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any workout tips guys and girls

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Raised on Blackroot
Quote by Magical_felix
None of you pussies sound like you even lift.

Now you’ve gone and baited SereneWanker into probably posting his bench, squat, and dead numbers.
Wild at Heart
Quote by MadMartigan

Now you’ve gone and baited SereneWanker into probably posting his bench, squat, and dead numbers.

He can post his pansy ass 5 lb pink weights and Olivia Newton John step up bench system all he wants. His girly wet noodle ass doesn’t lift shit.
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Active Ink Slinger
Plank....look it up. Nothing better
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TheSensualLady

He was most likely referencing these flavors.

Cherry Glacier Gatorade

Ice Punch

Don't drink gatorade.....youre lifting weight, not playing basketball. Go to gnc or vitamin shoppe and pick up a.mix to drink.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

He can post his pansy ass 5 lb pink weights and Olivia Newton John step up bench system all he wants. His girly wet noodle ass doesn’t lift shit.

Never ever brag about what you do in the gym. Become bad ass enough that others do it for you.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy

Haha, of course you didn't post that PM you sad cretin: it was infinitely more compromising for you than it was for me. But here, I'm feeling quite masochistic and just can't help but to expose it down below simply to completely devastate my own reputation.

Dude, don't assume that people are as dumb as you are by pretending that this PM was in response to a few trivial pictures that you posted. You can't exactly show me how fanatically you hate me for a gazillion times (to the point where nearly 75% of your forum-apparitions concern me in one way or another), and then expect the Lush populace not to notice any of your silly little fixation toward me. As far as I'm concerned, every single word of my message was plenty justified and I don't regret expressing myself like I did for one tiny fucking bit. Nor does it expose a side of myself that I didn't already present numerous times on these forums on my own volition.

But hey, glad that you're so open to the idea of me sharing that PM and exposing to everybody here that you really can't work up the courage to confront me one-on-one in private despite my candid invitation to do so. You do realize that this is precisely what moderators advocate when facing that kind of predicament, right? And I should feel ashamed about that suggestion for what reason precisely? Seems like our respective paths to manliness were entirely different experiences altogether, but I'd personally feel a whole lot more embarrassed if I was some kind of cowardly little moron who can only challenge another man by throwing tiny nuggets of shit at him while he's already busy interacting with somebody else. Say, how about you at least engage me in some kind of basic debate that others can vaguely benefit from for a fucking change?

I must admit though, I'm not quite sure if I want us to fight in private anymore; spotting you desperately trying to insult me here in the forums is just invariably so goddamn hilarious. As in, anybody can clearly perceive that you constantly trying to even the score with me just hints to the fact that even yourself consider the current score to be in my favor, and yet you're simply way too dense to realize that behaving that way only serves to present yourself as a perpetual loser. Even more so when everybody pictures you scrutinizing every single one of my posts from behind the scenes and taking a month of preparation to spot an opportunity to finally strike at me, only to end up embarrassing yourself over and over and over again.

Where do you live dude? I totally want to verify if you're for real.

Wild at Heart
Quote by doctorlove

Never ever brag about what you do in the gym. Become bad ass enough that others do it for you.

Did that seem like bragging to you?
Wild at Heart

I don't believe this at all. Take Captain America at the beginning of Winter Soldier. He runs about 20 miles in under an hour, and right after, he feels perfectly fine, and is off to work. I'm not saying that we need to be superpowered, but I do think that once you reach a level of physical fitness, it is really just about maintaining your perfect fitness, and improving in the ways that you need to improve. Once you reach a certain level, you heal faster, and feel perfect, even when you're running at full speed for an hour straight on the treadmill, or lifting more weight with many reps than most normal people.

I feel the idea is to get to a point where you can do more than even the fittest people, faster, stronger, longer, and with more stamina, endurance, focus, and endurance. Once you get to that point, then torturing yourself in a "mere workout" is kind of silly. At that point, you start realizing that bigger challenges are out there, like playing professional football, becoming a boxer/wrestler/martial artist, of even joining the military. If you're going to torture yourself in a workout, and you're already fit, then at that level, you want it to count for something, whether that is money, or the chance to make a difference.

I don't dread working out because I feel great after, and because my workout regimen/nutrition help me look and feel great all the time, and be optimal, means that it becomes nearly impossible to dread my workout, even if I have to push myself past my limits. Just a few weeks ago, I ran a marathon on one day. I wasn't really even tired, despite it being challenging, and I wondered when I would do it again. I ran another marathon a day later. And I felt even better, to the point that I considered running a marathon every day. I just might do that, for a few months, just to say that I did that for a while. Realistically time is very important to me, so that is the only reason I won't be able to do that forever.

If I don't dread running a marathon (26 miles) every day, then what workout can I really be honestly dread? How much harder can I push myself to the point that I need to get more value from what I'm doing? I mean I enjoy every minute of it, and I only get better the more I do, to the point that Freerunning and Parkour is next. Those things are extremely difficult, but they don't feel difficult when you do them because your body is so perfect, and feels so perfect, and you're doing amazing things, so difficulty becomes a completely relative thing.

Captain America... silly... parkour...

