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Tanning Terror Alert

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Alpha Blonde
So.... do you find tanning to be an unhealthy choice?

Do you spray-tan, use tanning beds or sit out in the sun or have you embraced your natural skin-tone? And has this stance changed over the years, either due to health/skin-cancer risks, watching too much Jersey Shore or seeing char-broiled women like this on TV and on resort beaches. You know you always see a few shoe-polish level tans on the beach, although probably none quite as horrific as this tan-o-holic making the news lately.

Constant Gardener

I read about this the other day and just dismissed it as another piece of trivial fluff being reported to our dumbed down American populace (instead of actual news, I mean).

Now I see that the mother isn't playing with a full deck of cards.

News?'s comedy gold.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
seriously?? some people are complete idiots!

Active Ink Slinger
I was just reading about this earlier on today. Incredible.
To answer your question, Dancing_Doll, I've embraced
my complexion. If I happen to bronze a bit, fine, but I
don't do it purposely.
Are you truly awake?
Wild at Heart
She looks like Jimmy Walker with a fucked up blonde wig on.

Active Ink Slinger
This...right here....NUTS!
Active Ink Slinger
Like saying "to each his own" makes it ok.

I like shoving razor blades up my ass.. to each his own
I like punching people in the face... to each his own
I like bathing in bleach and ammonia.... to each his own.

I fucking hate people.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Constant Gardener
Quote by Magical_felix
She looks like Jimmy Walker with a fucked up blonde wig on.

What if she's into starfish bleaching too?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Reminds me of the scene in "There's something about Mary"
The Linebacker
I have never seen anyone get tanned like that mom on the video. I believe she will surely get skin cancer with 2-5 years. She may already have it. She will look twice as old as she really is very soon. That's just freaky.

Magical Felix is dead on right!
Advanced Wordsmith
Wait a second ... that woman uses a tanning bed?
She looks like the burnt lays potato chip..... Well I feel bad for her kids.mshe didn't tan she went through a ethnicity change.
Candy Connoisseur
I saw this on TV last night. Thought I was seeing things. She looks like she would stink like a burnt tree stump...surely she doesnt think she looks great...
Active Ink Slinger
Looks like a scene from Shallow End of the Gene Pool

The mother might well be telling the truth, the kid has very fair skin and could well burn easily. But I would probably jump to the same conclusion the police did here. I can't see how they could get enough information to prosecute though.

What surprises me is that she could find a tanning salon that was 1 still running tanning beds and 2 would let her do that to herself. It is a personal injury lawsuit looking to happen. When she gets skin cancer her family could bring a lawsuit for negligence and they might well win.

If the underwriter for the tanning shop saw that clip they would probably be on the phone to cancel the policy in minutes. The number that will write those policies are already small which is why you can buy tanning beds on EBay for almost nothing these days.

What you can't get is the UV tubes. I have been trying to get hold of some for making PCBs, we use them to expose the resist. They are really hard to get hold of these days.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SydneySider
I saw this on TV last night. Thought I was seeing things. She looks like she would stink like a burnt tree stump...surely she doesnt think she looks great...

I saw it on TV the other evening too. I had to actually rewind it, and pause it. How unnatural and unattractive. To each their own, right?! Yikes!

The kid probably did just accompany her. It still doesn't make it a good or wise practice to bring your child into the tanning ROOM with you. There is a waiting area.
I just spit out my coffee when i saw this...

She looks absurdly ridiculous.

If she loves tanning so much, why not move somewhere she can tan naturally at least.
Thank God, I have a natural tan!
Alpha Blonde
I don't see anything wrong with tanning salons - it's about not using them on a pathological level like this woman. It's like I wouldn't blame alcohol, despite there being so many alcoholics out there. It's just a random vice - if it wasn't tanning, no doubt this woman would be obsessed with something else. Clearly she has a kind of skin-colour dysmorphia going on here and doesn't realize what she looks like. The tanning salon is ridiculous to feed her habit though.

I use a tanning booth on occasion to keep a base-tan going through the year otherwise I am extremely pale. I'm not fanatical about it though. I've done spray-tanning in the past as well and tend to vary it up, depending on the time of year. The key is "sun-kissed glow" not 'deep-fried leather'...
Quote by NatureBoy
Thank God, I have a natural tan!

Active Ink Slinger
When I saw this on the news the other morning and they showed her, I actually thought she was the man that owned the tanning salon being interviewed. She is really creepy looking. She looks like a cross between Snooki and that Cojo guy who is a fashion critic on E! network.

One of my daughters works part time in a tanning salon. She tells me she sees people like this all the time. Thats how women and men get when they buy the unlimited tan packages at thes salons. The woman said she tans at least 4 or 5 times a week!! I can just imagine what her skin feels like, YUK!

As for her having her daughter go in a tanning bed, I really doubt that is true, she may have been in the room but not in the tanning bed with her.
Active Ink Slinger
I think for her it is a psychological reason, she is addicted to it and doesn't see a problem. It's like a "I don't have a are the one with the problem."

Myself I am against it, I have natural olive skin and I don't need it. However I look at my cousin who is very a pale complexion and she goes out of her way to get a tan. Even as a young teenager she used to buy bottles of dark foundation and slather it on.

Then she moved onto fake tans in a can. Hey after the birth of her baby last year, the first thing she did once out of hospital was get a fake tan.

I don't see what is so good about having a tan? However it seems society has always had a thing for pale to tanned skin.

Like during the time of Marie Antionette fair/pale skin was in because it was a sign of someone wealthy and not like a peasent working in the fields.

One of the most saddiest things I have seen is Australian Claire Oliver who died just after her 26th birthday from Melonoma. She used to tan on sun beds regularly.
Active Ink Slinger
I love my natural skin tone. I do get darker when it's hot, not like Miss Extra Crispy.

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We used to pre-tan at salons before going to the caribbean. Have not done it for a while.

Usually I wear a UV waterproof shirt (at the beach) a hat and sit under the palapas, with gobs of sunscreen.

I still get way too much sun BUT I really like the sun.

I rarely burn, but when I swim in the ocean, I have to watch it, the water will wash off the sunscreen, and magnifies the sun. You can really burn fast!

The above woman (in the video) is missing a few...
Active Ink Slinger
Wow! How old is this lady?! I'm kind of shocked her ovaries are still working...unless...wait. Could the compulsive tanning make her look a lot older? Hmmm.

This is one of those things that is probably being blown out of proportion. The media loves to make a mountain out of a molehill, don't they?

As for tanning, I'd LOVE to have the time to lay out in my bikini or run up to the tanning salon. I end up with a farmer's tan on my arms, legs, and a nice dark band above my backside because when i hunch over to garden, my shirt rides up. It's really men who are over seventy and widowed. lol

Oh dear God. I just read this chick is 44...four years older than I am! She looks like she could be my grandmother! (Actually, my 83 year old grandmother is MUCH more attractive.)


I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

Active Ink Slinger
I just watch this on the young turk. And I can't believe someone would do that to themselves. And I can understand why people think that she took her daughter in with her.
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
I'm a beautician and from my perspective, if you're pale and u want to be darker, get a spray tan. it works out cheaper than using sun beds and you avoid any risks to your skin. Just don't go overboard and get something too dark for u, orange is never a good look!