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I've been looking into long-term hair removal solutions that don't involve lasers. By long-term, I mean anything that removes hair from the root so it stays away longer.

I've been into sugaring for quite some time as an alternative to waxing, but I don't always feel like making the solution required for it.

I really want something that I can just grab, switch on and go. I've looked into that No-No thing that I always see on TV, but that actually entails burning away your hair, so it's not much different from laser removal. Plus everyone says they smell their hair burning away, and that freaks me the fuck out.

I know epilating has been a thing for a while now, but it's something I've avoided because although I have a pretty decent pain tolerance, it's completely dependent on the type of pain being inflicted. An epilator involves a series of tweezers, basically that pluck out your hairs in a few seconds, but I've heard it's no worse than waxing, depending on the length of the hair.

Other things I understand about epilating is that they're electric, can be charged, and are fairly easy to clean. The downsides are that if you epilate, don't do so before a night out because they can leave the skin bumpy and splotchy, and it takes a few hours to a couple of days to clear. I've also heard that it doesn't leave the skin quite as smooth as shaving or waxing.

So, I'm torn.

Anyone have any experience with epilators?

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

An ex of mine would use one and they do indeed leave red bumps and she would have to wait for the hair to be long enough for the thing to grip it. It took her way longer than shaving too. She'd spend a good 30 minutes torturing herself with it. She liked using it though. This was about 5 years ago so maybe they have gotten better now.
I actually bought one of these about 3 years ago to remove my pubic hair. The model I have is the Philips HP6401 which was highly recommended by many reviewers (for the price) and which I only paid around $35 on Amazon; I also remember considering buying the model shown in the OP (the Emjoi), which was available for around $45. I definitely preferred buying the Philips because... well it looked a lot less girly.

You can check this link to read about different 'recommended picks' (which include the model I own) and some other advices:

And here's what they say about pain, which is pretty accurate of my own personal experience:

Quote by EpilatorCentral
Beauty is pain. Painless epilator? What an oxymoron. None of the epilators I tested were significantly less painful than others. They all hurt pretty much the same though the wet and dry ones were more much more bearable under a lather. Snatching out hair from the hair follicle isn’t exactly going to feel like a relaxing spa massage no matter what the marketing says. The discomfort gets less the more you use it. After about 3 or 4 uses, it feels like a small tug.

If you are like me, the first time you place the epilator on your skin you are going to say, “Ow, Ow, OWWWWWWWWW.” My best advice is don’t pull the epilator away. The pain hurts so bad that it doesn’t hurt anymore. I think the endorphins kick in after a few minutes to help mask the discomfort.

Don’t epilate anywhere close to your “monthly” visitor, when you body is the most sensitive. Wait 2 weeks after your period.

If you have waxed or tweezed before, the pain is much more bearable. With waxing you are ripping out all the hairs at the same time. With epilating, you are ripping just a few hairs out at a time. It feels like tiny pin pricks or stings when the hair is removed.

Certain areas tend to hurt more than others. Relatively speaking, the legs aren’t bad. It feels like little rubber band snaps. The best place to
start is the calves as this is the least painful area. The higher you get on the thigh, the more painful it becomes. Bony areas like the ankles and knees hurt like %$%%. Epilating the underarms and bikini area is serious death row because not only are there a ton of nerves but the hair is thicker and coarser.

And they also include this 'pain chart' in the link:

I'm not sure where you intend to use an epilator on your body, but from my own experience I can tell that to remove pubic hair it fucking hurts like hell (emphasis absolutely necessary here). I managed to use my epilator only once for my pubic region and the pain really was unbearable, an easy 10/10 on the pain scale (and my pain tolerance is usually pretty good). I had to take short breaks at times because it hurt so badly I actually began feeling nauseous. And the other thing is, you somehow have to force yourself into that pain for quite a long period of time before the job is finally accomplished (about 45 minutes in my case to remove my pubic hair). Seriously, I wasn't aware that something could hurt that badly before that experience.

I also had many red bumps and ingrown hairs on my pubis for about a week after using my epilator (though I personally seem to be prone to those conditions according to my past shaving experiences). And some hairs weren't completely removed from the root either, as I could still feel them on the surface of my skin as if I simply shaved my pubis.

