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Jogging everyday is dangerous?

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Do you think is healthy go jogging everyday? Or can it be dangerous cos you put too much pressure on the heart? (and rish sudden death, like some athletes)

I go jogging around once a month, and I was wondering about going daily for a few weeks to get fit for the summer, but i am not sure if its a good idea.

Alpha Blonde
I think it depends on what kind of physical conditioning you are in with regards to heart issues.
It's excellent cardio, but I'd say start very slowly and gradually increase if you aren't used to it.

One thing to consider though.. its quite a lot of stress for the knee joints, so that's definitely something to be aware of.

I've had 2 operations on my knees already (more from dancing injuries than from running), but its definitely something that factored into cutting down on my running.

If you're just looking for fitness and want low-impact, the elliptical trainers are great for this... but I do agree, there is something really enjoyable about being outside and pounding the pavement... Invest in some good running shoes too. That will help minimize impact.

Have fun!
Active Ink Slinger
I have recently started to run again (after many, many years). I decided to run a 5k in June. I found a program called c25k (couch to 5K). It gradually works you up to longer runs, over a 9 week program. They do stress, not to run every day. Your body needs to recover. The importance of stretching before and after cannont be overstated, if you want to enjoy your runs, and remain injury free. The training is 3 days a week. Cross training is recommended. I believe the website is: Hope I was helpful.
Javier if in doubt about heart risks etc speak to your doctor before starting...The one person who I knew who had a heart attack while training for a cycling race had a congenital heart problem which was compounded by the exercise
I jog with two days off in between. My legs still aren't ready for jogging every other day. Use good running shoes that fit well (they're light as a feather!), and good form. I set small goals for longer distances.
from someone who has ran a lot in my lifetime:

the heart is a muscle that requires to be used and strengthen - by using it in increments the heart becomes stronger. that strengthened heart does not make "heart attacks" disappear - there is a whole orchestra happening in your body

any runners' biggest problems are:
* shin splints (running on hard surfaces)
* chafing (legs/arms/nipples)
* proper rehydration
* and buying new running shoes, depending on the mileage (kilometers), OFTEN

so ... yes have it approved by your doctor ... and if the thumb points up ~ enjoy all the benefits of going for jogs/run regularly ....

Running can be the best thing for you conditioning wise or the worst thing. Dancing Doll made some very good points, but I must disagree re the eliptical. During my serious training and racing time I hired a personal trainer. He was regarded as the best running / triathlon trainer in my city of 1.1 million. James was convinced that the eliptical would do only one thing for - you would become a very good eliptical user. It was a standing joke in his circles.

I benefited a lot from him and his methods, and my race results did improve - although I did keep my day job.

At last count I have run 140 10K races, 4 Duathlons, and 3 marathons. Never had a knee injury. My physical make up allowed me to greatly benefit from running - up to 45 miles a week.

Give it a go!! You never know - it could be the best thing for you.
Quote by LusciousLola
I have recently started to run again (after many, many years). I decided to run a 5k in June. I found a program called c25k (couch to 5K). It gradually works you up to longer runs, over a 9 week program. They do stress, not to run every day. Your body needs to recover. The importance of stretching before and after cannont be overstated, if you want to enjoy your runs, and remain injury free. The training is 3 days a week. Cross training is recommended. I believe the website is: Hope I was helpful.

(laughs) I'm doing the same one !!! Well for running outdoors
and if you have joint issues swimming is an all around good cardio exercise with less impact on the joints
If you get serious about running make sure you have the right shoes. In my opinion, they make a big difference. Apparently I could've avoided the stress fracture that took me two years to recover from if I'd started out wearing the right gear.

Also, pay attention to your body. What starts out as shin splints can end up as a stress fracture. Most injuries heal pretty quickly if you attend to them straight away, instead of ignoring them like I did!
Thanks for the website, Lola. I'm going to check it out.
The Linebacker
Jogging everyday? Well I do it nearly everyday. There is no danger to the heart! Please? It's great cardiovascular exercise. If there is any danger it's to the knees and ankles or from getting hit by cars while crossing the road while running.
Jogging is great if -- like eviotis says -- in moderation. For the average over 20 adult not grossly overweight, 3-4 miles 3 times a week is great for you. Otherwise, try bicycling.
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh please! Sex can be more strenuous than jogging, but i dont see any men worried about heart attacks when it comes to that!
Your body is made of muscle, and it can do anything you train it to do! Going for a quick jog every day would be hard at first because your body isnt used to it, but you will get used to it and then you'll love it! If anything it will strengthen your heart!
You must give up the life that you had planned, in order to live the life that is waiting for you..
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Loislane
and if you have joint issues swimming is an all around good cardio exercise with less impact on the joints

People I've known over the years who have had problems related to jogging it always seems to be joint issues...and swimming is great, because it's "less impact" as they say...your feet constantly pounding the pavement can take a toll over time...

