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Meditation - The Health Benefits

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Meditation - The Health Benefits

Hi everyone,
I felt like sharing with you all, something which has helped me a lot recently.
Many of you I am sure will be familiar with the idea and/or practice of meditation as a relaxation method. Whether you do it at home, or in the office on your lunch break, it is considered by many to be very beneficial to your health. If it is something you have never tried before, why not give it a go?

It doesn't matter whether you are still in school, or even a high flying profession, everyone gets stressed at times and this is not good for you. It can negatively impact your mental and physical well-being, manifesting in various ways which we could all do without.
Joint pains, fatigue, headaches, ulcers and suppression of the immune system are but a few of the effects an overly stressful lifestyle can cause.

Deep relaxation methods, basically just switching off and tuning out for a while, can positively effect your body in many ways, these include Increased Immunity, Increased Fertility, Lower Blood Pressure and Emotional Balance, amongst others.

Your personal health should be a priority and you can lead a happier life, by living a healthier life.

How To Switch Off

You don't have to dress in robe and surround yourself with incense and water features to meditate. You can do it practically anywhere, any time. These four methods are useful as a guide.

Body Scan: Starting with your head and working down to your arms and feet, notice how you feel in your body. Taking in your head and neck, simply notice if you feel tense, relaxed, calm or anxious. See how much you can spread any sensations of softness and relaxation to areas of your body that feel tense. Once your reach your feet, work back up your body.

Breath Focus: Sit comfortably. Tune into your breath, follow the sensation of inhaling from your nose to abdomen and out again. Let tension go with each exhalation. When you notice your mind wandering, return to your breath.

Mantra Repetition: The relaxation response can be evoked by sitting quietly with eyes closed for 15 minutes twice a day, and mentally repeating a simple word or sound such as ''Om''.

Guided Imagery: Imagine a wonderfully relaxing light or a soothing waterfall washing away tension from your body and mind. Make your image vivid, imagining texture, colour and any fragrance as the image washes over you.

If you are new to mediation, why not try as a first step, a guided relaxation from - take 2 minutes out of your busy schedule, relax, and just feel better.

This has helped me a great deal with the stresses and pressures or college, i'm sure many of you can remember what that was like, and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who has never tried it before.
If you are a seasoned pro and have first hand experience of the health benefits of meditation, or even if you have a different technique that has worked for you, please post a reply below and let everyone know.

'Keep Calm and Carry On'

I agree, absolutely, and to whatever degree the practitioner can manage. I don't yoga, but do lie flat on my back on the floor, head slightly elevated, and "clear the stress" for anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour or slightly more. Mind and body need to be "refreshed" this way.
I so agree with what's been said.

True relaxation is all about mind over matter. If you can master the delicate art of meditation, and couple the power of it with regular exercise, the lifestyle benefits are outstanding.

Well worth investing time in this one.
Great post Liz, thanks and you're so right that it can be done anywhere and the more you practice the better you became at doing it at your command.

I do believe that many peoples think that you may have to go Tibet (as to put it to the extreme of course).

I personally have done meditation using hints and lessons from Pema Chodron works.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I have done meditation in the past and have found it relaxing. I really need to find a regular time to do meditations. I have done guided meditations and independent meditations.

A guided meditation that I like can be found here: Baphmetis Meditation. This is more for those who follow a pagan path, but a number of these meditations are either silent or simply based around a tune. (Hint: if you click "Scripture Meditation" on the side, you will be taken to meditations on the Book of the Law, not Biblical meditations.)
Thanks for posting this Lizzy94. I enjoy the fact that this website has a variety of things we can talk about with our friends. I LOVE sex and that is what brought me here. Being healthy is sexy.

I believe that: Meditation is a life changer. Stress kills. Life is short. Our answers for our unique individual journeys are within. No one can tell us how to live the lives we are here to enjoy but ourselves, Listen to the quiet inner voice and follow your heart. I haven't been able to hear that voice any other way than meditation. All is as it should be. The path to inner peace.