I also just reached for my epilator to test it on the back of my hand, and it still hurts pretty badly. I assume that using it for the legs would induce a similar level of pain; the inside of the thighs and the tibias could be particularly painful (as shown in the chart above). And as they mention in the link I provided, every epilator hurts pretty much the same no matter how much you'll invest for it.

I wish I could offer you a more positive review, but my own experience really was awful. Some women rely on epilators and they seem to tolerate the pain fairly well however, so your own mileage may vary. I guess the only way to find out if it would be appropriate for you would be to buy one and test it yourself. The model that I bought is technically a pretty decent one available for only $30-35, so in the worst case scenario you'll only lose a few dollars (as I did myself). I definitely wouldn't recommend investing $100+ for an epilator right off the bat however.

Seriously though, the Gigi Waxing Kit that I bought last year really is a fantastic option for hair removal. I personally only use it to remove my pubic hair with the Brazilian Hard Wax, but they also sell many different waxes/creams/resins that you can use with the same Wax Warmer unit to remove hair at different places on your body. I can vouch that the Brazilian Wax is of super-high quality (extremely professional product) and I assume that the rest of their line is just as equally great. And it isn't actually more expensive than buying an epilator (around $40 for the basic kit).

I really can't explain why, but removing my pubic hair with the Gigi Waxing Kit doesn't hurt at all; I'd say it's only about a 2/10 on the pain scale, and that's actually on my most sensitive regions (the underside of my dick mostly). It's quite strange because technically using an epilator is a very similar procedure, but that's the way it is for me. I also tried it on my girlfriend once (I did her entire pubis/butt-crack region) and it wasn't any painful for her either. She prefers having it done at her beauty salon however, as they only charge her about $20 more to wax her genitals if she also gets her legs waxed (for a total price of around $60-70).

Another advantage of using wax is that you can also trace a nice defined shape on your pubis (eg. triangle, landing-strip, etc.). You can simply trace a shape on your pubis with a black marker, and then apply wax precisely on the contour and pull it; that's what I do myself. You'd really have a hard time achieving that with an epilator.

Anyway, the Gigi Waxing Kit really is what I'd recommend for body-hair removal. It's cheap, it's easy, it's painless... and it's even fun to use (I actually wax my pubis while watching porn, having a hard-on is quite advantageous to wax my dick properly).

And just in the off chance that people might think that I'm bullshitting them about my experiences with those products (sorry for the awful handwriting):

Note: I've waxed my pubis around 6-7 times yet and I'm still on my first can of Hard Wax. And if you notice on the picture above, my can of Hard Wax is still half full. Considering that a can of Hard Wax only costs $10-15, that's an initial investment of $40 and then only about $1 each time you wax your pubis. Truly a fantastic product!
Quote by SereneProdigy

Note: I've waxed my pubis around 6-7 times yet and I'm still on my first can of Hard Wax. And if you notice on the picture above, my can of Hard Wax is still half full. Considering that a can of Hard Wax only costs $10-15, that's an initial investment of $40 and then only about $1 each time you wax your pubis. Truly a fantastic product!

You always manage to make everything so thrifty! Impressive.

I still can't bring myself to do the pube self-waxing - too paranoid that something will go wrong. I get the brazilians done professionally. I wax my own legs/underarms though with wax-strips. That's pretty painless and easy.

Dani - I have used an epilator and it was fucking painful. I don't really recommend it. It's just too slow compared to waxing and you don't have the same ability to keep the skin taut and brace yourself before it rips.

I also don't really recommend the No-No. I tried it briefly but it was actually pretty difficult to get it at the right angle to make it work and then when it does, it has this weird 'snapping-electrical' sound that makes you feel like you're electrocuting yourself and then you get that burnt hair smell.

I'm going to start laser in the fall - either professionally OR... I wouldn't mind trying the Tria system first. I've heard good reviews on that. It's pricey though, so I'm waiting for a sale.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I still can't bring myself to do the pube self-waxing - too paranoid that something will go wrong. I get the brazilians done professionally. I wax my own legs/underarms though with wax-strips. That's pretty painless and easy.

I guess at-home waxing has its pros and cons. For me personally though, I only see the pros: going to a professional salon doesn't particularly thrill me (I'm not as 'openly girly' in real-life as I am on these forums, haha), I'd have to pay the full price since that's the only procedure I'd ask for ($50 I guess), I can actually shape my pubic hair exactly the way I want to, I love watching porn while doing it, etc.

