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What's the hardest thing about being in a relationship with you?

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Advanced Wordsmith
I'm bi and I get frustrated with the conflict of it, let alone my long time partner!
Active Ink Slinger
keeping up with my insatiable sex drive
Active Ink Slinger
im immature (21 going on single digit) and lil he puts up with both, luckily
my newest :)
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I turn pretty much any negative emotion I feel into passive aggression...and then just plain passive. It makes it seem like I don't care.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I think my jealousy honestly
Rainbow Warrior
I answered this already with a joke, so let me give a more ingenuous answer... my lovers have to understand that they can't possess me. I'm quite demonstrably incapable of a committed, monogamous relationship with any single person. I'm bi-sexual and I can't give up girls for any guy, nor will I give up guys for any girl. I've tried and failed every time. Its just not who I am. If you want to keep me, you have to let me go, and I've been fortunate enough to have found someone who understands that about me and loves me on my terms.
After a long marriage which ended painfully there is a part of me that doesn't want a long-term relationship even though I had always believed in that. I suppose trust has something to do with this, but also the discovery that life can be as interesting if I have a variety of relationships. On my bad days I would love to have a husband, but I am increasingly unwilling to tie myself to something that has the air of permanence.
Active Ink Slinger
I lose interest EXTREMELY quickly and have found in all of my relationships apart from my very first lover who i was with for almost two years I have seeked ventures elsewhere. Not had sex behind their back but definitely flirted with other men etc. I just get so bored and when things go tits up I just tend to stray and think 'bollocks to this' and end up flirting and stuff. I am also extremely stubborn and have to have my own way. In my serious relationships I have always ruled the guy and that's how it has to be, I say when we meet up, I say when we do stuff etc etc. I am extremely opinionated and also don't stand for any bullshit. Fuck up big time once and I'm gone, no second chances.

I am extremely hard to please in bed, so so so so fussy and hard to make orgasm. Only 3 guys have made me orgasm in my whole life. Um, what else, I get annoyed easily, I can kick off and lose my temper over the smallest things. I don't like mess. I like everything set in place. I sound like a fucking nightmare after reading this back, no wonder I can't hold down a normal relationship hahahaa! Oh well, at least I have my hands and I doubt they are leaving me anytime soon!
Everything happens for a reason. Live for the moment and have no regrets.
Active Ink Slinger
You give up a lot in space and freedom in a serious relationship. Nobody is fun to be around all the time. You and your partner see the worst in each other along with the best. As the relationship wears on and becomes ordinary, sadly, familiarity can breed contempt. You have to read your partner, be there when they need you, which could potentially be for long stretches. And, you have to keep working at it, not always easy. Keep it fresh.
Quote by firefly9973
Trust, I don't trust many people. Once you have your heart broken, trust is a hard thing to give to someone.

I am independent. I do every thing for myself. Asking or accepting help or a shoulder to lean on is not something I do. If I don't ask then they can't let me down.

I like my alone time. Some guys don't get that. They think because we are dating that we should spend all our free time together. I am a big girl I do not need you glued to my side 24/7. Apparently this line of thinking makes me a huge bitch.

This describes me very well. I've been told that I have "Serious fucking issues" due to my lack of trust mostly.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
This would be my top-five.

1. Independent - I don't need to be with someone 24/7, nor do I like constant checking-in, curfews or clingy behaviour. It makes me feel suffocated. overwhelmed and it also makes me feel like I'm not trusted. I love being with the person I'm with, but I also need space to do my own thing, see my own friends etc. but still know/feel that the connection is still there.

2. I'm not romantic - and I say this in terms of 'traditional romance' - poetry, cutesy V-day cards, snuggly-baby-talk, pet names, effusive complements and "I love you's", gag-worthy PDA. With me, a little goes a long way and too much is either a turn-off or will make me laugh because I can't take it seriously. I like 'romance' or 'connecting' when done in a fun, lighthearted way or a passionate way. When it's overly sweet or cheesy, I feel like I want to withdraw.

