I think facial hair is VERY sexy, but it must be well kept. My partners facial hair is perfect in my opinion, a mustache and a Van beard. Soooo sexy! Full beards or neatly trimmed, they're all sexy so long as they're well kept. And by well kept I mean clean and not down to their tummies going all over the place.
I prefer clean shaven,beards and moustaches big turn off for me,kind of looks unkempt
Facial beards are not for me. I don't go for the guys who have them.
The one between the legs are fine provided they are trimmed.
I like my man clean shaven
Only on guys...
Seriously, some guys look hot with them, some guys look awful. But, every body has different likes and dislikes, so I think it is hard to generalize.
To me I think stubble is sexy to look at, but I hate kissing a man with stubble. And I have never liked beards, they just make me think of Santa.
Not when they're scratching my cheeks, or my thighs!
If she has a bush and he has a full beard, when he goes down on her, it's like velcro. His face gets stuck. They have to get someone to pull them apart and it makes that awful noise.
They are not for me or my guys, above or below the navel.
I have had gravel rash from guys who haven't shaved for a day or so so it would be worse with a beard.
I cant imagine oral being pleasant being scratched down there. It certainly wouldn't tickle.
Actually it will soon be time for my winter beard. My wife loves it when I grow one. But I keep it trimmed very short. I use the first setting (#1) on the beard trimmer. I will not be acquiescing to her request to grow long hair. I've done that before (it was actually well past my shoulders and I was needing to pull it into a ponytail to keep it from driving me crazy.)
Absolutely. Long or short, but he has to keep it tidy.
And make sure there is no mackerel loafing in your beard.....?
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
It depends on the guy. I like my men clean with no hair anywhere on their bodies
The only facial hair I like is stubble as worn by a very sexy man from Manchester....
Beards bring out the masculine, so hell yeah. My preference is for a bit of scruff rather than sculpted, less rather than more. Something about looking up into his eyes that keeps it all so visceral and real.
I've grown a beard or goatee every winter for the last several years and keep it really trimmed short. My wife loves it. In fact she's why I grow it.
I also think it depends on the guy. In general I prefer clean shaven but there are some guys with a goatee or stumble that are phenomenal! So the answer is, it depends.
i hate beards. sorry, just how it is.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
The Duck Dynasty/ ZZ Top/ Boston Red Sox facial groove is a hot mess, in my opinion. Well-groomed facial hair looks great; however, it feels like steel wool/sand paper against the skin. That sexy five o'clock shadow (although cute) cuts the inner thighs like a paper shredder guys. This is not a feeling I crave. So, I prefer a man who is clean shaven.