But yeah, for a girl it might not be always worth it. It took me around 1 hour to wax my girlfriend (pussy and ass), while she can get it done for only around $20 as part of her 'waxing bundle'. I actually earn more than $20/hour at my daily job (and so does my girlfriend), so it isn't exactly cost-effective in that case; she might as well get it done professionally during the week and then have quality-time with me during the weekend.

I'm not quite sure what you have in mind when you mention that 'something could go wrong' however; I think I'd better not ask, haha. Seriously though, it's very easy/safe to perform, I really can't think of any particular way someone could mess it up in a major way. I'd even say that it's actually a much more complicated procedure for a guy, there are a lot less flat surfaces (ie. the balls and the base of the dick); waxing my girlfriend was relatively simple by comparison. I don't wax my balls/butt-crack however, I prefer to simply shave them every morning under the shower.

For a girl, the only part she'd have a hard time doing all by herself is her butt-crack; I tried waxing my own butt-crack once and it wasn't quite feasible. A girl that doesn't mind simply shaving her butt-crack might see the Gigi kit as a great option; if she prefers having it waxed though, yeah, she might as well go to a beauty salon and have the whole thing waxed professionally.
Quote by SereneProdigy

I'm not quite sure what you have in mind when you mention that 'something could go wrong' however; I think I'd better not ask, haha.

Mostly that I'm going to end up taking off layers of skin because I fucked up the temperature of the wax or my technique isn't right or that I'm going to have to go over the same spot multiple times because of some mistake, thereby prolonging the pain. Or maybe I'll end up with some ingrown hair disaster that will make me look like I have herpes for the next two weeks.

The girl that waxes me does a Brazilian so fast that it's quite bearable. The worst is that little front patch above the clit - which is probably why so many opt for a landing strip or some little pube-shape. I still prefer to go bare though and really, it's only one 'rip' and you're done. If I was doing it myself... ugh, I'd hate to have to do repeats if I didn't get a clean rip the first time.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

The worst is that little front patch above the clit - which is probably why so many opt for a landing strip or some little pube-shape.

I wonder if the hitler stache look could work for the vagina. Could be a new trend.
Quote by Magical_felix

I wonder if the hitler stache look could work for the vagina. Could be a new trend.

Heil Clitler?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Magical_felix

I wonder if the hitler stache look could work for the vagina. Could be a new trend.

I'm waiting for the handlebar mustache landing strip to become trendy and then I'm all over it.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I'm waiting for the handlebar mustache landing strip to become trendy and then I'm all over it.

I think hipster chicks are already doing that. Pretty sure. Handlebars on top and I think they are leaving a flavor saver underneath. On the taint.
Quote by Magical_felix

I think hipster chicks are already doing that. Pretty sure. Handlebars on top and I think they are leaving a flavor saver underneath. On the taint.

The really creative ones will step up their game with a simple anal braid to finish the look.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

The really creative ones will step up their game with a simple anal braid to finish the look.

I saw that once. I was pretending to listen to her go on about how much warmer music sounds on vinyl. She was distracted enough by the sound of her own voice that it gave me a chance to wiggle her floral panties off and witnessed it. I thought it was a poop at first and cringed but then she explained how it was customary for the Inca woman in pre-columbian america to do this and then, I "got" it.
Quote by Magical_felix

I saw that once. I was pretending to listen to her go on about how much warmer music sounds on vinyl. She was distracted enough by the sound of her own voice that it gave me a chance to wiggle her floral panties off and witnessed it. I thought it was a poop at first and cringed but then she explained how it was customary for the Inca woman in pre-columbian america to do this and then, I "got" it.

And if she adds eco-friendly recycled glass beads to the braid she'll have a DIY anal toy. Super progressive.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

And if she adds eco-friendly recycled glass beads to the braid she'll have a DIY anal toy. Super progressive.

Oooo, plus if she gets on top that would make a nice ball tickler. Gotta have multiple uses for things these days. Leave a small footprint.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Mostly that I'm going to end up taking off layers of skin because I fucked up the temperature of the wax or my technique isn't right or that I'm going to have to go over the same spot multiple times because of some mistake, thereby prolonging the pain. Or maybe I'll end up with some ingrown hair disaster that will make me look like I have herpes for the next two weeks.

