So. I hope that this LGBT forum is more polite than the others I've been to, because i have a few questions....
-how do you tell someone that you are trans when they have been your best friend for years and you know they aren't very accepting of that sorrt of thing?
-how do you find a trans therapist in the area when they aren't listed on the major sites?
-how do you come out to parents who are not accepting at all about that and are likely to shun you or call you stupid?
Look I'm sure a lot of you are going to tell me a website to go to or to google it. don't waste my time. I've looked. unless you can be truly helpful and supportive don't comment please. Thanks loves
I don't know much about this but it just seems to me if you are accepting of yourself, if you live like it's the most normal and natural way to be and don't think of it as weird enough to require therapy, those who really care about you as a person will come around and those who don't come around don't really care about you as a a person. It requires inner strength and courage and you have to love yourself. I don't know if that helps. Maybe also find new friends who are more like you, I'm sure there are others in your metropolitan area.
I live in a tiny community hon haha. i grew up in a town of 1200 people and am moving to a "city" of not much more, but thanks for the support
Excellent response from She. I can't improve on anything, so I won't even try.
I wish you all the best. One thing you have going for you is your age and the times we live in today. Steps like this were much more difficult 30 years ago. Probably why I never said anything to anyone and stayed locked in fear my whole life.
My life is a secret, except for the guys I have fun with. Coming out and being openly gay and a cross dresser would be difficult where I live and in my situation. One day I might.
The only person you need to come out to is yourself as you don't need to come out to anyone