Quote by Stormdog
Oh please! Dangerous territory to tread considering that this moron has given us countless hours of material:
Quote by clum
Jesus, take a day off. We've got enough bloody threads about which old white guy is the worst. Just have a laugh at the funny videos.
Does your new president being an idiot mean your old one wasn't? Seems to be America's type.
Quote by Stormdog
And BTW, I respond only out of respect for you, as I really don't give a crap what anybody from other countries thinks of our politics or our political leaders and generally just ignore them. In the parlance of the old breakfast joke, you're not only not the pig, you're not even the chicken
Quote by clum
Nothing says respect like intolerance for foreigners.
Quote by Stormdog
Intolerance and simply not giving a shit are hardly the same thing. I don't give a flying fuck about the politics and leadership of your country because I don't have to live under whatever idiocy they might come up with.
Quote by clum
Nothing says respect like not giving a shit about the conditions under which other people live because it doesn't directly affect you.
Quote by Stormdog
You prove my point; sounds to me like maybe people should focus more on the leadership of their own (apparently) miserable countries than harping on America all the time. A little more thought and effort focused inward might alleviate some of the abhorrent "conditions" you reference.
Quote by clum
Miserable and abhorrent are your words. Conditions are pretty good in Scotland, and a poll published last month shows that 72% of the population is satisfied with our leader's performance. So we can probably afford a bit of focus and sympathy for those living in countries with idiotic leaders, like yourself.