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Why is a girl/girl play hot and a guy/guy play gross for majority of people?

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I am not gay, but it's pretty interesting to see different reactions to some action between people of same gender smile
That's an excellent question, looking forward to seeing the answers.
I guess it's social norms.
I often get asked if I ever do/did girl-girl and most of the time, when I say no, the guy looks disappointed. When I play the question back to him, he usually looks shocked and answers with this usual "Not gay" explanation. But maybe that's just us poor Frenchies from the "old world"... ?

I would also like to know it there are guys who would want to try but don't dare because of the gay connotation.
Penis + Penis = Nay

Vagina + Vagina = Yay

It's simple maths really.
Quote by urbancoyote
Penis + Penis = Nay

Vagina + Vagina = Yay

It's simple maths really.

You didn't say why though.
Well let's see, based on the social norms men seem to think that girl on girl is much hotter than guy on guy. There are women who find guy on guy very hot and stimulating. Yet some women find girl/girl liasons disgusting while other women find it hot. I, myself being bi am for guy/guy or girl/girl. I totally get off on the so called sword fighting between guys and watching another man penetrate another really gets my blood boling and not in a bad way. But to each his own.
the way i see it,it's not most of the women that find it, gross, it's other men. for me, sex is hot whether it's m/m, f/f, or m/f, and don't find it gross
When men see guy-guy pics, they really get disturbed because most of them don't want any intruder in their anal cavities. They don't want to experience pain during sex. Man, I am also among those cowards.
I'm pretty open to either, but when there's two guys, there also need to be a girl present, or I'm not interested.
I think most people associate M/M sex with anal play/penetration, when that's not the case at all. There are many gay men who don't enjoy anal sex, period. But I'm digressing. I think what it comes down to is ingrained social/gender expectations. Many people view men who do enjoy anal sex to be, well, effeminate-- and y'know how wrong that is (/sarcasm). Most men get uncomfortable or upset when their (either on an individual level, or in general) masculinity is threatened. So I guess when they see two men making out or having sex, they get defensive. They can't admit to finding it attractive because then, shit, what if that makes them gay? They're manly men, they can't BE gay (/sarcasm). There's such a stigma against being gay that fear is definitely a major contributor. I've always figured that gay men get a lot more shit than lesbians do. Not to say that lesbians don't have it rough, because they obviously do, but that the outrage about male homosexuality tends to be a lot more extreme (read: violent and vitriolic). The idea that men can't be sensitive or anything other than macho is so ingrained into our society that they get frightened when confronted with anything that might disprove that. And I think we can all agree that people tend to resent the things that make them afraid.

This doesn't account for all men, of course. Not the intelligent ones, anyway.

Many women also believe that men have certain obligations to fulfill. Many of them feel uncomfortable or disturbed by men who seem to contradict their traditional roles. Heck, they probably feel threatened by men who seem to be "vying" for the traditional woman's role, too, which probably accounts for why so many women are really turned off by it. They're (some of them) resentful.

As for why lesbianism is more socially acceptable... because heterosexual men find it hot. It doesn't threaten their masculinity in any way, and let's not forget how patriarchal our society (fuck it, our world) is. Society predominantly caters to what heterosexual men find attractive. And that's (scantily clad) women.

I'm pretty sure that when most guys watch or think about lesbian sex they mentally insert themselves into the picture. And that's A-OK. They get double the pleasure, and it's risk-free. Besides, women are such silly, sensitive, and whimsical creatures. They don't really know what it is they want. So it's fine if they play around with each other for a bit because eventually a "real" man will come along and show them how it's done and they'll be "cured". There's no such cure for guys, though. Once you go gay, you're never okay. (/sarcasm).

And wow, I ended up ranting a little. Um. This is just my opinion. I'm constantly reestablishing the way I view society, social constructs, and sexuality, so feel free to dispute any of it. I love observing other people's opinions on this subject. Oh, and do know that I'm not really speaking for all men or women. Just, y'know, the vast majority. I fully acknowledge that there are lots of intelligent heterosexual men and women out there, too.

As for what I personally find desirable: everything. I love m/m m/f, and f/f. There doesn't need to be a woman involved for me to find it arousing. I love men, and I love seeing them together.

ETA: Forgot to add that I'm only really referring to people who find the idea of M/M revolting. I don't think it's an issue if a man or woman just doesn't find it appealing/attractive (there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're not being an ass about it). It's when people start saying things like "OMG, it's so ~nauseating~" that I start side-eyeing them.
Here is what I posted in a similar forum that asked only why girl-girl erotica is so hot:

"The female body is a beautiful thing to behold so two together doubles the pleasure.

