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Should serial trolling be allowed in forums?

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Should 'serial trolling' be allowed in the forums?

40 votes remaining
Yes, I love to see someone throw jabs (3 votes) 8%
No, it derails what could be a great topic (28 votes) 70%
I don't care, I enjoy it sometimes (20 votes) 50%
I will leave it it starts to get out of hand (1 vote) 3%
I join in with the aggressor, it's fun (0 votes) 0%
I watch but don't join in (1 vote) 3%
I'll eventually leave the site (0 votes) 0%
Wild at Heart
Quote by Belthazor
How about we just call it what it is. It's not "trolling." It's called being a jackass with the anonymity of the Internet.

If anyone acted that way in real life, you'd punch them or they'd probably be charged with harassment. Just because it's online doesn't make it any less annoying, rude or unnecessary.

You can hardly use the internet without crying and getting your feelings hurt. You ain't punching anybody in real life, cupcake.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by sprite
what is ironic about this, and i'll be very blunt here, is that this is aimed at Magical Felix. we all know it, so let's not beat around the bush. i'm pretty sure he's getting a kick out of watching it proceed, in fact. the result, really, isn't going to affect him at all. what it will do is annoy pretty much everyone else. right now, i'm annoyed - i've been dealing with a lot these last few weeks, and really, while i am happy to split my time between story and forum modding, it does grow old when i'm dealing with these kind of threads. Dani has waaaay more patience than i do, honestly.

so, get it out of your system. things will change organically, as they need to. now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go eat my dinner of jello and veggie broth. peace out.

Exactly. Yet another thread on this.

If it was deleted would that be censorship, or would it be doing everyone a favour?

This has to be the most sophomoric post on this site. For an adult community, we sure do have our share of children lingering about. If I said What I truly want to in this thread and the countless others like it, I'd be asked to step down. Now excuse me while I get some sleep.

Talk about beating a fucking dead horse...
Don't hold back, I haven't noticed the others holding back too much. At least Rachel showed some class and made valid points. I don't know if you realize this, but I blocked him and Kiera hours ago. It seems odd to me that mods are the few that can't let it go.

By the way, this is a very VALID question. An inconvenient truth that, for some reason, those that could do something choose not too. So, whether I post this shit or not, someone else will. It just makes you look like fools.

Also, I see no difference in maligning my opinion to completely deleting the post and censorship. Both make me question your character..

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by kiera
WTF??? I thought they were all about Bi Male

Me too. He's an ass, sorry... arse.

Quote by kiera
Jack is a person you know, he has feelings.

You mean like Corky Thatcher?


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
what is ironic about this, and i'll be very blunt here, is that this is aimed at Magical Felix. we all know it, so let's not beat around the bush. i'm pretty sure he's getting a kick out of watching it proceed, in fact. the result, really, isn't going to affect him at all. what it will do is annoy pretty much everyone else. right now, i'm annoyed - i've been dealing with a lot these last few weeks, and really, while i am happy to split my time between story and forum modding, it does grow old when i'm dealing with these kind of threads. Dani has waaaay more patience than i do, honestly.

so, get it out of your system. things will change organically, as they need to. now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go eat my dinner of jello and veggie broth. peace out.

No Sprite, it is not about Jack. Jack's behaviour may be the trigger for this this thread, but in fact it is about how people think, lush should deal with people like Jack. And if you look at the result off the poll so far, the majority disagrees with the current policy.

You are right about Jack though. He just basks in the attention he gets and if he feels anything, it is encouragement to go on harassing and bullying. He's been given free range.

In the outside world harassment and bullying is becoming more and more recognized as something, that is damaging and unacceptable. Hence, campaigns and initiatives are being launched to combat it, not only in schools among children, but also in workplaces, among adults.

