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Why I only eat free range chicken and eggs

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Quote by Buz

Well, we'll just have to promote organic. Fresh is best, fresh veggies, fresh homegrown eggs & dairy, etc. I'm lucky, though I live in the city, I often have access to fresh from the farm because I have a lot of relatives that live on farms.

Fucking CRACKER...

xx SF

Quote by stephanie
This is an interesting point...

The answer is TWOFOLD... (I'm a BIG meat eater, BTW...)

Organic animals IN THE MAIN are fed a LESS PROCESSED DIET than 'battery farmed' animals. It's a QUALITY IN-QUALITY OUT argument. A corn-fed organic chicken will TASTE BETTER than a similar battery-farmed animal simply because its feed quality is better. This is ACTUALLY PROVEABLE if you take a look in your local supermarket. ORGANIC fillet chicken breasts, (for example) LOOK DARKER and richer than factory fed birds. And they taste better!


An egg from a a free-range hen as opposed to a factory hen WILL BE DARKER AND RICHER IN BOTH YOLK COLOUR AND FLAVOR...


Factory farmed animals of all types, by virtue of the unsanitary conditions in which they are raised, are BOMBARDED with anti-virals, anti-pesticides and other chemical treatments. This WILL ensure that they are safe to eat, BUT, because these chemicals INHIBIT the animals natural biological defense system, natural anti-virals etc are NOT produced. And here's the weird bit. An animal with NATURALLY OCCURING ANTI-VIRALS in its system TASTES BETTER!!! (It's been proved!!! The naturally produced enzymes and chemicals actually FLAVOUR the animal's meat in a way that artificial compounds simply don't!)

Now, I'm a qualified Chef... (FUCK OFF I REALLY AM!!!) I USE both factory farmed AND free-range meat produce. But it depends on WHAT I'm preparing and WHO I'm serving. If I'm doing CURRIED CHICKEN, for example, fuckkit, I'm on the cheapest fillets I can buy. OTHER FLAVOURS are going to usurp the basic chicken taste and I can correct that by adding a stock cube to the sauce... (I use KNORR GEL STOCK CUBES!!!) BUT, if I'm doing SOMETHING MORE SUBTLE, say a roast chicken breast in a white wine cream sauce, THEN I'll need an organic filet breast... Simply because THE SAUCE will not OVERPOWER the true essential flavour of the meat... (So I NEED that flavour to BE PRESENT!)

xx SF

I believe that organic meat is healthier for many of the reasons you mention and if you say that it actually does taste better I like to believe that (I love food, but I'm not much of a connoisseur I'm afraid and I don't eat all that much meat).
The way it is normally stated though is as if healthier/happier animals of course taste better. If that were always true then animals would never have been boiled alive for the best taste, geese would not be force fed for foie gras and bio industry in general would probably have higher standards in animal treatment.


I certainly want free range chickens, but I have had problems finding ones that are truly free range. The dirty secret of that business is that they put the chickens on a lawn and then feed them grain, for at least 50% of their calories. It's the bad omega6 fats that are in those grains that you want to avoid. I have looked all over to find a chicken farmer who uses a grain like tapioca that does not have bad fats, but so far no luck.

The other problem is I have found eggs labeled free range but cannot find any whole chickens that are free range available in any major supermarket.
Quote by BiMale73

I believe that organic meat is healthier for many of the reasons you mention and if you say that it actually does taste better I like to believe that (I love food, but I'm not much of a connoisseur I'm afraid and I don't eat all that much meat).
The way it is normally stated though is as if healthier/happier animals of course taste better. If that were always true then animals would never have been boiled alive for the best taste, geese would not be force fed for foie gras and bio industry in general would probably have higher standards in animal treatment.

Multiple tests done here in the UK have shown that while free range chickens may TASTE better, they are usually more tough and have less yield of breast meat and more brown meat than their caged sisters, and both of these make sense. Just the act of running around will increase the size and tone of the leg muscles, making it less appealing to some buyers.