Be love my friends.
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Superb post! Meditation is something I should do more often. You've inspired me to restart my routine.
Meditation .... I had done some a long time ago, but wasn't very successful. Two years ago when I was recovering from a near fatal adventure I was given a gift cert to a local yoga place for mediation classes. Wow!! Under two wonderful teachers, I was on my way to a more centered, in the moment, lifestyle AND me.

Then, I found this website .... another excellent audio to assist those just starting out in meditation or for those of us who sometimes loses their focus amongst the busy world we live it.


Ten minutes .... it's ONLY ten minutes ... and you'll sleep better and feel more in control of yourself and your reactions to this crazy world.

I also include a great clip from Dr. Judson Brewer @ the TED conference (another 10 minutes that is worth it!)

Beautiful Post

i practice Meditation as part of my daily yoga routine. Wouldn't leave it out for anything.
Results are so enriching.
Great post Liz.

I try and fit some meditation sessions in a few times per week, even if it's just ten minutes here and there.

The way our lives are so hectic these days, it's increasingly vital to "tame the monkey mind" and flick the off switch occasonally.
thank you for this post - i meditate and find it to be veru effective way to deal with life's issues.
and i loved the links you have given.
It's great to read about meditation on lush & seeing all the perspectives it brings up that reflect where people are in their lives and how they deal with it. I don't know if anyone has tried the technique as follows.., usually in meditation the mind is used to focus on an object - say a mantra, image , even on the breath itself as in 'vipasana'. That's a tried & tested method/s. I became introduced to exactly the OPPOSITE way of doing so, and wondered if others had also. It's where the mind's attention is 'space' orientated as cpw 'object' orientated. For example if breathe was used, the focus is on the 'gap' between an in breath & an out breath and an out breath & an in breath. This aliens the brain with space & if you think about it the nervous system is interfaced in the brain by 'gaps' between neurones. Anyone using London Underground would also know 'mind the gap' is a tube meditation in itself!!
Thanks for getting this party started Liz, like it.
What a great post !!!!! Thanks for that and the link !!!! I try to mediate at least once a day.
I meditate as regularly as possible, and I can certainly attest to its health benefits. I have both ADD and insomnia, and I am stubborn about taking medicine for either. Instead, I have learned that proper meditation is really good for relaxing and controlling the mind, and I keep both completely under control with meditation alone.

Quote by Inupendi
It's great to read about meditation on lush & seeing all the perspectives it brings up that reflect where people are in their lives and how they deal with it. I don't know if anyone has tried the technique as follows.., usually in meditation the mind is used to focus on an object - say a mantra, image , even on the breath itself as in 'vipasana'. That's a tried & tested method/s. I became introduced to exactly the OPPOSITE way of doing so, and wondered if others had also. It's where the mind's attention is 'space' orientated as cpw 'object' orientated. For example if breathe was used, the focus is on the 'gap' between an in breath & an out breath and an out breath & an in breath. This aliens the brain with space & if you think about it the nervous system is interfaced in the brain by 'gaps' between neurones. Anyone using London Underground would also know 'mind the gap' is a tube meditation in itself!!
Thanks for getting this party started Liz, like it.

Concentration is certainly one of the more common methods of practice, but it is not the only one. What you describe sounds a little like what is often called Void Meditation, where you simply sit and empty the mind instead of concentrating on anything.
I meditate and do yoga everyday...ironically only time during the day i am not bouncy off the walls. But its great to have that peace of mind and soul for a couple hours a day! on especially crazy days i rather look forward to it.
my newest :)
I have been practicing Tai Chi (Shibashi) for over a year now and i find it relaxes the mind and body and sets me up for the days activities
Love this! I use the Calm app as well. I meditate to keep my stress down since it can cause flare ups for me with my autoimmune.
Wow! You and I both posted about meditation just days apart. I posted this blog about meditation 5 years ago on my blog-site.

I've been meditating since my freshman year in college, and have taught it to other victims to control their anger.

I try to meditate every day before and after work.

meditation was really helpful for me. I did odd days meditation and even days yoga.

So simple and so effective...and incidentally doesn't cost a thing!

Great post, Liz. Fully onboard

Meditation has become one of my daily rituals. Not only does it calm me, but it gets me in the correct mindset for what is ahead