This site has been such a wonderful community for me and I've enjoyed writing stories for your enjoyment. I'd like to participate further but alas, I have many friends and relatives and Christmas is an expensive time, so I ask you lovely people to gift me membership, and in return you get... me!
Bronze Membership gets you, or a character of your choice, a cameo in my next story.
Silver Membership gets you, or a character of your choice, a starring role as a main character or protagonist in my next story (although I retain full artistic control)
Gold Membership my muse and pen are yours, master or mistress. I will write one story of up to 1000 words as you command me. Plot, subject, setting, characters, kinks; you can decide as much or as little as you like and leave the rest to my artistic discretion.
Lushy Love,
y Tylwyth Teg