Somehow however, what is seen as unacceptable in the real world, is put down as merely annoying in lush. There is a difference between being a nuisance and being a bully. Annoying people is not the same as posting things with the sole purpose, to insult and hurt people. And though being an adult implies the risk of encountering bullies, it in no way implies that we have to accept them and their behaviour. A responsible adult doesn't tell someone who suffers from what's wrong, to hide behind a block, he tackles and corrects the situation.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Short Arse Brit
Quote by Magical_felix

I won the shit out of the Lush Forum War of 2016.

It's a shame this didn't all happen last month, Jack... With this kinda publicity you would have won Attention Whore hands down, got a new badge and won some dosh too.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Simmerdownchick

Don't hold back, I haven't noticed the others holding back too much. At least Rachel showed some class and made valid points. I don't know if you realize this, but I blocked him and Kiera hours ago. It seems odd to me that mods are the few that can't let it go.

By the way, this is a very VALID question. An inconvenient truth that, for some reason, those that could do something choose not too. So, whether I post this shit or not, someone else will. It just makes you look like fools.

Also, I see no difference in maligning my opinion to completely deleting the post and censorship. Both make me question your character..

You really need to be careful when you start making psychological evaluations online. Taking Wikipedia outlines of personality disorders and shaping the bits you see as relevant, is something that could easily bite you in the ass.

You say "trolls" (your interpretation of what that means, at least) lack empathy. My experience couldn't be further from that. Real trolls know exactly how to piss individuals off, exactly which buttons need pressing. When I annoy someone on here, it really is no accident. If someone's opinion is laughable - i'll mock it, anything less gives it validity, and that's the last thing I want to bring across.

You say trolls suffer from a social disorder but ask yourself, who has the more apparent psychological problem? The troll or a person who can't stand people disagreeing with them. A person who also creates conspiracy theories to explain why things happen
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by Simmerdownchick

Don't hold back, I haven't noticed the others holding back too much. At least Rachel showed some class and made valid points. I don't know if you realize this, but I blocked him and Kiera hours ago. It seems odd to me that mods are the few that can't let it go.

By the way, this is a very VALID question. An inconvenient truth that, for some reason, those that could do something choose not too. So, whether I post this shit or not, someone else will. It just makes you look like fools.

Also, I see no difference in maligning my opinion to completely deleting the post and censorship. Both make me question your character..

You know, for the most part, I was content to ignore yet another of these shit shows of a thread, but then you tossed in that little 'makes you look like fools' comment. I take that as a direct insult to my intelligence, and that's one of the relatively few things in this world that I find truly offensive.

You wanna talk about fools? Let's fucking go.

What's foolish is starting multiple threads about one person to rally the masses for your cause when all previous attempts have monumentally backfired in hilarious ways.

What's foolish is handing one person the power to control your experience on the internet and getting upset when they use that power to consistently get the best of you.

What's foolish is finding new ways to insult the people from whom you demand action when you feel the parameters of your internet safe space have been breached.

What's foolish is denouncing censorship while simultaneously rallying for the censorship of certain individuals.

What's foolish is wearing out terms like"troll" and "censorship" to the point where the terms hardly have any meaning.

"Also, I see no difference in maligning my opinion to completely deleting the post and censorship." LOL. So now we don't even have to lock threads or delete/edit posts anymore? All we gotta do is disagree with you? Again I say, LOL.

I'm a forum moderator. I don't moderate people. I moderate forum posts. I don't have time to do it very often, but I do know that I'm damn good at it. Ask any of my peers and they'll tell you that I'm one of the best. That may not mean much to you, but if that mattered to me I would have quit this gig ages ago.

I'm not here to protect feelings and egos and sensibilities. I'm here to make sure that threads don't go to shit. If someone fucks up a thread one time too many, I ask them to stop. If they do it again, I take temporary measures to make them stop. Then they come back and we do this little dance all over again.

I didn't sign up to just get rid of every person that someone deemed problematic. If that were the case, I myself wouldn't stand a chance here. Do you know how potentially dangerous it could be if we got rid of everyone on the basis that multiple people on the site have a problem with them?