Got it.
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Wild at Heart

I love the Internet forum bravado of someone with an animated avatar, and no pictures of themself. smile

I parkour everywhere I go! I'd parkour circles around your pansy ass. I bet you ride a pink tricycle to get around like a lil bitch. A pink tricycle you probably can't even lift, cuck!

I love the irony of a man who spends so much time writing erotica, being either overly sarcastic or insulting in every beta way imaginable, having the Internet balls to call other posters pussies, and has an avatar literally of a cartoon cat, without seeing the irony of any of this. This might be the height of unintended projection.

I love the irony of a guy using a fake avatar who gets a membership and proceeds to collect "friends" from all the women on lush with slutty profile pictures....

Why you don't share you workout tips and stay with the topic?.... unless your workouts probably consist of you using fake pictures to share with middle age women who also use fake pictures....
Active Ink Slinger
I suppose it depends what you are trying to achieve.

I swim about 8-10k per week, about 70% FC and 30% medley, but that's because I train to compete with a squad and enjoy swimming. I do a few chin ups and push ups just to strengthen my upper body a little.

I cycle about 70k per week just to get out and have fun. Maybe more in the sunny weather.

I do find find the combination of cycling and swimming keeps me in shape but the biggest benefit I feel is from the cardio aspect. Plus I can eat and drink what I like, within reason.
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Raised on Blackroot
And now we’ve got ourselves a supplement pusher and a new leader for scribe.

You stick a needle in your ass too, mate?
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2777 posts. 28795 total views in 5 years for your writing. No wins. Ignorant, insignificant, and irrelevant.

Does anyone else find it hilarious that this supposed "bodybuilding" fanatic chooses to post an idealized version of what he wants to be as his avatar?

Your posts read like a 15 year old's after he just finished jerking off to the latest issue of Muscle and Fitness.

I give it a week before you're off this site altogether.

Here are a few pointers for when you try to come crawling back here in about 6 months or so....

Try and choose a name that doesn't appear like the search entry of a sexually confused porntube addict.

Also, maybe if you want to appeal to people on a sex stories website....maybe stop insulting sex stories. I get it that you get off on pretending to be a guy with a BBC and there are probably a few senseless women on here that will play into that fantasy...

But by all means... continue with this comical facade.
Site administrator
I really can't believe the posts that I am reading in this thread. Probably about half are off topic and nothing more than personal jibes between members and its nothing short of pathetic.

Keep the thread on topic please.
Quote by DamonX

Does anyone else find it hilarious that this supposed "bodybuilding" fanatic chooses to post an idealized version of what he wants to be as his avatar?

Your posts read like a 15 year old's after he just finished jerking off to the latest issue of Muscle and Fitness.

I give it a week before you're off this site altogether.

Here are a few pointers for when you try to come crawling back here in about 6 months or so....

Try and choose a name that doesn't appear like the search entry of a sexually confused porntube addict.

Also, maybe if you want to appeal to people on a sex stories website....maybe stop insulting sex stories. I get it that you get off on pretending to be a guy with a BBC and there are probably a few senseless women on here that will play into that fantasy...

But by all means... continue with this comical facade.

I have absolutely no need to appeal to boys like you. This site has many purposes, not just erotica. Just because you have obvious issues with your penis size shortcomings isn't my problem. Your obsession with the word "BBC" being part of a simple username on a sex-themed website is beyond sad.
Get a therapist. Working out can't help that issue. I suggest prayer. You'll need an actual miracle for that one.

And try to post things that actually relate to working out, like you actually requested, and is the point of this topic.
❤️️🌹Elusive Enigma 🌹❤️️
I drink plenty of water with lemon added at least two hours before I work out to maintain proper hydration, especially in the summer.

I change my exercise routine constantly to avoid boredom and keep my muscles developing.

I work all major muscle groups on staggered days and do plenty of cardio.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
Quote by DamonX

Does anyone else find it hilarious that this supposed "bodybuilding" fanatic chooses to post an idealized version of what he wants to be as his avatar?

Your posts read like a 15 year old's after he just finished jerking off to the latest issue of Muscle and Fitness.

I give it a week before you're off this site altogether.

Here are a few pointers for when you try to come crawling back here in about 6 months or so....

Try and choose a name that doesn't appear like the search entry of a sexually confused porntube addict.

Also, maybe if you want to appeal to people on a sex stories website....maybe stop insulting sex stories. I get it that you get off on pretending to be a guy with a BBC and there are probably a few senseless women on here that will play into that fantasy...

But by all means... continue with this comical facade.

You ought to stay on topic, like you requested because you're beginning to embarrass yourself.
These threads will always be complete clusterfucks.

Because everyone thinks that they "know" about working out regardless of their actual education.

Not got any tips but I'm loving my circuit/hiit classes. I'm pretty lucky as have amazing trainers. Just takes time, patience and a shit load of work to get where you want to be. I'm aiming to look like Jennifer Lawrence in her Mystique outfit! (a girl can dream right?) My only tip would be to stick to the people who know you (and who know what they are talking about! Lol)
Quote by L8LastNight
Just started kettlebell workouts. Really works everything with a good stretch. And it only flew out of my hands once. Fell about two inches short of the wall mirror. Lol

Ooh I love a good kettlebell workout. Careful you don't do yourself an injury!