Rocco my mind has difficulty imagining the immensity of space. My mind is locked into the realities of Earth where everywhere has boundaries, And yet I'm told that space is infinite and one never gets to the end of it. Scary thought. And what existed before "space."
Wonderful post but I wish it were slower to take in the raw beauty
OK I understand the quantum theory. However, I have no idea what the string theory is.cN8lH3A7yvfRNvuR I am a whiz at math and I have studied science to a point but obviously need My 8 yr old is fascinated with space so I am curious.
Ten Dimensions of space makes sense to me, though I'm not a physicist. I've read Maiku's book on hyperspace and found it insightful. I've also read about Dr. David Deutsh (sp) a British scientist/physicist that believes in parallel unisverses and the ten dimensional space theory backs that up very well too.
I love the video, and like many here, long for a longer slower version to just gaze at.
whoa...that sounds pretty technical for a guy like me. heh... I'm lucky if I can find my mail site each time I want to check my email.