You're in complete control of your experience here, but you can't control anyone else's experiences, and therein may truly lie the problem.

Everyone has their own shit that they bring to the table. The complaints roll in when the stench clashes with yours.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by Simmerdownchick

Don't hold back, I haven't noticed the others holding back too much. At least Rachel showed some class and made valid points. I don't know if you realize this, but I blocked him and Kiera hours ago. It seems odd to me that mods are the few that can't let it go.

By the way, this is a very VALID question. An inconvenient truth that, for some reason, those that could do something choose not too. So, whether I post this shit or not, someone else will. It just makes you look like fools.

Also, I see no difference in maligning my opinion to completely deleting the post and censorship. Both make me question your character..

I see you've edited your post. Let me say this, you should be careful, what you said could be considered a personal attack. Like fools, really? Your gross generalizations are indicative of foolishness that is near shameful and by some may be considered dumb.

Furthermore, how can you say that mods don't let things go when you and others keep bringing things up that have been previously put to bed or discussed or are being discussed by the admin team here? What you all should realize, what we all should realize, is that every system is flawed...even the one that was previously suggested is flawed. The fact that the decisions made by the team are not made public should be admired or appreciated as in most, if not all, cases it is a form of protection of Lush members' privacy.

Now on to your post that I believe is aimed at me. Restraint is an act of maturity that many here lack, I don't. You see, adults understand that sometimes the best sign of maturity is to speak without ridicule, sarcasm, or ignorance. (I imagine that is why you chose to edit your post). I choose to act appropriately at all times.

Finally, you don't want to enter a character debate with me. You know nothing about me...nothing of my online personal
character or my real life character. If you did, you wouldn't even question it. My advice to you, simmer down little chicken, is it would be a wise choice to think before acting or making assumptions on issues you're not qualified to.

Real life calls... Later.
Quote by overmykneenow

You really need to be careful when you start making psychological evaluations online. Taking Wikipedia outlines of personality disorders and shaping the bits you see as relevant, is something that could easily bite you in the ass.

You say "trolls" (your interpretation of what that means, at least) lack empathy. My experience couldn't be further from that. Real trolls know exactly how to piss individuals off, exactly which buttons need pressing. When I annoy someone on here, it really is no accident. If someone's opinion is laughable - i'll mock it, anything less gives it validity, and that's the last thing I want to bring across.

You say trolls suffer from a social disorder but ask yourself, who has the more apparent psychological problem? The troll or a person who can't stand people disagreeing with them. A person who also creates conspiracy theories to explain why things happen

Are you threatening me? "I better be careful'? I disclosed that was from Wikipedia. Look, enough is quite enough. Patokl has it right. End of discussion. How about we focus on the topic at hand instead. I do not appreciate ANY of the threats that have been made here so back off. I have blocked Felix and Kiera.
What you're doing by saying things like "You say trolls suffer from a social disorder but ask yourself, who has the more apparent psychological problem? The troll or a person who can't stand people disagreeing with them. A person who also creates conspiracy theories to explain why things happen" us a smokescreen to keep from addressing the topic at hand.
All I did was post s thread, but all I've received in return has been petty jibes (for the most part). I can take it but you really need to read evaluate what you say prior to issuing threats. It's truly amazing that this is what you choose to quote out of an entire thread.
Again, I'll direct you to read the post made by Patokl.
By the way, that "you better be careful" comment is s bullying statement. I think we all know this is about more than Felix, (a claim I still deny).

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by overmykneenow
When I annoy someone on here, it really is no accident. If someone's opinion is laughable - i'll mock it, anything less gives it validity, and that's the last thing I want to bring across.
I do not think anyone could disagree with this, as it is an opinion you are attacking and that's what debate is about.

