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How did you discover your inner desire for the same sex?

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Active Ink Slinger
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I had been crossdressing for a while and wondering about cock since seeing my friend jack off.
He asked if I wanted to wear his sister's bra and panties. I jumped on the chance. He told me after I put them on that I looked like a girl and I should suck his cock.
It seemed so natural at the moment so I dropped to my knees and took his hard cock in my mouth. After he finished he lowered his mouth over my cock and finished me. He always wanted me in panties and bra after that to suck him off. I loved it!
It wasn't something I expected to happen that day, but it was great and led to years of us sucking each other off and me on a lifetime of crossdressing!
Advanced Wordsmith
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Well I'm trans and this is the short version. (I'm hoping to write a story about it) I was dressing up and my male friends rocked up. At this point I was solely attracted to women. But his hand on my ass led to his cock in my mouth. I hadn't even thought about men before that. Now I'm hooked.
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Rookie Scribe
At first it was just a curious move for me to try to flirt with the same sex during my early teens.

That first try has gone well although It feels like I'm breaking the rules of humanity, seemed to me like I'm making a very unforgivable sin in my entire life.

Although I knew I was breaking a , I still continued to let myself do what my heart desires.

There is fear, nervousness and awkwardness but still I can't help, but give in.

Well, as long as I am happy and not hurting anyone. I can see no problem. smile
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I guess I always knew my attraction to men and women. I am a bisexual. The earliest was watching a man masturbate and wondering what his cum tasted like.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by keyway
At first it was just a curious move for me to try to flirt with the same sex during my early teens.

That first try has gone well although It feels like I'm breaking the rules of humanity, seemed to me like I'm making a very unforgivable sin in my entire life.

Although I knew I was breaking a , I still continued to let myself do what my heart desires.

There is fear, nervousness and awkwardness but still I can't help, but give in.

Well, as long as I am happy and not hurting anyone. I can see no problem. smile

I understand how hard bucking social norms is, especially if your family doesn't get it. I advise you live your life how you want to. There are no do overs and you don't want end up regretting this time of your life.
Advanced Wordsmith
It's difficult for me to pin down exactly when it happened. I knew that I had a strong attraction to men from the moment I started looking at porn online. Men were just more interesting, but I never let that bleed through into my social life. I kind of kept that as my 'dirty little secret'. I had a crush on one of my high school teachers, and that unsettled me, even with the porn thing in my past. I felt that something was wrong, so I resolved to staunchly force down those desires.

It wasn't exactly a good start.

I came out of high school a virgin. I could get close to girls in a relationship, but I felt that I could only really have sex with men. I think that might be one of the most difficult things about identifying yourself as both butch and gay. The sex appeal and approachability factors were all the wrong way about. As a result, I couldn't let myself get close to anyone. It was only a few years ago that I finally let myself be seduced by a gay man. It was pretty embarassing now that I think about it, but it was honestly one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.

When I came out to my mum, she told me that she had been expecting me to do that much earlier. She had even taken the precaution of sharing her suspicions with my brothers to minimize any fallback. She's pretty much the coolest. smile

My life has no meaning, no direction, no aim. No purpose. But I'm happy. I can't wrap my head around this. What the fuck am I doing right?
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Very interesting topic - and thought provoking replies. I see many similarities with my evolution but I'm sure none of us are identical in all the nuances associated with such a personal aspect of life. In hindsight, I think my desires sat latent for a long time and it was accidental (or fate lol) during a masturbation edging session - perusing different porn clips - I stumbled on a MFM scene - the guys were bi - I was highly aroused at the time and just got struck by it. In the following few months, I'd turn to clips like that near the end of my edging session - but over a period of time, I would watch right from the beginning. It was then that I realized I really did have bi desires.

