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All-Time Favorite Games

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cod , need for speed, ms pac man, tanks, dirt2,
The original 'Driver' on the playstation
Quote by SereneProdigy

5- Arkham series (2009-2015)

Awesome stories, awesome characters, awesome action... and you play as the goddamn Batman. What else do you need?

Have to AGREE... There is NOTHING ELSE YOU NEED with this SERIES, although this is my number 1.

Bio-Shock series, miss playing this since my 360 stopped working and then heard that they are bringing some back games to the ONE BOX, (gutted as my partner got the PS4 Christmas before last!!!; But that was so I wouldn't miss out playing my No.1 series)
Farcry... Diablo... Heroes of might and magic
I played Pac Man when it came out as a table in a hotel bar I stayed at on a regular basis. I played snake on my first cell phone. I even played the dogfighting games on my computer. Competed with other players online for a while.

BUT my favorite is still Monopoly.

That may make me old fashion, but so be it.

Mine would have to be:

I absolutely love the entire Bioshock series and would love to see a new one. I also love The Last of Us and Uncharted series. I also love games by From Software such as Bloodborne and Dark Souls.
I've loved the Sims games ever since I was twelve. The older I get, the better they get, and the more I like them.
If it's okay to add old-fashioned games, then I like to play a card game egyptian war, also known as rat screw.
MarioKart Wii (best video game EVER)
Civilization (best computer game ever)
Wii tennis
Sim City
Doom (first person shooters are boring now, but when Doom first came out, wow!)
DOOM(thanks to my wonderful father for letting me steal his system and games)

I still like to visit arcades in the valley--mostly mom and pop doughnut shops and spend my quarters on MORTAL KOMBAT and STREET FIGHTER--then elbowing friends--I don't like to lose--wink.
It's hard to say 'cause some games you loved "back in the day" now seem bloody terrible. But going from how much I enjoyed them at the time and/or still do, in no particular order.

Final Fantasy VIII
Metal Gear Solid (1 or 2, i'm not sure)
Lollipop Chainsaw
Rock Band 3
Forza Horizon 2
Sunset Overdrive
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Metropolis Street Racer
I do have an all-time favourite.

Mass Effect.

For me, Mass Effect II was sublime, pace, drama, awesome characters and the greatest ending of any game ever. It also came with one of the best DLCs ever too - Lair of the Shadow Broker.
I even got the ending to III which hurt.

I might have got something in my eye when one of the characters died too, damn grit.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The devil's going to make me a free woman. The devil's going to set me free. Dead bodies everywhere...
Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition... Second one had improved battle play but was unimpressed with story and setting.
Portal and Portal 2 (especially the second one, the coop in it was brilliant too)
Fable II & III

Best game I never played - Heavy Rain. I watched someone else play it start to finish and loved it.

Rainbow Islands (old arcade game remade for PS1 I never managed to finish)
Super Mario Bros. III and Super Mario World
Crash Bandicoot
Rock Band & Guitar Hero ... so much fun
Super Mario Galaxy and Galaxy 2
Any recent Super Mario Bros stuff

Love all of the Legend of Zelda games. Majora's Mask is my favorite
I've been playing the Borderlands series lately; I finished the first Borderlands a short while ago, I just started Borderlands 2 last week. I'm really not into shooter games usually... but damn am I having a tremendously fun time with these games, haha.

This might be old news for hardcore gamers (the first installment was released 7 years ago), but the concept of these games is so original and fun. Essentially, these are brutal shooters with heavy role-playing elements incorporated: you can pick from many different characters each with his/her own set of abilities, you need to level up to upgrade your skills, you have to find/buy new weapons as your journey progresses, etc.

The most awesome aspect is that you can build your hero according to your own personality and playstyle: you can either be a sharpshooter that strategically kills enemies from afar or a brutal brawler that kills gigantic creatures with his bare fists... it's all good (and oh-so-fun).

The presentation and setting are so compelling too. The games are rendered with a toon-shading style and you keep traveling on a harsh planet that's entirely covered with wastelands, encountering plenty of psychotic bandits and peculiar characters along the way. It's all inherently so dumb and crazy, and yet there's something quite clever and artistic about it all.

I highly recommend these games:

Boarderlands is really fun especially with a friend or two to play with. Was great to find strategies that would work great together with a friend.
Quote by Zel
Boarderlands is really fun especially with a friend or two to play with. Was great to find strategies that would work great together with a friend.

I can definitely see the appeal... the Borderlands games are almost 'meant' to be played as a team. I know that there are a few optional bosses who are practically impossible to defeat all by yourself as a solo player. Plus sometimes you find amazing gear that your own character can't quite use adequately and that you'd love to give to a fellow teammate. I never play online usually, but I'd sure love to find like-minded players to play these games with.

I played the first game as Mordecai the Hunter, dispatching enemies with my sniper rifle before they even knew what hit them. Now in Borderlands 2, I've decided to engage in a completely different playstyle and I'm playing as Krieg the Psycho, haha. I'm loving the challenge, that character is just so counterintuitive; essentially the more reckless/suicidal I am, the more crazy perks I can unleash.

And his sane/insane split personality is just so hilarious as I'm playing, haha:

Kreig is awesome to play as. Scared the crap out of my buddies when you use his special and transform into the massive dude
My brother and I used to jam on Crash Bandicoot all the time on the PS1 as children. We were also big into Gran Turismo and Hercules.

I am, and always will be a 'The Sims' girl. I haven't played in years due to time restraints and being so darn busy, but if I had the opportunity and if Origin hadn't effed everything up, I would still be playing, or I would start playing again.
Spades. Monopoly. Clue. Pong.
Quote by Zel
Kreig is awesome to play as. Scared the crap out of my buddies when you use his special and transform into the massive dude

It's actually going to take a while before I can witness this ability myself. I'm playing as a fire-based Krieg, so I've been mostly investing into the Hellborn skill-tree up to now. So far things are going great, my build is working exactly as I intended. The only thing that sucks is that I've been rather unlucky with my loot; all the best guns I've found came into the corrosive element rather than fire, haha. I seriously have like 5-6 godly corrosive weapons, and only 1-2 decent fire ones.

I'm only level 35 currently and my skills look like this. Considering that the ability that you're talking about is the very last in the Mania skill-tree, I won't get there until at least level 60 or so:

Quote by SereneProdigy

It's actually going to take a while before I can witness this ability myself. I'm playing as a fire-based Krieg, so I've been mostly investing into the Hellborn skill-tree up to now. So far things are going great, my build is working exactly as I intended. The only thing that sucks is that I've been rather unlucky with my loot; all the best guns I've found came into the corrosive element rather than fire, haha. I seriously have like 5-6 godly corrosive weapons, and only 1-2 decent fire ones.

I'm only level 35 currently and my skills look like this. Considering that the ability that you're talking about is the very last in the Mania skill-tree, I won't get there until at least level 60 or so:

I did that tree too. They are all really fun, just depends on how you want to play. I usually go Mania cause its massive risk mass reward style and my team can rez me if things go south.