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masturbation leads to impotence in men??

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Rookie Scribe
"You need to get it up to get it out, as they say!"

That is so not true. A good long prostate massage has me coming without my cock needing to get hard. Sometimes it does though. smile
The Linebacker
Saying masturbation leads to impotence in men is like saying masturbation leads to frigidity in women. That concept is ridiculous.

In fact, keeping the 'tubes cleared' is good for your prostate and helps prevent prostate cancer.

Wank away! Pull the pud. Beat the meat. Limber the timber. Stroke the bud. Tug the jug. Spank the monkey!
After wanking for 57 years i have yet to see this happen
Advanced Wordsmith
I have been told by more than one doctor that if I'm not dating anyone I need to masturbate. Both explained that making the prostate function, either by having sex with a partner or masturbation is necessary to keep the tubes open in the prostate. If you don't keep the tubes open, the alternative would be having a 'roto rooter' procedure to open up the tubes again. Following doctor's orders is much better alternative to having the procedure done!
Madam Carol
Quote by Buz
Saying masturbation leads to impotence in men is like saying masturbation leads to frigidity in women. That concept is ridiculous.

In fact, keeping the 'tubes cleared' is good for your prostate and helps prevent prostate cancer.

Wank away! Pull the pud. Beat the meat. Limber the timber. Stroke the bud. Tug the jug. Spank the monkey!

This! Lol. Most men don't need to be encouraged.
LOL, not likely. Been taking it in hand for almost 35 years and still good to go
Active Ink Slinger
I'm sure there are lots of studies about this somewhere online. I have read that if you masturbate to porn a lot it can slow you down since you're thinking porn instead of the person you're with.
Rainbow Warrior
Impotence? Hardly! The only deleterious consequence that might logically be attributed to masturbation would be premature ejaculation. Think about it... Men (like women) masturbate to get an orgasm, but men usually don't take the longest route. They take the shortest route to get there (Women sometimes do also, but because women's orgasms are not once-and-done, we tend to luxuriate when we practice auto-eroticism). So, by masturbating, men tend to condition their penises (or maybe their brains!) to quick response to stimulation, so when they get inside a woman, what happens? They can't control their endurance, and come too quickly. Does masturbation play a part in this? I don't really know, but it would be an interesting study. Teenaged boys tend to masturbate a lot! They also tend to be premature ejaculaters. Is there a connection? I'd love to know!
Active Ink Slinger
I think Bethany has summed it up pretty well.
I know men that have been masturbating all their lives and still do regularly. Three in particular. I know one guy 80+ still masturbates and can ejaculate.

As for premature ejaculation I have met a few guys who suffer from this and some have sought medical help. As a teen guys would often wank off shortly before sex with me to see if they could prolong their pleasures with me. I would say some did and some didnt.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Quote by HotWife4U
Most men don't need to be encouraged.

No, but a little encouragement from the right source never hurt either.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by BethanyFrasier
Impotence? Hardly! The only deleterious consequence that might logically be attributed to masturbation would be premature ejaculation. Think about it... Men (like women) masturbate to get an orgasm, but men usually don't take the longest route. They take the shortest route to get there (Women sometimes do also, but because women's orgasms are not once-and-done, we tend to luxuriate when we practice auto-eroticism). So, by masturbating, men tend to condition their penises (or maybe their brains!) to quick response to stimulation, so when they get inside a woman, what happens? They can't control their endurance, and come too quickly. Does masturbation play a part in this? I don't really know, but it would be an interesting study. Teenaged boys tend to masturbate a lot! They also tend to be premature ejaculaters. Is there a connection? I'd love to know!

My personal experience would be that none of what you have said here (about men who masturbate and those with premature ejaculation) is true at all.

Firstly, I really don't think it's possible to 'condition your penis' to cum quickly. I say this as a man with a penis, and not as a scientist who has taken any sort of survey on it. But...I really don't think it's possible.

Also, men and women are the same in that ejaculation might be physical, but the orgasm is all in the head.

I have a friend who suffers from premature ejaculation (yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking, 'a friend'...but really, it is a friend I'm talking about!) and he can last longer when wanking. It's a mental issue he has when with a woman (or his wife, unlucky girl!). I have the opposite problem...when I'm with a girl, I have this 'block'. I can't explain it, but I can actually feel it in my head- which means that I struggle to cum when with a girl (and sometimes, I don't).

After a while with the same person, it gets easier, as obviously the mental issue that affects me lessons...but it's always there.

As a result, when I masturbate (and you remove that extra mental pressure that comes from there being another person), I tend to cum much quicker. Just like my friend can last longer...what I'm saying is, there is no direct correlation between the amount of time a man can last for when wanking, compared to the amount of time he lasts for when with a girl (or partner).

