It states that like attracts like. It’s a universal law that doesn’t play favorites. It doesn’t determine who is “worthy” of love. Your life mirrors what is going on inside you so attracting the right person means projecting the kind of energy they radiate.
There are really only three basic steps: ask, believe, and receive.
What in a man/woman do YOU find most attractive? Do you agree/disagree that the law of attraction can make ones sex life 'earth-shattering' and 'sizzling'?
I've generally had a great radar for finding great sex partners, but lousy at finding life partners. I can see a woman I'd have amazing sex with from across the room. She's usually batshit crazy and I'll probably have raw spots on my knob after the first 19 hour makeout session, but within two or three months she's going to bring complete and total chaos to my life and it'll have to end.
On the other hand, I can have rather normal, vanilla sex partners who are a joy to live with. In my entire life, I've only found one or two exceptions.