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Why do people use someone else's pic for their avatar?

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It's one thing if your avatar is just a pic of something else, something animated, but why use an actual pic of someone else? It just misleads people, and it doesn't make any sense to me. I've read on a couple profiles that they are afraid to show their real pic, why? I don't know, but don't just put someone else as your avatar. Especially when a guy uses a woman's pic, what's the point of that?
I get if people use a celeb, or movie character, but when women use stolen porn pics and accept compliments on their pics comments page, oh how pathetic. Too bad ones can only leave comments on pics that are on their friends list, since I'd be happy to post links on their comments to their content pics so everyone could see the pitiful fraud they are.

As for "afraid", it's more privacy. I don't really need my neighbors or dentist or something seeing my page with audios of me masturbating on them for the entire internet to jerk off over. It's not always a, "Oh they must be really ugly" issue. It's a privacy issue. Some might be in positions of potential embarrassment. Ones in law, teaching, public eye. Celebs are people too and have the same desires as other people. Should they not have privacy if they wish to play online? Would you be impressed if your kids pre school teacher had a collection of erotic stories and her sex sounds all over the net? Likely not. There's plenty of closed minded prudes that would think she's a slut or a perv that shouldn't be around kids.

I'm self employed, and in the adult field, so frankly I don't really have anything to lose if I used my own pics, but many would have a lot to lose if co workers or clients saw these people's real pics on an adult website.
Its the most ridiculous thing in the world. If one is going to post an "actual" pic of a person, then why not themselves. It shows a lack of self esteem. Now where is that Clooney picture of me at
Wait a sec here, are you telling me that not only are some of the cute/hot avatar photos possibly a misrepresentation of the person "behind the mask" but also some of the hottest female photos used as avatars are actually posted by guys?

Dude, you're wrecking my online experience with a dose of reality and that's just not fair.
Because I'm short, ugly and my mother dresses me funny.
You've been a bad girl! Now take your pajamas off and go to my room!
I personally don't care what folks use as their AV as long as it is withing the forum rules. But with that said, I do have to sit back and shake my head when members act like the AV IS THEM, and others interact as if it is, even knowing they look NOTHING like the AV. I get the whole fantasy aspect of it, but I just can't go that far myself. I prefer to have a real mental image of the person if possible.

But there are folks who go farther than just the Avatars being not them, they fill their profiles with pictures that are not them either.... which is not bad in itself, UNLESS they try to pass themselves off as those pictures; and many DO. And what is worse is that there are members who use the same images as OTHER members (none being the real person). And no one calls them on it, but acts like it is all real and fine and well. LOL Oh well.

Yeah, I started out with certain ideas about LUSH when I joined and learned the do's and don'ts, as well as the quirks and different odd aspects we see. People come here for different reasons. And the key is to identify those reasons and make sure you interact with others who have the same basic expectations and desires for their time here on LUSH.

Now I do my thing, and let the current pass me by... like tubing on a river.
I use my own, but I won't show my face on here because in my soon to be profession, if somehow someone found this site and my page, I could be fired and/or declined from jobs.
Quote by kornslayer1
Especially when a guy uses a woman's pic, what's the point of that?

As I've on mentioned on another thread recently, having a picture of a woman can get you up to twice as many votes on a story regardless of the actual sex of the author. It just works.

It also gets you more profile views: 9 of the 20 most visited male profiles have a picture of a woman as the av.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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It's as simple as privacy. I don't post any pictures of myself for the simple face that I have tattoos and beauty marks on my body that are very distinguishable. Anyone who knows me would be able to know that it was me in a heart beat if I posted real pictures of myself. I'm not one of those people who pretend the pictures I post are actually me and if someone were to take the time to read my profile they would know that. People who pretend that the pictures they post are actually them are just sad.
Quote by overmykneenow

As I've on mentioned on another thread recently, having a picture of a woman can get you up to twice as many votes on a story regardless of the actual sex of the author. It just works.

It also gets you more profile views: 9 of the 20 most visited male profiles have a picture of a woman as the av.

I guess I didn't think about it like that. I'd rather just put my own picture there, and try to get my votes with people thinking it's actually me. In my personal opinion, I think it's BS that it's like that, but why fight a battle I'll never win?
Quote by JohnC
I personally don't care what folks use as their AV as long as it is withing the forum rules. But with that said, I do have to sit back and shake my head when members act like the AV IS THEM, and others interact as if it is, even knowing they look NOTHING like the AV. I get the whole fantasy aspect of it, but I just can't go that far myself. I prefer to have a real mental image of the person if possible.