I'm in a very odd position with meat. I spent quite a long time being vegan, but then got very badly anaemic despite having a very healthy varied vegan diet. It turns out that a certain proportion of the population (unknown actual rate as it's not something that is tested for) lack the enzymes to absorb non-haem iron from their diet, meaning that unless they eat meat or take a meat based iron supplement they will have ever-worsening and lifelong anaemia. I appear to be one of them, making living as a vegan a practical impossibility.

So now I try to buy from my local farm shop, where I know how the animals live and can watch the turkeys running around the field, and I passionately believe that if you have an animal killed for you to eat you should respect that and not be wasteful with it so I cook chicken soup from the carcass left over after we have eaten the rest of the chicken and have found all sorts of slow cooked dishes to use up the less popular cuts of meat so that there are fewer animals killed to provide my iron fix and less wastage.

I also refuse to participate in the dreadful treatment of dairy cows. Life as a dairy cow is deeply unpleasant, with calves being taken away repeatedly just to make sure that the milk goes to the humans, not their babies. If I have dairy at all then it comes from a local sheep and goat farm, where the ladies are treated much less harshly. Both sheep and goat milks also have the advantage of being much higher in calcium than cow milk, with sheep milk containing over twice the amount contained in cow milk.
I only eat organic chicken. Not so much for the taste because once you cook it, season it or sauce it up it tastes about the same really. The reason I eat organic chicken is because of the lack of hormones and antibiotics in the meat and GMOs in their feed. I really do believe that those unnatural practices are one of the things that gives us cancer.
Quote by Magical_felix
I only eat organic chicken. Not so much for the taste because once you cook it, season it or sauce it up it tastes about the same really. The reason I eat organic chicken is because of the lack of hormones and antibiotics in the meat and GMOs in their feed. I really do believe that those unnatural practices are one of the things that gives us cancer.

I tend to agree and I also believe that free roaming asparagus, grown on the open range are tastier than ones planted atop a plateau.
Quote by PanJinlian

So now I try to buy from my local farm shop, where I know how the animals live and can watch the turkeys running around the field, and I passionately believe that if you have an animal killed for you to eat you should respect that and not be wasteful with it so I cook chicken soup from the carcass left over after we have eaten the rest of the chicken and have found all sorts of slow cooked dishes to use up the less popular cuts of meat so that there are fewer animals killed to provide my iron fix and less wastage.

I like that ethic a lot.

I also refuse to participate in the dreadful treatment of dairy cows. Life as a dairy cow is deeply unpleasant, with calves being taken away repeatedly just to make sure that the milk goes to the humans, not their babies. If I have dairy at all then it comes from a local sheep and goat farm, where the ladies are treated much less harshly. Both sheep and goat milks also have the advantage of being much higher in calcium than cow milk, with sheep milk containing over twice the amount contained in cow milk.

Goat milk will be much higher in Omega-6 fat than a grass fed cow. Have you investigated whether any grass fed dairy farmers are treating milk cows humanely? Problem is milk cows probably get fed grain just to increase milk production, so they won't be true grass fed cows.

You might want to consider coconut milk. It's a whole lot healthier and if you are willing to make your own from scratch it is pretty delicious.
I grew up on a cattle farm. We had chickens, too and lots of fresh vegetables, grown with no pesticides. I can tell you from first hand knowledge, chickens are nasty animals, free range or not. Ours were free range. It was my job to care for the chickens and gather the eggs. I hated that job, but you live on a farm, you do what you have to do. I always wondered and still do, who first saw an egg pop out of a chicken's ass and decided that was something good to eat? I do not eat eggs at all...well, maybe if there is a pound of cheese on what's the use? Chicken is my least favorite meat, I will eat it, but not often. And one more thing, cow shit is pretty bad smelling, too. I know, I have shoveled tons of it.
Chicken tastes very similar to rattlesnake or alligator meat. Just sayin' cause I've eaten all three.

