to be interpreted freely... I am just curious about your answers.
Quote by SereneProdigy
As you say Tony, this can be interpreted as a lot of ways.
But to me, it all comes down to choosing between doing 'something right' vs doing 'something wrong'... with a certain person. So I choose 'doing the right thing with the wrong person'.
I did the right thing, it can't be that wrong, doesn't it? Even if it's with the wrong person...
Quote by dpw
Some guy, maybe a vet, is begging in the street and he looks starving. You give him money which he uses to buy heroin, overdoses and dies. You did the right thing with the wrong person.
Quote by SereneProdigy
I did the right thing, it can't be that wrong, doesn't it? Even if it's with the wrong person...
Quote by SereneProdigy
"Hmm, I'm gonna fuck you hard, call you a slut, lick your anus, then cum all over your boobs. This is so fucking wrong!"
Quote by TonyZ
When you feel sick do you search for a veterinary to talk about your illness? LOL
Quote by TonyZ
To me there is nothing wrong with that statement... what's wrong about enjoying sex between two consenting adults? no matter the kink, it will never be wrong... especially if, as stated, you do it with the person you love!!! Could it be that you think that what you described is wrong because society has made you think that way? and if that is true, perhaps me having sex with a person of my same gender may also be considered as doing the right thing with the wrong person. But I do not believe that neither case is true. Have you ever heard the phrase that says: "How can it be so wrong, if it feels so right?".
I suggest that you talk to your soul mate about what you really want and like. I am sure you will be surprised about how similar your tastes are to hers.
Quote by TonyZ
Could it be that you think that what you described is wrong because society has made you think that way? and if that is true, perhaps me having sex with a person of my same gender may also be considered as doing the right thing with the wrong person. But I do not believe that neither case is true.
Quote by TonyZ
Is it better to do the right thing with the wrong person? or he wrong thing with the right person? Don't ask what I mean, it is a philosophical question to be interpreted freely... I am just curious about your answers.