Yes it seems to happen when the wife and I get away by ourselves. Thank goodness for room service. That was the only time either was dressed answering the door.
Vacation road trips bring out the inner slut in both my lover and I and we plan for it. Booking vacation time doesn't happen without a consult of the calendar with her Tiger Week in mind. In no particular order we've visited a popular swing club, a nude beach, and made a few truckers smile.
We were enjoying a 3-night stay at a condo complex in WA when we had our riskiest public manouver yet, slipping into the outdoor pool as a summer storm approached. Seeing the numerous families vacating it at the first sign of lightning on the horizon Ms Bikeboy and I took that as our cue to enjoy a quiet swim, the storm obviously at least 30 minutes out. After a few laps it wasn't long before she gave me "that look", steered me up against one side of the pool, and stealthily rode me until she had a crusher of an O. I use the term "stealthily" liberally as it was obvious to us, once we disengaged and returned to swimming, that several of the moms and dads were watching more than the approaching storm from their nearby balconies.
Definitely, hotel rooms make me horny as shit. I can't explain what it is about them, but just getting the keys is like an hour of foreplay