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Apple Cider Vinegar, Have you tried it?

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Active Ink Slinger
I drink some everyday. It's completely disgusting and I have to rinse my mouth out alot afterwards, but with all the benefits it seems to have I think that it's worth it. I can definitely tell the difference on how I feel on days that I don't have any. When I drink some, I have more energy and I just feel better overall. You need to make sure that it is raw, organic and unfiltered.

So, have you tried it? Do you feel better when you do? Have you considered using it before?

Here are some websites that name all of the benefits of ACV:

Head Nurse
I have about a cup of it daily. I use it to make my salad dressing, and I have salad for lunch and dinner.
Purveyor of Sweetness
looks just like the bottle of vinegar i have at my house...

when i finish a bottle i also use whatever vinegar mother is left to add to a partially drunk bottle of wine to make my own vinegar for salads.
Raised on Blackroot
I'll look into it, but I've generally just preferred making energy and health smoothies. They supply me tons of energy when I need it, though admittedly it takes a bit longer than just drinking something straight.

I imagine it takes like apple cider and vinegar mixed together?

Doesn't really sound appealing.
Active Ink Slinger
salad dressing, no other use so far!
I happen to love it! I usually drink a couple spoon fulls a day! Bragg's is definitely the best when it comes to their products. You should try switching out soy with their amino acids. Phenomenal stuff!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I've heard of it, and I've thought about it. But I'm not the bandwagon type. I do extensive research beforehand. Had I discovered this before I discovered coconut oil, I would have been all for it. But I consume two table spoons of coconut oil every single day in some form, even if I mix it in tea or something. And the health benefits of it surpass that of apple cider vinegar. I'd post a link, but I really don't wanna threadjack, as this is about ACV.

And I'm not saying all of that to discredit ACV, because it is great stuff. I use it in salad, as well. But I have something that works for me, so I pretty much stick to it as a apple cider vinegar is kind of moot to me.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I use it when I get heartburn, but didn't know of most of the other benefits.

It's best to get the cloudy organic version, the clear highly processed stuff you typically get in supermarkets, has virtually all the good stuff stripped out.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Autumn17
I drink some everyday. It's completely disgusting and I have to rinse my mouth out alot afterwards, but with all the benefits it seems to have I think that it's worth it. I can definitely tell the difference on how I feel on days that I don't have any. When I drink some, I have more energy and I just feel better overall. You need to make sure that it is raw, organic and unfiltered.

Yes, I drink ACV too, though I ingest so much supplements I kinda lost track of the benefits of each. I'm not sure how much is required to seek benefits, but I drink around 1/4 a cup each day. To hide the bad taste, I dilute it in a large glass of water and add a spoonful of sucralose (non-caloric sugar).
Active Ink Slinger
I don't see the appeal. I'd rather just eat an apple and use the vinegar to clean my coffee maker.
Oh I love vinegar lol
I use it to pickle beets or peppers or make yummy cucumbers and tomatoes in vinegar.
I also love cleaning with it as well it makes most jobs easier and faster.
I have also heard it has health benefits as well but I have no desire to drink it
Quote by Autumn17
I drink some everyday. It's completely disgusting and I have to rinse my mouth out alot afterwards, but with all the benefits it seems to have I think that it's worth it. I can definitely tell the difference on how I feel on days that I don't have any. When I drink some, I have more energy and I just feel better overall. You need to make sure that it is raw, organic and unfiltered.

To make it more palatable try this...

1-2 cups warm or hot water
2 tsp ACV
1 tbs honey
a shake of cinnamon

ACV eats cholesterol like Pac Man eats dots.
It's a natural heartburn treatment
In less than month you will notice the difference in the new you.

Thanx Autumn
Active Ink Slinger
I personally donot use it. but Ryu uses it daily, he either drinks it straight or adds it to things. He says it helps with heartburn and digestion and overall how he feels...i on other hand grew up on coconut thats what i stick to. But maybe ill give it a go?
my newest :)
Alpha Blonde
I'm going to try some of the 'hide the taste' tips in this thread. It's my go-to with salad or with a bit of olive oil over sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, but I'm having trouble with the daily-intake bit if I'm not eating salad. I've tried it in a glass of water... but blechh... I hate prolonging the taste. Then I've tried it straight-up in a shot-glass on an empty stomach and that was a pretty bad idea too. Even though it went down fast, I feel like the after-effects were pretty gag-worthy for a while.

Agree on the brand though - Bragg's is tops!
Active Ink Slinger
Bragg is the way to go, but to HELL with shooting it! I tried that and I swear to GOD my throat closed on me and scared the living shit out of me!
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I'm going to try some of the 'hide the taste' tips in this thread. It's my go-to with salad or with a bit of olive oil over sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, but I'm having trouble with the daily-intake bit if I'm not eating salad. I've tried it in a glass of water... but blechh... I hate prolonging the taste. Then I've tried it straight-up in a shot-glass on an empty stomach and that was a pretty bad idea too. Even though it went down fast, I feel like the after-effects were pretty gag-worthy for a while.