But there are folks who go farther than just the Avatars being not them, they fill their profiles with pictures that are not them either.... which is not bad in itself, UNLESS they try to pass themselves off as those pictures; and many DO. And what is worse is that there are members who use the same images as OTHER members (none being the real person). And no one calls them on it, but acts like it is all real and fine and well. LOL Oh well.

Yeah, I started out with certain ideas about LUSH when I joined and learned the do's and don'ts, as well as the quirks and different odd aspects we see. People come here for different reasons. And the key is to identify those reasons and make sure you interact with others who have the same basic expectations and desires for their time here on LUSH.

Now I do my thing, and let the current pass me by... like tubing on a river.

I agree John C. There are questions of authenticity, truth and personal presentation as someone a person is NOT, and that involves deceit. If this site is to work well, it must, as it is set up to do, allow people to present their TRUE feelings and dreams that they themselves can only presently freely here.
So to lead someone to believe you are someone you are not really not only goes against fair play, but also goes against the nature of the site: for people to freely express what they truly are and not have to play the same games they have to in real life, we must be trustworthy. This site is supposed to allow us to escape from real life.
There is the expression that someone can "take his/her job home with them." It is a sad reality in many homes.
Same goes for our places to escape to for our own well being. This is one of them. It is as if we bring the ways of the world in here with us when we deceitfully let others think we are more than we really are, or other than what we are. It really spoils it for all of us.
It makes everyone distrust everyone else.
A decent man for example is looked at with the same jaundiced eye and mistrust that a person worthy of suspicion should be. It isw easy to understand why but at the same time very frustrating to have to prove to a new lady friend that you are not out to deceive them or misuse them.
I am being honest when I say that many/if not most of the women here are very concerned about
who they can trust among the men, and as a man I am very concerned about the same thing I
have experienced with women. It is the real reason why I carefully choose friends, and always keep my list to 4-10 people I know are genuine and truthful. I have been deceived. We men are not immune to the abuse.
But, in my humble opinion, what is most important here is that it remain a place that is fun to come to! That is hard to do as fully as those who set this site up intended it to be, when there is so much deceit/false representation.
I pray that my words help clarify the issue involved in a way that is good for the site and its members. If it does not, I am humble enough to be taught to see things more clearly.
Quote by Aidin

I agree John C. There are questions of authenticity, truth and personal presentation as someone a person is NOT, and that involves deceit. If this site is to work well, it must, as it is set up to do, allow people to present their TRUE feelings and dreams that they themselves can only presently freely here.
So to lead someone to believe you are someone you are not really not only goes against fair play, but also goes against the nature of the site: for people to freely express what they truly are and not have to play the same games they have to in real life, we must be trustworthy. This site is supposed to allow us to escape from real life.
There is the expression that someone can "take his/her job home with them." It is a sad reality in many homes.
Same goes for our places to escape to for our own well being. This is one of them. It is as if we bring the ways of the world in here with us when we deceitfully let others think we are more than we really are, or other than what we are. It really spoils it for all of us.
It makes everyone distrust everyone else.
A decent man for example is looked at with the same jaundiced eye and mistrust that a person worthy of suspicion should be. It isw easy to understand why but at the same time very frustrating to have to prove to a new lady friend that you are not out to deceive them or misuse them.
I am being honest when I say that many/if not most of the women here are very concerned about
who they can trust among the men, and as a man I am very concerned about the same thing I
have experienced with women. It is the real reason why I carefully choose friends, and always keep my list to 4-10 people I know are genuine and truthful. I have been deceived. We men are not immune to the abuse.
But, in my humble opinion, what is most important here is that it remain a place that is fun to come to! That is hard to do as fully as those who set this site up intended it to be, when there is so much deceit/false representation.
I pray that my words help clarify the issue involved in a way that is good for the site and its members. If it does not, I am humble enough to be taught to see things more clearly.

These threads always amaze me. In my opinion, people are being unrealistic if they come to a site such as this or similar, expecting everyone to be telling the truth about what they look like or what type of person they are. It's a fantasy site, the stories are fantasy. I think for some people Lush is a site to get away from their 'real lives' for a little while. It's a place where they can be who they want to be. Sure, there are also a lot of people who show pictures of their real selves and are open and honest about who they are. Personally I think you are burying your head in the sand if you think everyone should be doing the same.

I'm not advocating people should mislead others. I think it's up to the member to use their own discretion to determine if they think someone is a fake or not. It's not anyone else's responsibility but your own to do that and you take that risk when you go to any internet site. I've encountered fakes, a lot of people here have and it bites, but you learn something from it and be more careful next time.

I'd like to add that 'outing' people you believe to be fakes won't solve anything either, in fact it could blow up in the 'outers' face. Nowadays on the internet any picture of anyone can show up anywhere. Look at tumblr. Just because you might see a pic on tumblr that you've seen on a profile here, doesn't mean it's not actually their picture.

