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Giving up coffee for a month

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Cheeky Chick
It seems I'm a summer time coffee drinker and I give it up in mid fall. I'm not sure why, I just do. Have been the last few years. It's hell coming off it, but I don't cave.
Fancy Schmancy
I have gone through periods where I have given up coffee and suffered from horrible caffeine withdrawal headaches. I am back to drinking coffee daily, throughout the day, and even have to force myself to drink it when I am sick, just to avoid having a caffeine withdrawal headache on top of being sick. Luckily, I do not get sick too often!!
I know those withdrawal headaches too, but they pass quickly for me.

After being highly stressed, insomnia, and a BP reading of over 180, I stopped drinking coffee and all caffeinated beverages, removed a major stressor, and revisited my sodium intake, which was already low.

Three weeks later, I was back down to 120/79.

I now only drink decaf on occasion for a flavour fix.

I don't miss it.
Ahhhh, caffeine, the most widely consumed psychoactive drug on a global scale. So addictive, caffeine withdrawal is now included in the DSM-V as a mental disorder.
It's a habit that becomes so hard to kick, due to way it alters the brain chemistry. Quite fascinating.

I am not a coffee drinker, never acquired the taste, and when I tried I got migraines - whether coincidental or not, it turned me off.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I would rather give up breathing for a month.
Active Ink Slinger
Sucks!!! I had to give it because of an ulcer. It felt like the worst two months ever.
Mana wahine
I could not do that at all. Challenge denied.
Advanced Wordsmith
I do this once a year.

It is rough, but once the month is up when you get back on the sauce it is so much sweeter.
“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.”
Active Ink Slinger
Giving up coffee for a month is easy for me... cause about the third day I'd be in jail!
Primus Omnium
For whatever reason I don't seem to be addicted to coffee. I've been drinking since I was in my late teens. I would sit up all night at a local diner and drink cup after cup as I spent time flirting with waitresses. Right now I drink two cups a day. Perhaps three. I've always seemed to get along fine when I've been unable to have a morning mug. No physiological problems. It's the same with alcohol. I've gone years without drinking and then I might resume having an evening mixed drink, or sometimes a beer. Apparently these things are not addictive to me. I give them up whenever I find it necessary.
Rookie Scribe
I find if I don't have a coffee in the morning, by the end of the day I'm tired, moody and have a headache. Coffee is my drink especially when I'm DD.
I did this within the last year.

I've been a heavy coffee drinker since college and moderate before that. My grandparents gave me cups with lots of milk when I was in my single digits (It was the 70's. I probably could have had beer, too).

I got a horrible stomach problem a few months ago and was off of all food for three days and all liquids except water for about two weeks. The headache was monstrous but it could have been from the dehydration, too. When I tried coffee again, it made me shake.

I eased myself back onto caffeine. I need it for my job but it's much more controlled than it used to be. Maybe three cups a day.
Active Ink Slinger
Been a steady coffee drinker since the late 1980s. Cut back occasionally. Twice I went cold turkey for two weeks each. a mild headache for 4-5 days & a fog. By the end of the first week that had cleared & I was ok. Missed the flavor, the rush, & the social component & went back when the two weeks were up. Now I confine myself to the gourmet shit for the most part.
For those making the effort, how's it going?

Three years ago I cut back from 20+ cups of sugar spiked coffee a day to around 5 cups.
Last year I cut coffee out entirely and went to Earl Grey.
This year I'm transitioning from Caffeinated to Decaf (Earl Grey).

For me, this was an effort to remove excess sugar from my diet. Then later it became an effort to kill my reliance on substances of any type to make it through the day.

I've lost 10+ lbs . . . and by my estimate I've avoided injesting over 300,000 calories in the last year alone. That's probably conservative, too.
Its the wafting aroma of coffee brewing, that tickles my senses. I don't seem to have an overbearing need for coffee, but I do enjoy several cups throughout a day's grind. Caffeine is not my crutch, so with that I am thankful.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I feel coffee affects me more than alcohol.

In my 20s, during a day at the office I'd do 4 large black filter coffees par day on average - about a litre i guess.

Now, in my 40s I try to keep it to less than 1.5 per day.
I didn't give up coffee but all soda and carbonated beverages.

Water is my new best friend.
Wild at Heart
Quote by MostPreciousLittle
I didn't give up coffee but all soda and carbonated beverages.

Water is my new best friend.

You should give up paint chips as well. Just sayin'.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
In a bid to improve my inner health, I'm going to stop drinking coffee (well, caffeinated coffee as a start - decaf for a week, then none) for a month. I've not done this since I first started drinking coffee regularly, probably 1985.

A few cups per day are fine judging by the research, however I've been consuming probably 3-4 per day for a long time, and want to cut it out. Coffee is particularly bad for your kidneys - along with red wine, another of my favourite vices I need to cut back on

I've read that caffeine is the main ingredient in coffee to do harm, particularly to the nervous system, however decaf isn't that much better from the looks of things: (and it still contains up to 3% of the caffeine).

A friend of mine did it successfully and stayed off coffee for months and months. One day she had a cup of caffeinated coffee served to her by accident, and said she was shaking at the end of it.

Has anyone tried to do this themselves?

Yes every now and again I feel the need to stop drinking coffee. I don't drink loads (avg 300ml per day) but it is always black and strong. I usually find it's about 48 hrs before it's really out of my system.
Honestly, I couldn't function. I drink gallons at work. Strong stuff, like diesel.

Love it.
I not have much coffee, and I'm not giving up my hot tea for even a day...
Active Ink Slinger
I stopped drinking coffee years ago ..straight tea lady now ?? ..that sounded silly ..sorry

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Active Ink Slinger
I tried giving up coffee for Lent, just about killed me lol. I now drink de-caff coffee, sleep much better. First hot drink on a morning has to be coffee, with brown sugar and cream mmmmmmmm.
I tried to but I cant function in the morning without my fix.
Advanced Wordsmith
I would have no interest in giving up coffee. Besides, coffee is the main source of antioxidants in most people’s diets, in the US at least.