Female sexual response is repressed to a degree in our society (that's why I found lush so refreshing) and seeing two women responding sexually to each other is a huge turn on."

What that does not address is why guy-guy play is gross to the majority and I am part of that majority. I do not disrespect those that do not find it gross and believe in equal rights for all those in committed relationships. Maybe I've been conditioned by society to think it is gross but I don't think so because many things that society considers gross do not bother me in the least. I guess it is my spirituality, lol. My posts regarding sexuality and spirituality explain that. There is something inside me that rejects it as pleasant, makes it seem gross, but that does not make me feel it is wrong. Maybe it is a matter of taste similar to why people differ in the books, music, and movies they like.

Not a very good answer to a very good question, just my brain dump.
It is called life - and men like to look at two inferior beings together
I don't think it's social norms. I think it's the female body versus the male body. I'm mostly straight, and love men, and love cock, but the only time I wanna see a cock is if it's about to fuck me. They are not pretty organs. Men may have great abs, but their bodies are clunky. When you put two of them together, you just get more clunkiness. I'm not insulting men, I'm just giving my opinion.
Women are beautiful and graceful, and seeing two women together is double the fun. More beauty and more grace.
Well, I'm just speculating here, but I am guessing you're experience with girl/girl and guy/guy is based solely on pornography. I don't find girl on girl hot because it's fake like the rest of pornography and strictly show for the camera no matter what the "actresses" say or do. Same is true for guy/guy pornography, of course. The ACTUAL real life things that gay or lesbian people do is usually fairly standard and can even be boring, but it is real. Basing your interest or understanding on pornography is about the same as basing what good food is on by only eating at KFC or McDonalds.
Quote by trinket

You didn't say why though.

this is why, im a guy who loves girl so two see two girl is a added bonus and two girl have a connection I seem to feel beacuse they can share there emotions. For me being straight I could never be with a guy but girl all way experiment lol.
I like gay more than lesbian.

Because I love men - and two is better than one . . . and so on. Simple math biggrin
Quote by ginger86
the way i see it,it's not most of the women that find it, gross, it's other men. for me, sex is hot whether it's m/m, f/f, or m/f, and don't find it gross

First off, male/male sex does absolutely nothing for me but I don't find it gross or disgusting. Just doesn't turn me on. But to each his own.

But as far as it being as acceptable as girl/girl sex, why is it considered ok for 2 women to kiss hello but not two men? For two women to dance together but not two men? For two women to SLEEP in the same bed but if two men do, people wonder? Because that is what the so called normal society has programmed us to believe. It is totally wrong but unfortunately true, at least in the U.S.
Quote by Guest
It is called life - and men like to look at two inferior beings together

Two inferior beings? Very PC....NOT!
Simple answer is ‘supply and demand’.

More men enjoy seeing two women having sex than women do watching men. Therefore there is more pornography and more money to be made from that market.

It really is as simple as that
Its all about the contrast :P

My dick is enough for me, I don't need two, I don't like it when girls and girls get together because that just means less for me :P

But on a more serious note, social norms is the main reason.
Most likely because straight guys fantasize too much watching two girls play, wishing themselves there. Of course this is a limited audience since there will always be a group of men (or women) for whom this is not a turn on (I imagine some bonehead thinking aloud, 'Damn one's enough to deal with, who'd want two !) Likewise with the two guys playing, except for these important differences: Straight guys are going to be offended because they can't wrap their mind around two men enjoying each other's sexual company, the visual representation of the sex between two men raises doubts about the socially acceptable male dominated society (even though most will be quick to offer the Greek model as the cornerstone for Western society- great lovers of boys them ancient Greeks !!), and finally some women might see such an act as an assault upon their right to the good looking nicely bodied men.

There are surely as many reasons as individuals upon the planet for finding that act offensive or the latter acceptable.

I like seeing both. Sex is sex, ,making someone feel good and them doing the same to you. My wife likes seeing guys have all kinds of sex, but not so much with women.
Sexual art is sexual art. I don't mind as long as it's not too cheesy.
Personally, I love both, but I guess if I had to give my thoughts, It's mostly straight guys who dont like guy on guy stuff. It's like - If you love chocolate, You wont complain if two chocolates are mushed together- kind of thing? ANd also, women are easier to sexualize i suppose