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Beating the Smoking Addiction?

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Quote by WellMadeMale

I quit smoking combusted cigs on April 1st - no fooling. Within a week, coffee tasted like blechhh to me also. However, I changed combusted weaponized cigarettes for liquid boiled electronic nicotine inhalation (with flavors like butterscotch, chocolate hazelnut, cran/rasberry & strawberry milkshake).

Have stepped down from 28 milligrams of nicotine per 'vape' in April, to 18 mg starting this month. It's said that 18 milligrams is about what you would get per puff off of a 'light' cigarette.

And I find I can also go longer in between vapor inhalations... Instead of a weaponized Winston Light cigarette every 60-90 minutes, I take 6 to 10 inhalations every 3 or 4 hours...

Costs? I'm missing out on the 4000 other toxic chemicals within each inhalation of the 'normal' cigarette of today. @ $50 a carton of the old fashioned analog cigarettes and a carton a week...that's $600 not spent on killing myself slowly, this year.

I've spent about $400 on the e-cigarette batteries, accessories and liquid nicotine (niquid). I have enough niquid on hand to last me til November - If I haven't whittled myself down to 3mg doses of this stuff by then and just quit altogether - as is the plan. (then I can give these three e-cigs to a brother or a friend and encourage them to use 'em to quit). They'll have to buy their own niquid, and vaping tanks/tips - which is really inexpensive.

Getting my stamina back slowly. Food tastes and smells much better.

And I don't stench like a walking ashtray... some people seem to be more friendly the last few months -

No offense to those ladies who still smoke...but the non-smoking women are quite a bit more attractive (in their 30's, 40's & 50's) I've noticed.

No offense taken there!

It goes both ways!! Male smokers in thier late thirties and above look, devastatingly rougher than their non smoking buddies. It's been noted, I assure you there.

Quote by crazydiamond

No offense taken there!

It goes both ways!! Male smokers in thier late thirties and above look, devastatingly rougher than their non smoking buddies. It's been noted, I assure you there.

Hey, I know that door swings both ways.

When I was 23...I was devastatingly handsome, but I'd only been smoking about 2 years at that point. George fucking Clooney he was still an unknown Felix-Looking-Goofball with a semi-famous last name. The last 30 years I went downhill with every puff...Now I only look like a slightly older Brad Pitt...

Clooney has me by some darker hair - real teeth/white and a better laugh.

But I'll be catching up on that fucker in no time flat.

Michael Douglas though... he has what I'm shooting for. Wowsa. Probably impossibly top shelf for a guy like me.

I just gotta deal I suppose.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by crazydiamond

No offense taken there!

It goes both ways!! Male smokers in thier late thirties and above look, devastatingly rougher than their non smoking buddies. It's been noted, I assure you there.

Hey, I know that door swings both ways.

When I was 23...I was devastatingly handsome, but I'd only been smoking about 2 years at that point. George fucking Clooney he was still an unknown Felix-Looking-Goofball with a semi-famous last name. The last 30 years I went downhill with every puff...Now I only look like a slightly older Brad Pitt...

Clooney has me by some darker hair - real teeth/white and a better laugh.

But I'll be catching up on that fucker in no time flat.

Michael Douglas though... he has what I'm shooting for. Wowsa. Probably impossibly top shelf for a guy like me.

I just gotta deal I suppose.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I quit 15 years ago, using little inhalers. It went pretty easy. I quit while wife was in hospital for open heart surgery. I knew we would have to quit if we were both live longer. When she got out of hospital she didn't smoke anymore either. Her sister and I washed all the clothes in fabreeze and washed done walls and everything so she would not smell the nicotine. Had the car detailed. All of that helped. One big benefit was better sex and more often. After she recovered. My son recently quit using vaping and e cigs like above poster did and it has worked well for him. Only thing tougher than quitting smoking is getting off salt. That is unbelievably hard. I have to go around looking for low salt pussy. Any ideas?
You know those guys on the corner with signs that say "Will Work For Food"? I sit on Canal street with a sign that says "Will Do Anything For Pussy".
has anyone tried e-cigs to help break the habit?

Can I just say when anyone asks "hows the quiting going?"

It's not an occurring event...
I'm Crazy Diamond, I'm OCD, I'm "get it right or fuck off".
It was done June 29th 2013 at 1:00pm. I'ts done.

Cold Turkey- I've not smoked since. First week was fucking hell, longer you go the easier it is, I don't even want one now, I can smell them now, its gross.

Yayyyy Fucking me.

I smoked 20 years and loved it, focus, it's a piece of piss, once you understand the Psychology of the beast. Kill it!

Quote by Clozh8r
has anyone tried e-cigs to help break the habit?

i would say yes if they are nicotine free, the key first is killing that nicotone beast craving, its out of you in 3-4 days then its habit . take one bit of nicotine, you are back to day one craving , thats just dumb. cold turkey , find a nicotine free fruit vapouriser. seriously its the nicotine that is the problem. It only takes 3 days.
Quote by crazydiamond

Can I just say when anyone asks "hows the quiting going?"