The girl that waxes me does a Brazilian so fast that it's quite bearable. The worst is that little front patch above the clit - which is probably why so many opt for a landing strip or some little pube-shape. I still prefer to go bare though and really, it's only one 'rip' and you're done. If I was doing it myself... ugh, I'd hate to have to do repeats if I didn't get a clean rip the first time.

Okay, I knew I shouldn't have asked, haha. You're perfectionist about those things and I respect that.

Seriously though, concerning the temperature of the wax, ingrown hair, pain, etc., the Gigi kit is by far the best at-home solution I personally ever came across (compared to those over-the-counter Nair kits or similar products). I keep the wax warmer at the same setting during the whole process and the temperature is just perfect; they actually instruct you to leave it at the 'low' setting when the wax is properly liquefied, I really don't have to mess around with it. And I've always been prone to ingrown hair and never had any with that kit; the worst thing that ever happened to me is that some hair wasn't entirely removed from the root and grew back faster than the rest. And I really don't understand the reason behind it, but the Hard Wax really isn't painful when I pull on it (about a 2/10 whereas those Nair kits were closer to 6/10 or 7/10); it's weird, but it's almost pleasurable in a way.

My girlfriend is quite perfectionist about those things too (I guess every girl is), but when she witnessed my own results she only needed a bit of convincing to have me try it on her; she keeps a landing-strip though, so we didn't have those 'clit issues' that you mention. But yeah, although it was a fun experience the first time, it definitely could become a chore if I had to wax her every month (especially when we could be fucking passionately instead).

Anyway, it might not be for everybody, but for at-home hair removal it's definitely what I'd recommend.
Quote by Magical_felix
I think hipster chicks are already doing that. Pretty sure. Handlebars on top and I think they are leaving a flavor saver underneath. On the taint.

Hipster chicks are also pretty big on the whole 'lumberjack look'...

Quote by Dancing_Doll

I'm going to start laser in the fall - either professionally OR... I wouldn't mind trying the Tria system first. I've heard good reviews on that. It's pricey though, so I'm waiting for a sale.

I have used a Tria system for the past 2 years, i think they are really good, I'm not good with pain so this is a great way to get rid of hair for me.

It does have a few downfalls: i have used it for 2 years and the hair keeps on growing (its not a permanent solution as some people think) but the hair does grows thinner, the other thing i don't like is that it takes a lot of time to do it , so i normally do it while watching tv and not in a hurry, also the batteries only last to me for one section (bikini area is one seating, full Brazilian another) this is because you have to go through the area you are doing 3 times each use.

I have had it for 2 almost 3 years so maybe the newer versions have better batteries on them. But if you ask me its totally worth the money and time.
Quote by latinfoxy

the batteries only last to me for one section (bikini area is one seating, full Brazilian another) this is because you have to go through the area you are doing 3 times each use.

Damn girl, how much hair you got going on down there...
Thanks for the tips guys, SP in particular.

And Ash, Re the Tria system: I looked it up online and watched reviews and demos and whatnot, and it's just too mixed of a bag for me.

I'm already at a slight disadvantage because of my dark hair. I know it doesn't work on darker skin tones (the box has a 'skin chart'). I'm guessing the more melanin you have, the more it counteracts the effects of the laser.

My skin tone isn't an issue, but my dark hair might be. I've watched a few demos where the machine made a weird noise to indicate that it didn't work, and the person said the hair was probably too dark.

One demo in particular was an update after a year of proper use, give or take a couple of months and a couple of weeks, and there were no results. It got to the point where she stopped using it everywhere except under her arms, and still not much happened except pain on even the low setting. And her hair was as dark as mine. I saw another tutorial, dark hair again, and it worked perfectly for her. So again, mixed bag.

I'm skeptical about laser hair removal as it is. I'm really not that pressed for my hair to be gone, especially given the other options out there. I've heard that people who can actually get their Tria systems to work for them have great results (which should take up to 6 months). But that's like a $450 risk you're taking.

I'm a snob about a great number of things, but laser hair removal is just obnoxious to me...especially when it's the closest thing to a permanent treatment, and even still, it's not permanent. I'm probably just over thinking it, but the damage is done.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by Dani

I'm skeptical about laser hair removal as it is. I'm really not that pressed for my hair to be gone, especially given the other options out there. I've heard that people who can actually get their Tria systems to work for them have great results (which should take up to 6 months). But that's like a $450 risk you're taking.

