Quote by themonkeyguy
I have found that, at least for me, it helps me focus more and be more relaxed. I played High School golf and before big matches I would sometimes sneak away and get a quick release in before going to play. I was more relaxed and played better as a result. If I was ever on the course by myself with no one around, I would hop into the woods and go stroke off. I just felt it released tension and made me play better. Its different for everyone.
When I can I include the mastrubation as part of my routine. The basis of my workout is therapy exercises for my legs, then yoga, and brief rounds of meditative breathing. Weights may also be included depending on circumstances. With one of my friends we occasionally combine yoga, meditation and sex in a sort of tantric mix.
Depends on the strenght of the orgasm, a big one makes me feel all mushy and like I am high, so my mind and body are less efficient and yes it decreases my performance for an hour or so. If it is just a weak orgasm (I feel it just in my clit, vagina, but my mind doesn't explode) then it invigorates me.
Not usually before, but...
If I'm on an exercise bike for a long time, I sometimes find that the way I sit on the seat reduces blood circulation to my loins. Then when I get off the bike, there's a distinct sensation of blood flowing back into those parts that can be a bit arousing.
Don't believe everything that you read.
Sex after yoga? Hell yeah. Feeling all limber and flexible, and importantly, not crazy hot. I am no yoga aficionado though, like my wife, so I am perpetually in the beginner category of yoga, which means I am not sweating much. My body tends to heat up quite a bit during sex, so I wouldn't want to start off with my muscles already warm as would be the case with other workouts.
Sex before a workout? I haven't actually done that very often, at least not in recent years, but I tend to be more energized after sex. My wife is the opposite. She is often wiped out after sex, especially if she has a more intense orgasm. She turns into a jellyfish for a while, won't move, and then is basically ready to fall dead asleep if it's close to bedtime, but I kinda wake up. There's a small lull where I feel spent, but that passes.