It's not an occurring event...
I'm Crazy Diamond, I'm OCD, I'm "get it right or fuck off".
It was done June 29th 2013 at 1:00pm. I'ts done.

Cold Turkey- I've not smoked since. First week was fucking hell, longer you go the easier it is, I don't even want one now, I can smell them now, its gross.

Yayyyy Fucking me.

I smoked 20 years and loved it, focus, it's a piece of piss, once you understand the Psychology of the beast. Kill it!


I too think cold turkey is best method to really quit.
Don't be surprised though if, even after years, you'll get this feeling of 'would be nice to light a cigaret now'. I have them every now and then. Rarely but still, even after 16 years. And I've only smoked for 6 years. The feeling is fairly easy to resist, but make sure you do when it pops up. I know people who didn't and started smoking again after years of not smoking. And stopping a second time seems to be just as hard as the first.


Why on earth would i succumb to that beast again? For one I can smell it now - Major reason to keep me away, second , I dont need it, getting back to knowing what i was like before ciggy's makes me see I don't need a ciggy. Starting again?? DAFT.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Why the hell would I ever try that again??
Quote by crazydiamond
Why on earth would i succumb to that beast again? For one I can smell it now - Major reason to keep me away, second , I dont need it, getting back to knowing what i was like before ciggy's makes me see I don't need a ciggy. Starting again?? DAFT.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Why the hell would I ever try that again??

Because... now you were at this point where you were ready to stop. You've made the transition of being a smoker to a non-smoking smoker to a non-smoker. This transition is still fresh in your memory and so are the arguments that brought you to it and that supported your effort. But in a couple of years you're just a non-smoker, not thinking about the downsides of the habit, who every now and then gets this nostalgic feeling about some nice moments in the past where you were smoking. That's why.
It can get you by surprise (you'll be a long time non-smoker by then) and those arguments against smoking are far away in the back of your mind.

You don't have to believe me of course and I can't guarantee that it will happen, but I hope you remember this when it does ;)


I recently quit as well using the ecig... Sadly I was addicted for the past 34 years... I think it is easier in this day and age due to the amount of places you can smoke... hell I remember smoking in the grocery store while shopping! Sad I know...

For me, the biggest issue was the psychological addiction... I never had a smoke before 4 or 5 in the afternoon when I did smoke, just didnt crave it... But certain times of the day, I just craved like crazy! So the ecig worked well in that anytime I had a craving, 3 or 4 puffs usually did the trick... What I missed a lot was the actual act... the blowing of the smoke and feeling of it in my lungs so to speak... The ecig helps with that also...

I will say this... Dont buy the cheap disposable ones... There is a difference of how long they last... certainly do your research and ask around... It is not cheap to start with (expect to spend between $50.00 and $100.00 for the kit)... But if your ready to quit... It will absolutely help....

Good luck to those trying to quit and congrats to all those who have succeeded!!!
Quote by Ardentmale
For me, the biggest issue was the psychological addiction... I never had a smoke before 4 or 5 in the afternoon when I did smoke, just didnt crave it... But certain times of the day, I just craved like crazy! So the ecig worked well in that anytime I had a craving, 3 or 4 puffs usually did the trick... What I missed a lot was the actual act... the blowing of the smoke and feeling of it in my lungs so to speak... The ecig helps with that also...

For me rolling cigarets was part of the addiction, so I've been rolling cigarets for friends for at least a week after I quited ;)
I guess it was a good test as well to hand them over each time instead of lighting them myself.


I just stopped one day, didn't even realise it. Three weeks later, I noticed I hadn't had one, and didn't bother picking one up again after that. It's been over ten years.
I really can't say how I did it. Actually all my friends told me that I was to skinny and that my hands shook. Now I'm a few pounds over weight, but I don't have the shakes any more. It was a bad habit anyway.
22 years ago I woke up one morning with very difficult breathing problems. I was always used to starting off my morning with a cigarette. I reached over and grabbed my cigarettes and wondered why I was torturing myself. I crumpled up the box of cigarettes tossing them into the trash can. I haven't touched one single cigarette since then and with some of the current health problems I have now would have just compounded those problems. Plus I put my faith in God. It also worked with my drug and drinking problem. Been clean and sober for 28 years now.
Quote by Felopzed
Plus I put my faith in God. It also worked with my drug and drinking problem.

Sorry for going off topic here, but comments like these always make me wonder. Like in this instance: did you already have faith in God when drugs and drinking became a problem or did you put your faith in God in a time when you had a drugs and drinking problem?
Felopzed, it's not my intention to attack you for your believes. I'm glad you overcame some of your bad habits/problems, with whatever inspiration you had. It's just that I often see or hear people making statements like these and in almost every instance the reasoning behind it seems so thin.


Quote by crazydiamond
I'm just hitting day 7 of COLD TURKEY.

I quit randomly without planning it at the stupidest time ever. My last week of a degree, an exhibition , and a required course for next year all at the same time.

I have been pushed beyond what I thought I could manage this week. I've smoked 20 years.