Quote by overmykneenow
You say trolls suffer from a social disorder but ask yourself, who has the more apparent psychological problem? The troll or a person who can't stand people disagreeing with them. A person who also creates conspiracy theories to explain why things happen
You are twisting the facts. If anyone has a problem with people who disagree with them, it's those who have to resort to personal attacks and insults, or to derailing a discussion, in order to not lose (which isn't the same as winning btw).
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by Coco

I see you've edited your post. Let me say this, you should be careful, what you said could be considered a personal attack. Like fools, really? Your gross generalizations are indicative of foolishness that is near shameful and by some may be considered dumb.

Furthermore, how can you say that mods don't let things go when you and others keep bringing things up that have been previously put to bed or discussed or are being discussed by the admin team here? What you all should realize, what we all should realize, is that every system is flawed...even the one that was previously suggested is flawed. The fact that the decisions made by the team are not made public should be admired or appreciated as in most, if not all, cases it is a form of protection of Lush members' privacy.

Now on to your post that I believe is aimed at me. Restraint is an act of maturity that many here lack, I don't. You see, adults understand that sometimes the best sign of maturity is to speak without ridicule, sarcasm, or ignorance. (I imagine that is why you chose to edit your post). I choose to act appropriately at all times.

Finally, you don't want to enter a character debate with me. You know nothing about me...nothing of my online personal
character or my real life character. If you did, you wouldn't even question it. My advice to you, simmer down little chicken, is it would be a wise choice to think before acting or making assumptions on issues you're not qualified to.

Real life calls... Later.

Of course I edited your post. Did you think I was the first one to ever do that before? And more threats? I did not make any "assumption's" I said "you look like fools", refraining from the direct "you are fools" which would be the definition of attacking someone's chatacter. Smoke screens.
Quit with the threats already. I'm done here. Waste your time responding, this "little chicken" has made her point. I'll not back peddle. It's funny how you spun my words around.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Blackbird Supernova
The reason that you, Simmerdownchick, are receiving so much backlash on this thread is that the question is inflamatory and provocative in a not very enjoyable manner. Recent events around this topic should have been sufficient to warn against starting this thread. The response was both predictable and inevitable. Yet, you persisted, and here we are. Again.

As to your question, of course serial trolling should not be allowed in the forums. Duh. It's kind of an obvious answer. The only reason someone would respond 'yes' is to stir the pot. No one wants serial trolling. I'd like to know, specifically, what prompted your poll. I'm serious. Pussy footing around issues is annoying. Please tell me. Specifically.

I don't participate in forums on other websites, so I don't have a good comparison for how much trolling or how severe the trolling issue is here versus anywhere else. I will say, though, that I don't feel any kind of trepidation or concern posting freely here. The forum moderators we have work diligently to keep things in check. They do a good job upholding the Lush t&c concerning the forums. If you have a specific problem, please let them, me, or any other moderator know. We'll try our very best to help you resolve it.

As far as threats go, no one is threatening you. Warning you about being careful is not a threat. No one has said, "Be careful, or else..." No repercussions have been even alluded to. You did, however, insinuate that your posting about this topic made someone look like fools. You weren't specific as to who, so that means you were fishing. Baiting. The responses you have received are, in my opinion, appropriate to the offense intended.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by patokl

In the outside world harassment and bullying is becoming more and more recognized as something, that is damaging and unacceptable. Hence, campaigns and initiatives are being launched to combat it, not only in schools among children, but also in workplaces, among adults.

Somehow however, what is seen as unacceptable in the real world, is put down as merely annoying in lush. There is a difference between being a nuisance and being a bully. Annoying people is not the same as posting things with the sole purpose, to insult and hurt people. And though being an adult implies the risk of encountering bullies, it in no way implies that we have to accept them and their behaviour. A responsible adult doesn't tell someone who suffers from what's wrong, to hide behind a block, he tackles and corrects the situation.

Comparing Lush to a school or workplace is absurd. I have a kid who is dealing with mean girl bullshit in school & that is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. No one is required to be on this website. There are grown men posing as 19 yo lesbians here asking questions about boobs to get themselves off. Is giving a ridiculous reply trolling to you? Am I allowed to be ironic in the think tank under your proposed rules?