I'm in my mid-40's - and what I described first happened about 3 years ago. I will add that shortly after I became a masturbating teen, I've enjoyed prostate massage and have played with all sorts of toys and other things - but I don't think that is a connection point to bi desires - it's more related to a desire for maximum pleasure.
i would say i was about 16 i my other friends always talked about the guys they thought were hot but guys never did anything for me, i always thought about my friends in that way and at first i was too nervous to say anything about it since i didnt want to lose my friends.
Active Ink Slinger
I was dared to kiss another girl. I had no intentions/desires of ever doing that before that night. I was 16. I learned later she had set me up.
I sort of enjoyed the open mouth with her and her tongue. Her hand was fondling my breasts. I was beginning to enjoy it when I realised the audience was getting more out of it than I was. I stopped it then. and there. (The cheering changed to Boooo's.)
Later she approached me again and we went private. I was curious to know more about why I had felt like I did with her earlier. I had not been revolted or upset by the embrace. Before I knew it we were both naked and having one of the most amazing times of my life. She was lesbian and a couple of years older than me and fancied me she said. We became lovers and I enjoyed the difference having already been with a boy or two.
I could not resist boys as well and without realising it I was Bi-sexual. That ended my first girl/girl affair as she objected to me having sex with boys as well as her. I had enjoyed my time with her and I began to experiment. Now I have known the joys of being a bisexual woman for many years. Our boyfriends (FWB) are also Bi. I will leave it there.
Active Ink Slinger
Seduced at a tender age in Gibraltar ....(on his yacht!). This led on to other "exciting" episodes in my life x
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Rookie Scribe
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I always knew but as for when I acted on it about 20 it was ok but as I got more into it it became better the. Beat sex I have ever had was and will be ft a woman
i started when i was naked with mates in the changeroom and i got massive erection. They kind of made a joke of it which made me feel weird cos i didn't understand it at first but then later on i foundmyself looking at guys dicksand getting turned on
Active Ink Slinger
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I was quite young at the time so I really don't remember every thing but guilt no.I just recall being afraid anyone would find out.It was mostly curiosity & I still dated girls after that. In my 20's I went for both but was discreet about it.When I got married at 29 that ended for the next 23yrs.I remained monogamous to my wife.After my divorce I went back to my old ways. As always I keep it hush hush & practice safe sex. I don't want my family & friends to know. I don't think they would understand.
Active Ink Slinger
Dunno. Back in kindergarten I was always hit with an impulse to show off to the prettiest girl in the class, aka my crush, like 'hey I got Mario at home wanna play with me?', but for some reason only the guys showed interest. Needless to say as I got older, the feelings became more complex (the self-hate at realizing that what I was wasn't "normal",etc) so....yeah.
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I can not remember not being bi. The first naked man I saw, I wanted to have sex with him.......suck him, lick him, fondle him........and women the same..........I guess I have always been whether it is a man, a cd, a woman.........I desire them
Advanced Wordsmith
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I started dressing through my attraction and desires for it. as I grew looking at other guys in the locker room at school and as I got older the desires to look at another man's body was overcoming to me. I also found myself wanting to meet and talk to more about sexual topics to see if they had those same desires while in conversation and then my inner desires to have sexual interaction with another man sealed the fact that I am and need to be with others of my same sex
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I was impressionable and through circumstances another female who wanted me to feel very special was in a position to make me feel that way. Though platonic at first, sexual activity was a natural extension of making me feel special. I'm grateful for her presence in my life. She made it feel very normal, fortunately.
Active Ink Slinger
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I was oblivious to my desires until they were suddenly awakened. Then a lot of the feelings I had since I was very young made sense. I waited until I was an adult to explore them.
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Since I was very young I always felt a unique connection to my being feminine. As I got older I had a couple of experiences with men, well boys and men, not extensive but enough to realize how I felt about it. Later I became very attractive to men and acted upon it whenever I could and with whomever I could. Now I am trying to continue to explore my femininity and act upon my attraction to men.
Active Ink Slinger
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Had some boy/boy experiences when I was young both ways...and liked them. Then had an older man sucked me when I was in my late twenties or early thirties. I enjoyed all of them but always considered myself as straight. I had to retire three years ago due to age-related memory issues and had lots of time on my hand since my wife is 8 years younger than me and still works. Son got me an XBOX and I like playing on it (RPG not shooter games) but had enough tv, game playing and road trips and looked for other entertainment. Found LUSH and (thinking it was a porn site) I checked out pics then I started reading stories and realized that this was not a Girlie Porn site but there were stories of gay, lesbian, bisex of men & women and male/female. The feelings I had years ago game forth and these stores, pics, discussions and chats had me realize what I not really faced before - I am Bi-Curious and definitely know I want to be bisexed. I have bought some dildos and vibrators and been using them on myself and it is very satisfying, Now I want to and have made contact with others here toward meeting together some time and making that my wants and needs reality.
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
In-House Sapiosexual
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I was always very aware of my body, taught to value it and see beauty in it. I've also always been
a very affectionate and physical person. Of course, that would translate into how I looked at
other females, respect for their body, being drawn to them as a person and that leading to the
display of affection--depending on the depth of what has drawn me. My first attempts to explore
sexually was with females. I've always loved men. Always. But I can enjoy the closeness and love
of a woman and return it. It is different (for me) and has always been quite natural. I never
experienced any regret in regards to it.
? A True Story ?
Active Ink Slinger
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For me it was one of those truth or dare game. She was dared to french any girl and she chose me. It was a very incredible kiss that sent shivers through out my body. You know one of those kisses that makes you want to keep it going until the next day. we became friends after that but nothing more than kissing at a party or bar tio get the guys excited ever happened untill one night I drank too much and the sex was amazing.
Active Ink Slinger
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Two girls in my class in High School told me that they actually developed a crush on me. Nothing happened and I laughed it off as I was too busy with a boy as that was also around the time a lot of my friends had boyfriends. But something got registered in my mind and soon I was checking out girls instead of guys. At first it was more of a curiosity but as first attempt went well, I continued to let myself do what I want. There has never been any fear but I was nervous initially just because of confusion in the mind, probably because lots of things were happening simultaneously at that time. And when it all got cleared, I realized that sex between women is different but feels natural to me. I enjoy love of a woman and also love to reciprocate it.
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
Rookie Scribe
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I thought I was straight until a friend invited me to sleep over after a concert. We had to share his bed but it was big enough that we weren't touching, and I soon fell asleep. I don't know how long I'd been asleep when I was woken up by the most delicious feeling of heat and wetness on my cock, and realised that my friend was sucking on it. It felt so damned good that I just couldn't stop him, especially when he sucked even harder when I told him I was going to cum.
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When I was at school in the shower and changing rooms. I realised that I looked at other girls and the thoughts and feelings I was experiencing, but never the boys. Upon returning home I would masturbate through fantasies that were driven by who I had seen in the showers, changing rooms and classrooms.
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I was young and naïve when a classmate showed me what he **edited by moderator** used to do "down on the farm." He blew me for a short while, told me it was my turn to blow him. I had no second thoughts, knowing how it felt when he blew me. **edited by moderator** I've loved giving blow jobs ever since.

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Summer camp when I was 13,kissed a fellow camper loved it never regretted it
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As odd as it might sound, I never really thought about it seriously until getting married for the second time later in life. I was introduced to the pleasures of being with another woman in recent years by my new husband who has led me to many, many new experiences! It started right on our honeymoon in the Caribbean.

Another couple adds to the Electricity story by Cindy
Active Ink Slinger
I am nit sure yet. I think that I am still discovering it. would you like to help me?