That's why if I get it, I'm planning to buy during the fall VIB sale at Sephora. They'll take it back within 90 days if you don't like it - full refund.

I've read some of the mixed bag reviews as well, but I figure it might be worth a try. I'm good with pain, but if it worked long term with decent hair-free intervals in between, it would work out to being cheaper than waxing. I definitely wouldn't buy without a money-back guarantee though.

And thanks Latinfoxy for the review on it! Maybe I'll be able to multi-task with it while Lushing on slow nights. hah
Quote by SereneProdigy

ut yeah, although it was a fun experience the first time, it definitely could become a chore if I had to wax her every month (especially when we could be fucking passionately instead).

You could work it into the fun and get kinky with it. Give her a whip and some stiletto boots and you can play her waxing-boy to start a session.
Quote by Magical_felix

Damn girl, how much hair you got going on down there...

Not much thanks to tria
Quote by Dancing_Doll
You could work it into the fun and get kinky with it. Give her a whip and some stiletto boots and you can play her waxing-boy to start a session.

Actually, that was kind of my idea when I initially proposed it to her... waxing each other and making it a fun sexual experience. More as something sensual though: dimming the lights, lighting up a few candles, and playing with that hot wax while venerating each other's genitals. It was fun at first (devoting myself to her pussy and all that), but I soon realized that I still needed to get the job accomplished, which can take a while. And since I had to be rather conscientious during the whole process and that my girlfriend couldn't really move, the waxing job ended up being a mood-killer more than anything: I rapidly just hoped that we were over with it, and that I could finally fuck her properly. Needless to say, I didn't exactly feel like waxing my own self when I finally finished the job on my girlfriend.

Having said that, I know that some people use crock-pots to melt big quantities of wax for wax play. I love wax play myself, so I definitely could use my own Gigi wax warmer for that. It's very easy to control the temperature with it, so that could be great; I could even add mineral oil to the mix to lower the temperature of the wax. I'm currently already quite satisfied with the candles that I use (Glade Jar Candles), but that could be awesome to indulge into a huge nasty wax-fest with my girlfriend.

Hmm, who knows... maybe my Gigi kit will be featured in the Playroom section in the near future.

i still prefer shaving - that said, i have an advantage, my hair being lighter and thinner - quite frankly, i enjoy the physical sensation of shaving, there's a bit of a ritual involved too - yes, i have to do it more often, but once you have it down, it's not all that time consuming.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Just a word of advice to the guys, don't let your wife or girlfriend or both, talk you into using Nair on your testicles. I don't care if it does say Nair for Men, don't do it.
Quote by Buz
Just a word of advice to the guys, don't let your wife or girlfriend or both, talk you into using Nair on your testicles. I don't care if it does say Nair for Men, don't do it.

Quote by Buz
Just a word of advice to the guys, don't let your wife or girlfriend or both, talk you into using Nair on your testicles. I don't care if it does say Nair for Men, don't do it.

@ Buz and Dancing_Doll...

I actually tried that Nair cream a while back, and I'm fairly certain that I applied some on my balls at some point. That guy in the video is definitely putting up a show, this cream is far from being as harsh as he wants to make it appear. Of course I tested it on safer regions prior (ie. my pubis), but it wasn't any irritating. I could barely feel it, it was similar to applying Head and Shoulders shampoo on my skin.

It produces a strong chemical reaction with your hair, but I was actually surprised at how my skin was mostly unaffected by it. Obviously though, your own experience may vary, always test it on a small patch of skin prior to applying it to sensitive regions.

It wasn't all that effective for removing my pubic hair however. Pubic hair is rather coarse and that cream only dissolved around 75% of my hair; I still had to shave with a razor afterward. You also have to apply a rather generous amount of it and leave it there for around 10 minutes. You might as well simply shave with a razor: it's much cheaper and isn't actually more time-consuming.

It might be worth it for hairy men who want to remove lighter hair on their chest/back however. I can't really comment on that though, I'm really not that hairy.
Years ago, I was at Neiman Marcus and some woman was demonstrating some type of epilator that ripped the hair out by its roots. She wanted to demonstrate it on my arm. I literally had to run away from her. My mom and I laughed about it for years.