3. I don't like conflict - I could never be with someone that likes to "fight hard and love hard". I cannot do shouting matches or heated arguments where mean words are traded and then just shrugged off later. When someone says something that hurts me, it cuts deep and the effects linger. For me - conflict resolution means conversation. When I *am* that angry, I prefer to cool down before getting into it. And I will admit - I often brush things off or avoid conflict - probably to my own detriment - just because I don't like dealing with it unless absolutely necessary. I've actually had a guy say that I was *too* easy-going by not calling him out on his shit and making him feel like I didn't care either way. He wanted a girlfriend that would 'keep him in line' and that's just not my style.

4. It's difficult to get me to be vulnerable - it takes a lot for me to open up to someone emotionally. They may think I've really opened up but it's often an illusion. Being vulnerable means I could possibly get hurt. Getting to that point is a rarity because I have certain emotional safeguards in place. This is because I've been cut to the bone before and I hate the risk involved with possibly going back to that dark place again. Stemming off this, while it takes *a lot* to truly upset me, when someone does hit that level with me and I see a glimpse of potential for that dark place, I will just shut down and walk away completely. I can become instantly cold and detached once I see something as a dead end or once something feels too emotionally risky for me (in a negative way). I'm not one of these "I need closure" girls - I don't like dragging things out if I know it's not going to work.

5. Commitment-phobic - this is kind of related to the 'vulnerability' bit and maybe even the missing romance-gene - I'm a little jaded when it comes to human relationships and their longevity. I also hate labels, especially when they're premature. So... while I can be committed, it's difficult for me to think of long-term or feel assured something is going to go the distance. I'm more of a take it one week at a time rather than fixating on notions of 'soul mates' or what the future will look like.

It's the same with me and recently I've been told that I can be overly dramatic over things. I didn't think I was but I guess I do over react sometimes.
The Bee's Knees
WOWZA! hmm... top three: 1. i can be moody. some days i am sunshine and lollipops other days i'm rainy days and hand grenades. my only explanation? i'm a cancer dammit... 2. i value my solitude. i HAVE to have alone time so that i can recharge. 3. i'm fiercely independent. sometimes too much for my own good. i've had to learn how to let people be there for me.

Say. Her. Name.

Active Ink Slinger
I have the ability to be the sweetest guy on earth 99% of the time, but I have my micro-moments of being a complete dick before I have the chance to dial it back. It's always the I told you so moments I can't resist, the shoulda, woulda, coulda, the well duh! Moments that I can't resist taking my shot. I hate that about myself and damn, I really try to shut it down, but time and time again I'm left apologizing for all too cruel moments just when the cut the deepest. If I was a dick more often it wouldn't have the impact that it does, but because I do nice so well that it really cuts deep.
Active Ink Slinger
Coping with my perfection. Yeah right!

Seriously, I'm a nightmare with a list of faults as long as your arm.
The worst one?
I know a relationship will end, so why start it? Why go through the pain of a break up? How ir that for dumb!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
This would be my top-five.

1. Independent - I don't need to be with someone 24/7, nor do I like constant checking-in, curfews or clingy behaviour. It makes me feel suffocated. overwhelmed and it also makes me feel like I'm not trusted. I love being with the person I'm with, but I also need space to do my own thing, see my own friends etc. but still know/feel that the connection is still there.

2. I'm not romantic - and I say this in terms of 'traditional romance' - poetry, cutesy V-day cards, snuggly-baby-talk, pet names, effusive complements and "I love you's", gag-worthy PDA. With me, a little goes a long way and too much is either a turn-off or will make me laugh because I can't take it seriously. I like 'romance' or 'connecting' when done in a fun, lighthearted way or a passionate way. When it's overly sweet or cheesy, I feel like I want to withdraw.

3. I don't like conflict - I could never be with someone that likes to "fight hard and love hard". I cannot do shouting matches or heated arguments where mean words are traded and then just shrugged off later. When someone says something that hurts me, it cuts deep and the effects linger. For me - conflict resolution means conversation. When I *am* that angry, I prefer to cool down before getting into it. And I will admit - I often brush things off or avoid conflict - probably to my own detriment - just because I don't like dealing with it unless absolutely necessary. I've actually had a guy say that I was *too* easy-going by not calling him out on his shit and making him feel like I didn't care either way. He wanted a girlfriend that would 'keep him in line' and that's just not my style.