I've managed so far, i keep waking up at 4 am though.
I can handle most cravings they last about 3 minutes.
Sips of water help and distraction.

The quicker you curb the nicotine intake, the faster you can sort the habit. That's why i went cold turkey ,I did not want to depend on nicotine in a repalcement form to drag it out.

I dread meals at the moment, as they make me want fags, so i'm not replacing with food, i'm avoiding it till i'm starved.
I really notice how much extra time i have now by not smoking? So weird.

The worst bit is the "sneak up on you craving", it occurs when you do something where you would nornmlly smoke.
It feels like a hunger for food or breath, in your chest, its powerful, but recognise it for what it is, a craving for a drug you gave up, you are missing out on nothing, it just wants you to think you are, to satisfy its needs, not YOURS!

It's not a loss, i'm not pitying myself, this is all good, recognise it like that and it helps, i'm only gaining benefits right?

I also look at it practically , i've made it 7 days.
Day one was the worst.
If i take any nicotine now, the reactions go back to those of day one.
That would be what you call insanity, that pushes me, the longer i go the easier it gets, if i slip up , it starts all over.

Simple choice really. Its hard as fuck, but so is my will.

Just be stubborn

An update....

I'm stubborn as hell, and hate to fail so wooo hoo.

I quit smoking cold turkey 3 months ago tomorrow, I'll never smoke again! I feel smashing, look better, and don't even think about them, in fact...I can smell them now and it's pretty unbearable. Funny how we adjust and heal.

Quote by crazydiamond

An update....

I'm stubborn as hell, and hate to fail so wooo hoo.

I quit smoking cold turkey 3 months ago tomorrow, I'll never smoke again! I feel smashing, look better, and don't even think about them, in fact...I can smell them now and it's pretty unbearable. Funny how we adjust and heal.

Well done you! That is fantastic news!
Quote by sweet_as_candy

Well done you! That is fantastic news!

Cheers Missus! xx
after too many years smoking I an now on a nebulizer every 6 hours
and on 15 oxygen hours a day

Yup smoking has killed me
after too many years smoking I an now on a nebulizer every 6 hours
and on 15 oxygen hours a day

Yup smoking has killed me
after too many years smoking I an now on a nebulizer every 6 hours
and on 15 oxygen hours a day

Yup smoking has killed me
Quote by DBarclay
after too many years smoking I an now on a nebulizer every 6 hours
and on 15 oxygen hours a day

Yup smoking has killed me

I'm really sorry to hear that David.

It's good to see you despite your very difficult circumstances.
Quote by DBarclay
after too many years smoking I an now on a nebulizer every 6 hours
and on 15 oxygen hours a day

Yup smoking has killed me

I never took to it. I am sorry you are sick and ill. Maybe you can spread your message.
give your ID to a trusted friend, get rid of what you have. 3 days in seclusion, do not speak to anyone, do not leave a room save for when nature calls and eating (even then try eating in the room).
Worked for me.
And I've only begun fucking with you people.
At the end of the day, it's all math.
To me, there was only one way...cold turkey with no self-pity.
Quote by Aidin
To me, there was only one way...cold turkey with no self-pity.

I agree, cold turkey has been proved to be the most effective method. I tried many times before with different methods, but what worked for me was when I threw my pack in the trash and said to myself : "Not a single puff anymore, no matter the excuse". It's very hard at first (so is any other method), but your withdrawal symptoms don't last as long ; with other methods, you still have nicotine in your system so the dependance persists. The strategy is also easy to apply : don't smoke.

I stopped 2 years ago, and today I smoke electronic cigars which I use as a pacifier of sorts. I just like the habit ; it's fun and it's almost a hobby to me. The nicotine absorbed by the body is also very low compared to analog cigarettes ; if I don't use my electronic cigar, I don't feel any symptoms so the dependance is pretty much gone.
I was 2 packs a day. I had a girlfriend at the time that promised me blowjobs on demand for a week to relieve the stress. It was pretty cool. And because I expected it to be so incredibly hard, it was a little easier than I thought it would be (I almost started again after breaking up with said girlfriend).

Still miss it. Still enjoy the smell of it in a bar.
I have been trying the e-cigs. I believe if I wasn't so stubborn I would be off regular figs for good. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Quote by mover
I have been trying the e-cigs. I believe if I wasn't so stubborn I would be off regular figs for good. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

I believe that no change in life can happened without a decision, specially long term habit as smoking is. You need to think trough why do you want to quit and what will that change bring you. Smoking is a life style that I loved so much, it was part of my image, I looked sexy with cigaret in hand specilally when i was rolling tobacco, but I knew that is time to stop, so I negotiated with myself over a year and when i finally decided, I quit. Over night. First few hours are worst, and first week is similar, but it will get better and before you know you'll be non smoker. I remember, I was counting hours without a puff, I was extremely proud of myself and that is what kept me going. It has been over 8 years now and still from time to time I want to light one, but..not smoking has so many more and better consequences. When you'll decide what you want you'll do everything to get that. Good luck!