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threesome : which one you prefer FFM/FMM/FFF/MMM ?

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Since I've only done MFM; I've gotta pick MFM. Me and two of my best friends had a wild night together. It was so good.
Defo FMF or MFM for me but i wouldnt say no to a MMF
mfm enjoyed seeing her loving it,being the center of attention,tongue in cheek there. she got off alot more times than with just her and me.
Of course FFF. Passion and lust can be build up to unimaginable heights.... Body tingles for so many days and I kept on thinking about it for many weeks
I've done FFM before, but I'd really like to try FMM. And I wouldn't be opposed to FFF at all. smile
FFM actually the other night
I've only done MMF, which was awsome, but I'd really love FFF.
i'd like to have a FMF
Wow! A Threesome would be awesome! I didn't really understand the question though - I suppose if I could ever arrange sex with two women and me though, I would make all the noises you describe - FFM/FMM/FFF/MMM with maybe even a few OH BOY's thrown in!
There is no 'tude like GeekItude!
fmm everytime for me.
if its with my partner then mmf if with others ffm smile
Fantasy has to be FFMFF.

Reality though my only time was FFM. And didn't work too good.
Would have to be MMF, love watching a woman with two cocks
I've had FFM and I wanna try FMM, but it is loads harder to find two guys who are game
Quote by LeRosé
I wanna try FMM, but it is loads harder to find two guys who are game

What! In LA, you must be looking in the wrong places.
My preference would be for FFM... however, there is something incredibly sexy about a woman that can handle two men at once.
Having experienced one MFM, numerous FMFs, and several FFMF 4-somes (some of which I've had stories published about on Lush), I can say that I most enjoyed those where I was the only male involved.

My stories are listed on my Lush Profile.
Love to have with FFM
Would like FFFFFFMFFFFFF!! With ever woman doing something hot to me. lmao!
I prefer FMF just greedy I guess
any except MMM cuz that rules me out lol
Hmmm? I'm writing a story about a MFM, it takes a special woman to handle 2 cocks. I'd like to try a FFM first
I think If like to try FMM first. Then MFF