Never known anyone to have any heart related issues from jogging...

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by aalily
Oh please! Sex can be more strenuous than jogging, but i dont see any men worried about heart attacks when it comes to that!
Your body is made of muscle, and it can do anything you train it to do! Going for a quick jog every day would be hard at first because your body isnt used to it, but you will get used to it and then you'll love it! If anything it will strengthen your heart!

Yeah, I never even thought about potential heart problems from having sex,
But I was well aware of the little joint issue I had causing quite a disturbance between my legs there.

Swimming, biking, and sex are all great exercises, with sex being the most productive, in my opinion.
Biking, you have to make the decision; should I wear a lame ass helmet for safety, or not?
Swimming would be: should I always use the buddy system, even tho I'm alone?

I can't find any faults with having sex yet.....(:
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by scooter

Biking, you have to make the decision; should I wear a lame ass helmet for safety, or not?
Swimming would be: should I always use the buddy system, even tho I'm alone?

I can't find any faults with having sex yet.....(:

You should use the buddy system when having sex as well, Scooter...

And wear a helmet...for your own protection...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by scooter

Biking, you have to make the decision; should I wear a lame ass helmet for safety, or not?
Swimming would be: should I always use the buddy system, even tho I'm alone?

I can't find any faults with having sex yet.....(:

You should use the buddy system when having sex as well, Scooter...

And wear a helmet...for your own protection...

But I already have a little helmet,
You can see it, right before I shorten the stroke, an re-insert
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Do you think is healthy go jogging everyday? Or can it be dangerous cos you put too much pressure on the heart? (and rish sudden death, like some athletes)

I go jogging around once a month, and I was wondering about going daily for a few weeks to get fit for the summer, but i am not sure if its a good idea.


My idea on that is the required level of exercise may depend on the physical condition of the people...

Some strenous exercises may be needed for some people,while that unsuitable for some other people ...for ex: heart patients, disables and pregnant mothers etc...
Wild at Heart
It's probably more dangerous to never jog.
Constant Gardener
When I was a kid, I ran everywhere. When I was a teen, I was an athlete and many of those sports required a lot of running around. But I started to hate sustained running for any distance over 400 meters in duration.

I found it exhilarating to run as fast as I could over a 400 meter stretch, but I was not a sprinter by any means and I was and am not a miler nor a marathoner.

For cardio...I walk a great deal, swim whenever possible and ride my bike or elliptical @ the gym. It is a lot easier on my shins, feet and knees. Both my parents had bad knees and while I never have, I didn't want to push it.

Also, since my work hasn't required me to suit up since the mid 1990s...I have avoided elevators like they're the plague, (unless I needed to ride up over 15 flights). A little extra muscle burn in my legs and ass has always been good for me, I thought.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Actually, jogging can be very, very dangerous...with hazards one doesn't think about...

The last time I went out for a jog, some girls passed me by on bicycles...I turned me head to catch a glimpse of the "rear view" and crashed into a tree...

So yeah...jogging is actually very hazardous...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Jogging once a month is counter productive as it will likely lead to injury..a regular 3 -4 times per week is better...I used to run 80 miles per week, wore out my knees and now I cycle instead....whatever you do make it part of te weekly routine...even walking is good...
I find a daily brisk walk to be nice. You don't have to invest in expensive trainers and you can do it in your normal clothes. No offence to joggers, but done at the wrong speed, it can make you look pretentious.
Quote by Gurlyboy
I find a daily brisk walk to be nice. You don't have to invest in expensive trainers and you can do it in your normal clothes. No offence to joggers, but done at the wrong speed, it can make you look pretentious.

(giggles) errmm joggers can look pretantious?? Explain!
Quote by Gurlyboy
I find a daily brisk walk to be nice. You don't have to invest in expensive trainers and you can do it in your normal clothes. No offence to joggers, but done at the wrong speed, it can make you look pretentious.

(giggles) errmm joggers can look pretentious?? Explain!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Do you think is healthy go jogging everyday? Or can it be dangerous cos you put too much pressure on the heart? (and rish sudden death, like some athletes)

I go jogging around once a month, and I was wondering about going daily for a few weeks to get fit for the summer, but i am not sure if its a good idea.


The fact is jogging and any other so called "cardio" activity erroneously believed to be EXERCISE is not only bad for your heart but is anything but EXERCISE.
Should anyone care to respond, do so without any personal insults or moronic vitriol if you expect me to respond. It took me awhile to let go of my stubbornly held, yet unquestioned beliefs before I learned the truth too.