Sometimes I've cum almost immediately, but ONLY when wanking. Sometimes I've just been super horny and then, once started, it has been just to hit that end goal. Although I would also say that I am like the women you describe...I guess I like the journey. It's enjoying, and the ejaculation at the end is much more enjoyable also. Plus once it's over, it is, as you say, over for us men. So why would you want it to be over that quickly?

So usually, I tend to have a slower wank. My experience of Lush is that the girls on here that I play with actually tend to be over before I am.

Again, I've not taken a survey...but for me, a man with a penis, I would again disagree that when men masturbate it's just to cum as quickly as possible
Quote by TheAngryishLover

I have a friend who suffers from premature ejaculation (yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking, 'a friend'...but really, it is a friend I'm talking about!) and he can last longer when wanking. It's a mental issue he has when with a woman (or his wife, unlucky girl!)

I have a 'friend' like that too.
The Engineer
Well please tell me it does not and you're just kidding....right.... I mean I heard it could cause blindness. But impotence.... I guess I need to talk to my gf about the positive pregnancy test. But as it has been mentioned it surely prevents prostrate problems in the future. So in other words the key to survival isn't food and water
..its Playboy and regular logging on to lush.
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Active Ink Slinger
The only facts I know of for premature ejaculation are two: younger men, that is men before the natural enlargement of the prostate sets in, ejaculate sooner and harder the longer it has been since their last ejaculation. Or secondly, if they are experiencing certain things for the first time: like seeing a naked woman in real life for the first time, they are likely to get so excited psychologically that it affects them and they ejaculate often before they even touch her.
As for speeding up ejaculation many men respond to a prostate massage which is NOT prolonged or deep into the rectum. The prostate is in an area where lots of the elements of human anatomy are muscles designed to expel, either stool, urine, or ejaculate. As men get older and the prostate enlarges, it, of course, can throw this whole expulsion process off.
Finally, there is a saying that contradicts all the doom and gloom of the people who try to say something is wrong with masturbation. That saying is "Use it or lose it." In fact, the lack of use of the male sex organs, especially the prostate has been connected to the development of cancer. Using your genitalia keeps good circulation in your prostate area, and that is beneficial.
So from what I know, use it guys!
Short Arse Brit
I heard it can make you go blind not impotent... now I think that also is a myth unless you misfire where you are aiming and hit yourself in the eye, then well maybe its not a myth its just clearly a lack of target practice and aiming precision and probably not the reason anyone admits they are blind in one eye, and even more so if they are blind in both for said reason
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Active Ink Slinger
Ridiculous! My medical advisor (physician wife) says that is complete nonsense. And if you think of it, there would be a lot of impotent men walking around, no hard cocks, no sex and no children, the end of civilization.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HotWife4U

This! Lol. Most men don't need to be encouraged.

Encouragement can sometimes be a good thing though lmao
Active Ink Slinger
So many entertaining comments!
Primus Omnium
All the argle-bargle about the subject may be fun, but totally unnecessary. The simple answer is "no" masturbation does not lead to impotence. Where the hell do these silly ass ideas come from?
Active Ink Slinger
When I was a young boy, I heard masturbation would make you go blind. I am not blind, but I must have done it enough to need glasses! Lol.
Site administrator
Quote by kiera
WOW! I never knew this, I better warn Simplyjohn

I think I am safe being a once a month guy. smile.
Advanced Wordsmith
I about choked on laughter when I read this. This is hilarious shit.

I'm older than a lot of people on this site, and I've been doing it for years, since I was a kid. And believe me, it hasn't affected my sex life or my ability to get off at all. Not one time have I ever had an issue with it.

So anyone that says that is obviously misinformed and full of shit.
Both my parents are licensed and in the nursing field, in some capacity. Also, I was absolutely obsessed with the human body and disabilities as a teenager. When I read the title of the thread, my medical BS meter alarmed quite loudly.
Active Ink Slinger
My Urologist told me some time ago it is good to relief yourself as often as you feel the need.
It is good for prostrate health, use it or lose it.
Old in chronological age. But young at heart and desire.
Advanced Wordsmith
Masturbation itself? No. What CAN lead to ED issues, is "Death Grip Syndrome". Years of manual stimulation, without lubrication and a firm and fast grip can lead to desensitization of the penis.

This is something that can however, be remedied with an understanding partner and time. Abstaining from masturbation for a period of time, as well as having a partner stick to slow soft strokes (Or soft touches) when you do start bashing the bishop again.

Go for sensuality, not speed guys.
“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.”