Agree on the brand though - Bragg's is tops!

I don't drink ACV as often as I used too, but really the best way for me to drink it was to dilute 1-2 tablespoon(s) in a large glass of water while adding another tablespoon of sucralose. That way, it actually tastes like some kind of tasty alcoholic cider; I even enjoy drinking it in a wine glass at times, with my supper.

I usually buy a large bag of sucralose and conserve it for many months in my sugar canister (next to my flour canister which contains my protein powder, haha). It's convenient as a non-caloric substitute for sugar, though recently there has been some health concerns associated with it. Nothing major however (it's still 'healthier' than regular sugar according to most), and if you only use a few scoops per week/month as I do (with ACV, with coffee, on top of strawberries, etc.), chances are it won't have that big of an impact on your health and will allow you to cut a few extra calories:

That said, drinking ACV has become much more occasional for me these days. I still have a bottle around and prepare my mix every once in a while, but I'm not trying to make it a daily habit anymore. I initially started drinking ACV because it can potentially lower your blood pH (which is advantageous for building muscles) and then I read about the other benefits too, but I don't quite believe that it's a miracle product or anything. Sure, it can have a few slight benefits (blood pH, blood sugar control, digestion, etc.), but a lot of these are exaggerated if you ask me, and comparable to many other healthy foods.

As it is with any so-called miracle product, plenty of people exaggerate the benefits because it makes a nice article to present on their websites: "It helps you lose weight, it cures sore throats, it improves your complexion! Hell, you can even use it for acne, to kill fleas on your pets, or as a freshener for your house!"

It's actually similar to all these 'organic websites' who enjoy bashing artificial sweeteners (including sucralose) because it makes a great article, and yet in a lot of cases the negative effects were only observed after drinking the equivalent of 2,000 cans of diet soda per day.

Here's what some experts actually have to say about ACV:

Quote by WebMD
The researchers suggest that vinegar may turn on certain genes involved in breaking down fats.

The effect is probably very subtle, says Chicago dietitian Debbie Davis, RD. “It may have some benefits in terms of weight loss and weight management, but it is definitely not a quick fix."

If you want to lose weight, you’ll still need to exercise and practice portion control.

Quote by WebMD
"Trying to use vinegar to treat diabetes is like trying to bail out a flooded basement with a teaspoon," says Michael Dansinger, MD, director of Tufts University’s diabetes lifestyle coaching program.

So yeah, I'm sure it can have a few positive effects on your health, but I don't believe that it lives up the hype. Just like avocados, tomatoes or spinaches can also provide different health benefits, and yet I don't make a point to binge on any of these: I just eat an overall healthy diet and try to include many different healthy foods on a periodic basis.
Raised on Blackroot
Actually used it for cooking awhile ago.

Just a dash to some homemade sweat and sour sauce for stir-fry. Didn't really notice it all.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been known to consume it. Never liked the taste, but found the benefits worth it. I used Bragg as well. I did a couple of tablespoons mixed with a spoonful of raw honey. I definitely suggest raw honey over pasteurized. Stir it up with some room temp water to dissolve the honey, then shake it with some ice. I found chilling it helped the taste.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MadMartigan

Just a dash to some homemade sweat and sour sauce for stir-fry.

Sweat and sour sauce? Are you a bit too near the wok?
Alpha Blonde
This is a great article on the benefits of drinking ACV and using it for other household/beauty uses. The comments section gives some good tips and uses as well.

I actually tried one of the suggestions on how to drink it. I boiled water in the kettle and let it cool down to being just shy of hot, then added the ACV and a teaspoon of pure Maple Syrup. It's not bad at all - almost feels like you're drinking a tea.

There's another suggestion of adding it to grapefruit juice to hide the taste - going to try that one next.
Active Ink Slinger
Didn't know you could drink it and by the sounds of it you wouldn't want to.

I do use it though as it is supposed to be a good tonic when added to my chickens water.

So there must be some truth in there -somewhere. .. still I won't be hurrying to try it myself.
I've never drank it neat. My brother bought this exact same bottle - he used to have bad skin but it didn't help much. I'm going to try it out, especially with some of the suggestions on here. Anything's better than cod liver oil!
Active Ink Slinger
Used to drink a half a glass of water with a teaspoon of ACV and a couple of drops of honey, but I mostly use it to make salad dressing or marinades. Just make sure you dilute it because it's very acidic and can cause damage to your esophagus or stomach.
Active Ink Slinger
It's so disgusting to drink straight. I put it in a little bit of apple juice. Or in a smoothie. You still get the benefits, but it doesn't taste like liquid death.