Smoking, farting, leaving crumbs in bed.
I DO 'em, but I just can't stand myself for doing 'em
Someone who cannot see past themselves as the center of the universe. Blah!
Pushy people. No means no.
Dirty fingernails ewwww
Dirty shoes
Dandruff ewww
just dirt in general.
Closed minds and cynicism
how true it is .... A closed mind is a closed personna.
Queen Victoria tattoo on her pussy.
Her labia and slit make up the queen's mouth.
Bad breath and body odor...
Bad breath and dirty hands!!
Environmentalist that fly private jets only to get into private stretch limo's to a high price Hotel to eat fine food and then talk about how they are saving the fucking Earth.
zero empathy
can't pull off a hot kiss.
Really depends on the person. Usually is some small thing that clicks in my head telling me to move on..honestly cannot be specific about it, because it is always something else and never rule for every one.. go figure..
Stupidity, bitchiness, arrogance, smoking.
The "gansta" attitude! I can't stand it when I see pants being worn hanging off the ass and a hat sideways... People who disrespect authority, their parents or SO. It is a turn off when someone drinks to excess, does drugs or chain smokes, their smoke stained fingers are disgusting.
Fat (as in the flabby kind). And being ignored. This guy came and sat next to me in a cafe today and he competely ignored me. I thought he was cute when he sat down but after half an hour I decided he was incredibly rude. He just sat there cracking his knuckles and didn't acknowledge me once!