4. It's difficult to get me to be vulnerable - it takes a lot for me to open up to someone emotionally. They may think I've really opened up but it's often an illusion. Being vulnerable means I could possibly get hurt. Getting to that point is a rarity because I have certain emotional safeguards in place. This is because I've been cut to the bone before and I hate the risk involved with possibly going back to that dark place again. Stemming off this, while it takes *a lot* to truly upset me, when someone does hit that level with me and I see a glimpse of potential for that dark place, I will just shut down and walk away completely. I can become instantly cold and detached once I see something as a dead end or once something feels too emotionally risky for me (in a negative way). I'm not one of these "I need closure" girls - I don't like dragging things out if I know it's not going to work.

5. Commitment-phobic - this is kind of related to the 'vulnerability' bit and maybe even the missing romance-gene - I'm a little jaded when it comes to human relationships and their longevity. I also hate labels, especially when they're premature. So... while I can be committed, it's difficult for me to think of long-term or feel assured something is going to go the distance. I'm more of a take it one week at a time rather than fixating on notions of 'soul mates' or what the future will look like.

Your description matches me pretty well. These characteristics are typical of two conditions: (a) Ultra-high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. You are female, which reduces the probability of that. I am male, and I have what used to be called Asperger's Syndrome. The condition is very badly portrayed by Hollywood; (b) Schizotypal Personality Type. You appear to be missing a key element in diagnosing this, which is a belief in magic and/or the paranormal.

My wife of 42 years has finally accepted that I am just not "normal."
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Bipeep
I'm bi and I get frustrated with the conflict of it, let alone my long time partner!

^^^^ oh, and this, too. The balance I've struck in my mind is a joke in reality.
Active Ink Slinger
I suppose mine would be my competitive side. I like to win at sports and games and whilst i might not show my disappointment on the outside, i'll definitely be feeling it on the inside
I'm a bit of a loner, so even though I'm in a relationship I like my alone time.
Active Ink Slinger
I work shift work with long hours and tend to get moody if I`m not rested enought...
Probably my relentless pursuit of my writing. Sometimes I get tied up in it to the exclusion of other things...
Recommended Reads by TheScheherezadeFeint:
Undeniable - Erotic Poem
Disappearing Act - Love Poem
Synthetic Hours - Fantasy/Sci-fi - Eighth Place, 'Some Like It Hot' competition, January 2015
Night Work - Erotic Poem
Eating Breakfast In Glass Slippers - Straight Sex - Fifth Place, 'The Morning After The Night Before' competition, November 2014
Miracle of Night - Love Poem
The Brightest Black You've Ever Seen - Love Story - Ninth place, 'Toy With Me' competition, September 2014
Scream Fire - Erotic Poem - Audio read by MadameMolly
At First Sight (He) - Quickie Sex
Well I would say the most difficult problem for my relationships is accepting my crossdressing and bisexuality
Active Ink Slinger
My high sex drive. Ex-wife had almost zero and treated it like a chore.
Fortunately, I have met a woman who has just as high a drive and more than willing to make sure we are both satisfied on a very regular basis.
Active Ink Slinger
What's the hardest thing about being in a relationship with you?

My Cock
My jealousy. Hands down
Active Ink Slinger
I want(need) an open relationship
Love Bug
1) I have no middle gear, I am either happy or sad... I am at least easy to read, you know when I am upset, no having to guess at my emotional wheelhouse
2) I try to protect the ones I love by pushing them away when I fear hurting them
3) I put everyone priority wise ahead of my own needs...... I think it might frustrate my significant other

But survive all that and I just might be lovable.
Senior Analyst
Although I usually hide it pretty well, I'm one arrogant SOB. Most of the time I have to remind myself very forcibly that I'm not the smartest person in the room.