I remember hearing about someone being 'outed' quite some time ago as a user of fake internet pics. The fact was, they were her pictures and she had an agent who took care of her modelling pics for whatever it was she was modelling. Just because someone might be young and good looking, doesn't mean they don't have their own reasons for being here. I know this is a rare case, but as for pictures being seen on tumblr, that is not rare.

As far as I'm aware the intent of this site is for writing and reading erotic literature. I can't see how that has anything to do with what a member looks like. Anything else a member might choose to do is irrelevant isn't it? "To not have to play the same games as we have to in real life?" Surely you don't expect everyone to be trustworthy here when we can't even find that in real life? You said it best yourself "This site is supposed to allow us to escape from real life." and some people use it for exactly that reason.
Aiden, the only reason I've quoted you is because your thoughts are similar to those of a lot of people here. Not to address your opinions specifically smile
Putting an unaltered picture of oneself up for public viewing on a sex story & discussion site could be a good way to ruin one's career. One great thing about Lush is using an anonymous name, using an altered pic or a pic of someone or something else. Real names, real faces are generally not a good idea. Such things can be used against you at your job, office, or even such as child custody hearings. Just be smart and use common sense.
I use a fake name to protect myself from weirdo's, but I use a photo of myself in my avatar, even though it's partially disguised I think anyone that knew me would recognize it as me.

I understand that some would like to keep their identity private for the reasons mentioned above, in some cases it's needed.

I think though if you aren't doing something you shouldn't be, and if you're here to purely write erotic fiction, then why should you need to hide it???

If it were any other genre of story you would probably openly tell people that you write. I don't see that writing erotica is any different from any other genre, it takes the same amount of imagination and skill, so I am not ashamed to tell people about it. My other half, my family, friends and people I work with all know I write and post these stories. Some including my Mum have even read my work.

Sex is something we all do, (or would like to do) we all think about it; granted some more than others. I'm not going to deny the fact that I have a dirty mind to the people that know me, and if I'm not doing anything I am ashamed of, then I'm not going to hide it.
I'm not really Jason Lee. I was just watching My Name is Earl when i started my lush account
I won't post my picture because it would pretty much guarantee the end of my career. I have sent it to a couple of people that I have chatted with for quite a while and gotten to know. They have also sent me photos of themselves as well.
I choose not to put photos of myself up on Lush, with that I like to put up what I'm in the mood for. As most know, I change my avatar a lot. I've never once claimed an avatar is me, nor will I. Because, it won't ever be me.
Quite simply, this isn't 'real' life. I don't mean to offend anyone by saying that. Yes, there are real people here. And this is a great website compared to some other sexual social media/profile sites; yes of course there are fakes here, every site has that, some more than others. But at the end of the day, it's still a website and with the sexual nature of it, if everyone here had to post a face pic there would be a helluva lot less members. Why? Revealing your 'true' self (I don't mean one's feelings, thoughts, etc, but I mean your actual ID) could threaten their job, family life, love life, etc. It doesn't mean we're doing anything wrong here (that's up to the person's individual situation, just like with any website). It just means that real life social standards and online/fantasy lives don't always agree with each other or mesh. To not want to post a real pic of onself or any kind of true identification does not mean that a person here is 'fake'. How do we communicate here? Typed words for the most part. Yes, those can be used for evil and for dishonesty. But in many cases, not so.
Anyway I think you get my drift even though I could go on and on. And as many others have stated, just because they have a certain avatar doesn't mean they claimed it to be of themselves (myself included). Some people have one as a symbol.
~*~*~* Only the one that hurts you can make you feel better ~*~*~*
~*~*~* Only the one that inflicts pain can take it away~*~*~*

Check out my latest story: Drawn to Addy - Part 2
I am sure that for very good reasons some folks are reluctant to use their RERAL pix. Maybe they are married and cheating, work in public professions, etc.
However, mine are all REAL. Even though I am well known here in my area, frankly, i don't care if someone sees them. I always said that I would never do anything that I was ashamed of, including being on LUSH or any other site.
"When its too kinky for everybody else, its just gettin' good for me."
(Kinky Freedman)
Some people don't feel comfortable using pics of themselves, but they will use pictures that are direct representations or aspects of themselves, this I totally understand.