Free range is healthiest to eat no doubt. The drawbacks to the farmer raising free range chickens are losing so many chickens and eggs to predators. Hawks also love to eat chicken, especially the chicks. Other predators in the region I live are red foxes, coyotes and weasels. Plus toss in snakes. Snakes love to eat the eggs and chicks.

And yes, chickens do eat their own shit.
Quote by Buz
Chicken tastes very similar to rattlesnake or alligator meat. Just sayin' cause I've eaten all three.

Free range is healthiest to eat no doubt. The drawbacks to the farmer raising free range chickens are losing so many chickens and eggs to predators. Hawks also love to eat chicken, especially the chicks. Other predators in the region I live are red foxes, coyotes and weasels. Plus toss in snakes. Snakes love to eat the eggs and chicks.

And yes, chickens do eat their own shit.

I've eaten alligator and crocodile several times and thought that it was more like monkfish than chicken. I've not tried rattlesnake, but python tastes like slightly gamey chicken too.

In terms of the most free range of free range, impala, Thompson's gazelle and zebra are all pretty tasty (eaten in areas where beef cattle do not survive and if you want meat you walk out into the millions of square miles of empty bush with a gun and see what you can shoot) and guinea fowl is far nicer than chicken or turkey.
Quote by Sone

Goat milk will be much higher in Omega-6 fat than a grass fed cow. Have you investigated whether any grass fed dairy farmers are treating milk cows humanely? Problem is milk cows probably get fed grain just to increase milk production, so they won't be true grass fed cows.

You might want to consider coconut milk. It's a whole lot healthier and if you are willing to make your own from scratch it is pretty delicious.

Coconut milk doesn't have anything like enough calcium for me and my huge skeleton I'm afraid, and I'm not that keen on the flavour. I live in an area that is far more suited to goat and sheep than cow, which suits me down to the ground as too much lactose flares up my eczema. Finding a happy and healthy herd of local goats was a fabulous thing for me and I have now stopped looking for alternatives.
I honestly think it is rather silly to worry about how a chicken is being killed. It is kind of like judging how severely a girl was , or asking "if you were , how would you prefer to be " (assuming you have no fantasies). I think it sucks that chickens and animals get eaten period, and in fact I consider it a different spectrum of cruelty to give an animal a great "life experience" only to end it's life short, at it's peak of health, just because you want to eat it.

I personally check my soul in at the door, whenever I want to eat meat, fish, or eggs. I don't pretend that it is right because I know if some higher species wanted to eat me, I certainly wouldn't be cool with it. I don't care what any religious book says, I flat out will never think I'm doing the moral thing by eating animals. I can't go days without eating meat, eggs, or animal protein. I literally go into almost a "blood rage" where I need to eat meat. I've tried being a vegetarian, since I don't believe in veganism (it seems half-assed from the moral perspective, and not really even nutritious or healthy enough, since you don't get enough non-fish protein). It is much worse than veganism, and thus unsustainable for me.

I hope, like Nikola Tesla once preached, that alterenate foods are created, in the future, that satiate the "mental" need for meat, and tastes like meat, and gives similar nutritious, or even more nutrious, protein structure. I would easily quit real meat, if that ever happens. I hope that it does in the future because that would be ideal. There is some great research being done in this area.
Which do you eat first?
Quote by Guest
i may be in a minority here but to be honest i never asked the chicken i'm getting ready to eat where it was born. i did, at one time, raise chicken for the eggs, but when i saw that when one chicken crapped, the other rushed over to peck at that waste, i realized i'd seen more than i want to know, so now buy my eggs and chickens from a store. i understand that animals are mistreated and that is bad but i also understand that as the population on earth increases there is less area to raise the hamburger, steaks, and chicken we so desire. I know that you vegans and such are ready to shoot me but i was raised eating meat, as was most most animals. most of the vegans in history are now extinct

Being vegan is far from an healthy choice... also they can't climb to the top of Everest smile

I know when people die it's sad, but "karma" can be funny.