Just curious! Please post about an "other" or if you share things you feel like others don't or wouldn't. Inquiring minds...
Social media account for sure. Anytime I see a joint account, it's usually because somebody cheated...
Lol true. Also, Katherine fail... I was thinking people could select all that apply. My bad. I won't share my toothbrush or deodorant. I bet I could do a SM account, but I'd probably also have my own on the side, after awhile.
We don't share social media accounts, though we know about each other's. My wife has read all of my Lush stories.
We drive each other's vehicles, but she won't take on my larger motorcycles.
Other- Bank Accounts. My OH is just hopeless and helpless at managing money .
There are things we don't share, but not because I refuse to. Although... I'm a bit reluctant to hand over the keys to my Mustang!
Why have so many people voted toothbrush?! Like...you kiss that mouth anyway??
Not that my OH wants to but I could never share my lingerie!
We share everything, but not each others computers. Only because we like our setups way different.