Other than that, they do it for attention. This mainly applies to those that pass them off as whoever the person is that they're using. They're not satisfied with their own physical appearance for whatever reason. They want to be told how beautiful and sexy and doable they are...and they live vicariously through these people. They often times take on a new persona because of the people they're perpetrating....almost like virtual identity theft. It's a sad thing to do, but I understand why people do it. Not saying it's justified...but I understand the psychology behind it. That's why I leave them be. They're already dealing with enough real life issues without being publicly outed by strangers on the internet. As long as they're not fucking with anyone's emotions or anything, it's not doing any harm. The problem comes when they make strong emotional bonds as these people they're pretending to be.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by BikeBoy
Wait a sec here, are you telling me that not only are some of the cute/hot avatar photos possibly a misrepresentation of the person "behind the mask" but also some of the hottest female photos used as avatars are actually posted by guys?

Dude, you're wrecking my online experience with a dose of reality and that's just not fair.

cracked myself laughing...
I totally get it. Personally, I like lush but if I'd wanted to post pictures of myself, I'd go to a different social networking site, like Facebook -where my profile is PG. I'm upfront when I'm asked if the avatar is truly me. It's wrong to mislead...especially when the whole point is to connect on some higher plane smile
To me it's just really stupid. Using a celeb or movie character is cool adds to the mystic of you as an online writer, but playing as a someone is ri-damn-diculous! I know it's the internet, but why most people fraud about themselves? Ugh!
Quote by trinket

These threads always amaze me. In my opinion, people are being unrealistic if they come to a site such as this or similar, expecting everyone to be telling the truth about what they look like or what type of person they are. It's a fantasy site, the stories are fantasy. I think for some people Lush is a site to get away from their 'real lives' for a little while. It's a place where they can be who they want to be. Sure, there are also a lot of people who show pictures of their real selves and are open and honest about who they are. Personally I think you are burying your head in the sand if you think everyone should be doing the same.

I'm not advocating people should mislead others. I think it's up to the member to use their own discretion to determine if they think someone is a fake or not. It's not anyone else's responsibility but your own to do that and you take that risk when you go to any internet site. I've encountered fakes, a lot of people here have and it bites, but you learn something from it and be more careful next time.

I'd like to add that 'outing' people you believe to be fakes won't solve anything either, in fact it could blow up in the 'outers' face. Nowadays on the internet any picture of anyone can show up anywhere. Look at tumblr. Just because you might see a pic on tumblr that you've seen on a profile here, doesn't mean it's not actually their picture.

I remember hearing about someone being 'outed' quite some time ago as a user of fake internet pics. The fact was, they were her pictures and she had an agent who took care of her modelling pics for whatever it was she was modelling. Just because someone might be young and good looking, doesn't mean they don't have their own reasons for being here. I know this is a rare case, but as for pictures being seen on tumblr, that is not rare.

As far as I'm aware the intent of this site is for writing and reading erotic literature. I can't see how that has anything to do with what a member looks like. Anything else a member might choose to do is irrelevant isn't it? "To not have to play the same games as we have to in real life?" Surely you don't expect everyone to be trustworthy here when we can't even find that in real life? You said it best yourself "This site is supposed to allow us to escape from real life." and some people use it for exactly that reason.
Aiden, the only reason I've quoted you is because your thoughts are similar to those of a lot of people here. Not to address your opinions specifically smile

You make a great series of points Trinket and I personally want to thank you for making them.
I mentioned that I was giving my take on things and that I am always ready to learn. I did with your post. As for your addressing my post, I absolutely do not take it personally, and from what I see of your posts as a whole I do not think you would do that.
I can understand the whole privacy thing. It is what it is. What I don't agree with is the deception behind it. Some say, the avatar is not me, which is what people should do. The other thing I don't get is when people blatantly lie about their age on their profiles, and or, their location. Sure, don't write your suburb, but lying about the country doesn't make much sense. But the age thing, that's just wrong to deceive people like that.
This topic is on another thread if I'm not mistaken. I think it's funny how some people respond to a photo as if it's the individual (when it's obvious to most, that the other photos in their gallery aren't the same person). I'm not sure the majority cares. I see now that it's a sensitive subject for a group.

If you want to know if the avatar is the person displaying it, ask.
Well, the hound was my late adopted daughter and my mug-shot was too fugly to post.
Quote by SydneySider
Sure, don't write your suburb, but lying about the country doesn't make much sense.

Hey I used to put that I lived in Italy! Everyone that knows me, knows I'm not but it's fun to plain confuse people... And I could get away with it if anyone asked questions.

as far as avs, I mix between a couple of pic of my boobs to avs that aren't of me. I do however write on my profile whether the picture is of me or not. I don't think of it as putting a fake front up nor do I think it of other people. I don't put anything but my boobs up for privacy and career reasons.

I think of avs as a form of expression. It doesn't have to be from the way you look physically, this is after all a cyber world, but emotions or passions we have.
I don't know what you people are talking about, but this is really me.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.