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You're so aggravating!

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Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I can be kind of messy. LJ is pretty neat (also just plain pretty).
Gentleman Stranger
I'll ask her stupid, embarrassing questions (jokingly) in front of waitstaff or salespeople, such as, when shopping for a new headboard for the guest room, if she felt there would be enough good places to attach the handcuffs. She blushes so nicely!
First off, some of you probably need help with some of your issues.

To answer the question: I drove my ex nuts whenever I would bite my nails, she had a very disturbing memory of someone eating his fingernails as a child
i'm a neat freak and he is a closet slob.
I lose things. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that I lose everything. She runs around after me going, "Do you have your ATM Card? Your phone? Keys?". I also have no sense of direction and mix up left and right. So, you can't even say, "Turn right here," because I'll have to think about it.

She, on the other hand, is perfect in every way.
Active Ink Slinger
You guys are so lucky you have a S/O. These are so unimportant and If I had a long term guy in my life and would only ask him one thing and really only one thing.

"Keep me pregnant for the next few years."

Yes Very Lucky I would say.
Rainbow Warrior
I'm very territorial about my kitchen. I get hyper when the guys leave a mess.

The guys are ALWAYS leaving messes in my kitchen!
Active Ink Slinger
At meetings and I refuse to agree with some hair brained suggestion and I say so.
Fortunately they realise now not to be sexist or talk down to me.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by browncoffee
i'm a neat freak and he is a closet slob.

See, at least my slobbiness is out in the open.

I eat Goldfish crackers IN BED! And leave crumbs!
Active Ink Slinger
I don't do anal.

He's better in the kitchen - that's aggravating.
It aggravates the heck out of him that I can beat him on the golf course

It aggravates the heck out of me that he always wants to play golf so that he might actually beat me one time.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Becky4Texas
It aggravates the heck out of him that I can beat him on the golf course

It aggravates the heck out of me that he always wants to play golf so that he might actually beat me one time.

Becky, Becky, Becky ... He's just saying that about wanting to beat you ... its really the FOREplay ... and the way you handle his clubs and and look for his lost balls ... and lets not forget that he really wants to "perv" watching you swing ... I bet he even stands behind you when you bend over to pick up the ball just to observe your form. Its NO WONDER you win all the time.Z5IMhiAcEPFjC3O3
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by honeydipped
i have a very specific (read, anal) way of washing the dishes. they get rinsed first and stacked on the counter. then each go in the water one by one. sticking a dirty dish in the sink drives me ape shit. there's also an order in which dishes are washed: silverware, glasses, plates/bowls and then pans.

You made me smile, thinking, finally, someone I could let in my kitchen. The funny thing is that in my cooking, unlimited things get used. I'm getting better at planning though, which reduces the pots and pans. Cooking together can be some of the finest foreplay..... Good food, clean up kitchen, together.. hot bath and tender long lasting sex as the rain and thunder sound off into the night.
What aggravates me?
At that point, not
Active Ink Slinger
I am a total flirt and outgoing, my boyfriend is way reserved. He likes it yet it annoys him too. I do not cheat or mess around at all, I am just outgoing
My ex used to be on her phone 24/7 it was infuriating! For her it was my lack of feelings/emotion towards anything.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I'm very territorial about my kitchen. I get hyper when the guys leave a mess.

The guys are ALWAYS leaving messes in my kitchen!

And I'm seriously territorial about my shop. Its messy and I don't want ANYBODY to help clean it up.5t4JQa2f0Akj9qXM
Rainbow Warrior
Quote by Smoocher

And I'm seriously territorial about my shop. Its messy and I don't want ANYBODY to help clean it up.MQfVdZjGhm4rhBFH

Men are slobs! lol
Detention Seeker
I aggravate my partner when I suddenly make terrible jokes out of something serious or answer quiz questions before her (usually getting them right)
Rainbow Warrior
I drive like a New York cabbie (very aggressive) and my driving scares Seth to death.

Seth takes about 20 showers a day and never wipes down the shower walls. (and he's always moving my panties that I hang on the shower rod to dry).
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by vanessa26
I can't make up my mind what i want to drink when we go out so he has to get me 3 or more drinks

That genuinely sounds kinda aggravating.

I HATE learning the ending of a movie, or even an important plot point. We'll watch a trailer for a movie on Netflix or something, and the second I decide I want to watch the movie I have to go LALALALA really loud until we turn the triler off, so I won't learn any more.

At least I don't do this in movie theaters.
living dead girl
Quote by Verbal

That genuinely sounds kinda aggravating.

I HATE learning the ending of a movie, or even an important plot point. We'll watch a trailer for a movie on Netflix or something, and the second I decide I want to watch the movie I have to go LALALALA really loud until we turn the triler off, so I won't learn any more.

At least I don't do this in movie theaters.

Grrrr lol..I told him you said that though he was like yup see.
I refuse to change though..
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Verbal

That genuinely sounds kinda aggravating.

I HATE learning the ending of a movie, or even an important plot point. We'll watch a trailer for a movie on Netflix or something, and the second I decide I want to watch the movie I have to go LALALALA really loud until we turn the triler off, so I won't learn any more.

At least I don't do this in movie theaters.

Darth Vader is Luke's father. Rosebud is a sled. biggrin

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by vanessa26

Grrrr lol..I told him you said that though he was like yup see.
I refuse to change though..

no, really, that's pretty annoying...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by vanessa26

You are right I should start demanding 5 drinks instead of 3.

Why stop at 5? Go for 9! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.