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What super power would you have?

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If you could have any sexual super power, what would it be??
To make woman orgasm just by touching them... Although I'd probably abuse the hell out of the power haha
The power of the never-occurring menstruation. But I heard I'll get that anyway in exchange for grey hair, so...

Mind control. I think I'd like to have that. Make people do what I want. Mmmh.
To be able to have sex without any refractory period and orgasming over and over again while my cumshots never decrease in volume.
I would have the midas touch - the ability to make anybody intensely orgasm on command.
In my fantasies I have this desire for every man that I find attractive to find me utterly irresistible
Quote by JacquieJ
In my fantasies I have this desire for every man that I find attractive to find me utterly irresistible

I was thinking pretty much the same thing, lol.
Quote by SereneProdigy
To be able to have sex without any refractory period and orgasming over and over again while my cumshots never decrease in volume.

I thought you already could.n8ih6QRdISmZXtjA
Eternal youth (followed closely by the ability to sense every horny female within 100 yards.)
To instantly be able to tell who's GOOD nuts and who's BAD nuts!
Flying because it would be so damn cool.
The one that allows me to acquire all of the others.
The power to change my sex at will
I would like to fly. I would fly over people I don't like and yell down, "Kiss my ass. I can fly!".

Just joking. If I could only pick one super power I'd cure the sick. It would be cool to do both.
Ok. I have the radio copy. Someone with some artistic skill now needs to draw out the comic book super hero that I long to be.

Behold! Elastic Penis Man. He bends without breaking. He can be longer than a double dildo, ... shorter than a clitoral nub, ... able to pole vault into a hot tub without borrowing a pole! It's a baseball bat! It's a bottle cap! It's Elastic Penis Man!
Perfect control over my orgasms so they happen when I, and my partner, want them to (I suffer from PE).

Shape shift into my lover's dream fantasy lover, male or female.
The ability to never lose the keys of my Batmobile. Aside from that, I'm pretty well-rounded.
Quote by KatieElizabeth
The power to immediately determine someone's sexual orientation!

You don't really need superpowers for that.

Sexual super power? Do I have to wear a mask and cape? Actually that's kinda hot.

How about a penis that adjusts to what ever size the girl wants and ... Vibrates?

Look up in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's ..... Dildo man.
I would love the power to turn back to 25 and stay there
The first sexual power that I would like to have is being absolutely irresistible to women.BUT only good looking women. In terms of looks, body the and even personality wise I would be the sexiest man on the planet. Basically I would be every hot woman's wet dream.

The second power of i would to have is the ability to cum continuously for as long as a i or the women want. I can go on for as long as we both want it or she wants it. That way women who love Cum would drink my forbidden juice for as long as they want. Oh and and the come taste so good that women become addicted to it,

Not bad eh ?
I would want the ability to read minds and experience things from the other perspective. Or in other words, to know with complete certainty what the other person wanted.

Knowing exactly where to touch and how to touch so I could best drive them crazy without ever speaking a word would be certainly special. It could be incredible to known what I look and sound like to them, always able to move or speak in just the nuanced way that their desire craves. I'm already pretty confident behind closed doors but to know specifically what to do and how to do it, thereby taking out any guesswork on my part, would allow me to get right to the fun of making them scream and moan with wild abandon.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

A few year back a group of friends were just hanging out and the topic super powers got brought up. Someone said be youthful and healthy forever. Everyone seem to think that would be a great super power. I didn't think so. I said I wouldn't want to live forever the longest I would want to live is around 700 years. That would be good enough for me. Though I did admit that I would only like to live those 700 years if I was young and healthy. I wouldn't want to be a person living in a bed for years and years. Or someone that can hardly move. I would like to be out doing things and living life.

The power of fruition. I would want to see the history of man first hand so and than make what was needs to happen in order to keep the human race alive and moving forward. I would want this power only because I fear man kind isn't going to make it. I don't think we will have the technology to leave this planet and go to another livable planet when the time comes. The reason I say this is because I see what I happening now and from my perspective we are behind where we need to be. Most call this the technology era. I call it the pre-technology era. This is the era that will lay the foundation for the future to be able to keep track of where our great innovations come from and who those innovators are. The reason this is important? All through the history of man the greatest of innovations have been taken from the original source and for the most part, in most cases, the genuine innovator is has been left unknown by man kind. While this is only a hunch, I say this because most often you see these so called great innovation that we all know and hold in great esteem only had one great innovation. This goes against the very nature of an innovator. So what has happen so many times before without society knowing or realizing it: the true innovators of our history have been left to be forgotten and wither while their innovations gain fame for someone else; as result, they are stifled and so their ability to innovate is hampered. So society has lost out time and time again without even knowing it. But this internet will allow for the best record keeping and in time this will allow mankind to recognize who are the true innovators, and as a result, these innovators will thrive and hundreds and hundreds of world changing innovation such as the internet will happen the span of one generation. We will need this if we want to live on.

The two U.S. leaders I look up to are George Washington and another I will mention later. Mr. Washington had foresight and iron-clad will. He forewarned about things that are just happening now. He had the ability to push men. First hand accounts are the proof enough. I think he is the 2nd best leader this nation has had.

Andre Jackson is the other U.S leader I admire. Much like Mr. Washington his iron-clad will allowed him to will victories out of unwinnable battles. Andre Jackson was sent to his death and time and time again and came back not only victorious but with the admiration of the lowly foot soldiers and officers alike. By all account he was not meant to be what he became. But he was too great to be ignored. He showed an empathy for the minority when recognizing the minority wasn't popular or got one votes. Almost all the things he believed in are things that us today would cherish him for and proclaim him greatness. The things that we wouldn't believe in as he did is only because they are out dated such as dueling. Unlike Mr. Washington he was self made through in through. And like Mr. Washington he warned about things that would happen hundreds of years later and things that are happening now. And unlike any other leader before and since he had a mind for all aspects of government and leadership.

They need to keep him on the most used currency, whatever that may be: 1, 5, 10, 50 or the 100. Speaking of which many hold the man on the 50 in great esteem. I don't think he was a great leader. He stood for most things that most today would detest. Smug, favoring bailouts, and a racist. The one thing he did that was great was the park system, and you have to thank is right-hand man in part for that too.

In short Andrew Jackson was the man, and we shouldn't forget him--never, he has earned this much. And fruition would be my super power if I had a choice.
The ability to get my dick back up and shoot heavier loads each time!
X-ray vision! Muahaha! ;)
Quote by Guest
In my fantasies I have this desire for every man that I find attractive to find me utterly irresistible

Yes, I would agree with this. I love it when men tell me I am irresistible
Quote by Guest
The power to change my sex at will

Quote by seeker4

Shape shift into my lover's dream fantasy lover, male or female.

This; would be great to accommodate the fantasies & needs of everyone who shares their body with me.
i like to become invisible and will fuck alone women