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Foot Candy

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Jeffrey Campbell- Lita Daisy Ankle Boots.

Carvela Kurt Geiger - Gyrate Peep

Three scrumptious pairs of heels

What is life without great shoes?
Quote by martb40

Omg, I LOVE these!
Quote by Autumn17
These are my favorite shoes I have right now.
They were really cheap from Target

These look amazing!
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<p>(via <a href=''>tiaraless</a>)</p>




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░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

These are my new golf shoes. So comfy. You need comfy shoes when you walk about 8km, pushing golf clubs up and down hills, and torquing your body around your feet.

Whaa?? Guys cant post here?? Im sure someone will appreciate them.
Quote by SydneySider
These are my new golf shoes. So comfy. You need comfy shoes when you walk about 8km, pushing golf clubs up and down hills, and torquing your body around your feet.

Whaa?? Guys cant post here?? Im sure someone will appreciate them.

The tour 360 is a great shoe, Adidas has really been good at lightening up their shoes and making them more durable and comfortable.

I have found that ECCO golf shoes last even longer than most other brands and are comfortable right out of the box. The newest model I am wearing actually doesn't have spikes per se, but give just as much grip as "spiked" golf shoes.

I figure if they are good enough for Freddy Couples, they are sure as hell good enough for me.

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Quote by Dudealicious

The tour 360 is a great shoe, Adidas has really been good at lightening up their shoes and making them more durable and comfortable.

I have found that ECCO golf shoes last even longer than most other brands and are comfortable right out of the box. The newest model I am wearing actually doesn't have spikes per se, but give just as much grip as "spiked" golf shoes.

I figure if they are good enough for Freddy Couples, they are sure as hell good enough for me.

I thought about those Dude, but I'm sticking with what I'm used to, for now. I think comparing Freddie to us mere mortals is not quite right lol..he could play bare foot on ice..

I love those shoes you posted, how do I gete some of those? I'm not sure your company supplies here..
Quote by SydneySider

I thought about those Dude, but I'm sticking with what I'm used to, for now. I think comparing Freddie to us mere mortals is not quite right lol..he could play bare foot on ice..

I love those shoes you posted, how do I gete some of those? I'm not sure your company supplies here..

I agree about Freddie, that guy is a god when it comes to golf.

As for how to find those shoes in particular, I would go here for starters and find a store in your area that sells them.

It's not my company, but I am a fan of their shoes (especially their golf collection!).
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

All hail McQueen. These are fabulous.

I know peep-toe season is over, but sweet baby Jesus, these booties:

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

These aren't that good looking. In fact, they're borderline hideous and I think they look like a fancy bathroom. But I love the colors together...if designed COMPLETELY differently, this could make a very nice shoe:

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I'll put My contribution in to this fine cause!

I need a new pair of cowboy boots. I'm in love with these!