How is creating all of these threads that go nowhere, threatening to delete one's account if one's demands aren't met, and trying to ban people who don't conform to your idea of forum etiquette more mature & responsible than just ignoring, blocking, and moving on?
Quote by Coco
This has to be the most sophomoric post on this site. For an adult community, we sure do have our share of children lingering about. If I said What I truly want to in this thread and the countless others like it, I'd be asked to step down. Now excuse me while I get some sleep.
Talk about beating a fucking dead horse...

It's the same from the other side of the fence. It's not only me anymore is it? Everyone else must be imagining it too. Yeah I've got a couple of people blocked NOW. I wasn't able to block everything until a few weeks ago. It still doesn't fix the problem. It's just hiding it.

Look at how annoyed some of you are getting about this thread alone. Yes it's flogging a dead horse because it never changes. It's not only one person either. I don't start forum tussles but I will fight back. I don't take kindly to others talking to me like I am dirt beneath their feet. Somehow that makes me a bad guy too. Nobody likes a smart mouthed smartass. Internet bullying IS a real thing that is punishable by law. I've never asked for anyone to be banned. I've only ever wanted to post on a thread to have some fun without being mocked or humiliated. I DO think twice before posting on some forums/threads here because I've had other members target me repeatedly on those specific forums.

I've been reported for harassment/bullying Based on much less and some of it was, in my opinion only , an absolute farce. A lot of you know I love this site. I admire and respect the moderators more than they know for doing a thankless job. I keep hearing the same thing... "Grow up. Ignore it, don't feed the troll" the advice says yes there Are trolls. Live with it. The majority of those getting offended are moderators. Because you don't know what it's like. I'm not trying to offend any mods by saying that. It's a fact. I could find another playground to play in but i don't want to. Why do I have to move on because other members think it's funny to treat me like a piece of dirt?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by jollylolly

Comparing Lush to a school or workplace is absurd. I have a kid who is dealing with mean girl bullshit in school & that is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. No one is required to be on this website.

I agree, it's not the same. Does that make bullying people to the point, they flee from the site, acceptable? It's not about irony, or innocent mockery. It's about mean personal attacks, aimed at hurting people and not once, but time and again.
Quote by jollylolly
There are grown men posing as 19 yo lesbians here asking questions about boobs to get themselves off. Is giving a ridiculous reply trolling to you? Am I allowed to be ironic in the think tank under your proposed rules?

Exactly which proposed rules are you referring to? I never proposed any rules. I think the rules for posting on lush are clear, well formulated and complete and I don't believe they prohibit irony or a little mockery. They do however forbid personal attacks and insults. Al I've ever asked for, is the implementation of those rules. It is clearly stated that they apply in the think tank. Either make that true or remove that statement.

As for men, posing as women, yes, and? Lush is a site about sex, sexual fiction and sexual fantasies. There are very docile people pretending to be doms or daddies and housewives playing the role of schoolteachers, secretaries and prostitutes. To each his or her fantasy, I'd say. At worst they're exploiting the gullability of their fellow lushies. I doubt however, if hurting anyone is their objective.

Quote by jollylolly
How is creating all of these threads that go nowhere, threatening to delete one's account if one's demands aren't met, and trying to ban people who don't conform to your idea of forum etiquette more mature & responsible than just ignoring, blocking, and moving on?
The mere fact, threads like these keep popping up, could be an indication, that people continue to disagree about it. Cutting off a debate will only make it pop up somewhere else, because as long as people see injustice they will bring it up.
As for "my idea of forum etiquette", that happens to be excellently described in the rules for forum posting.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket

It's the same from the other side of the fence. It's not only me anymore is it? Everyone else must be imagining it too. Yeah I've got a couple of people blocked NOW. I wasn't able to block everything until a few weeks ago. It still doesn't fix the problem. It's just hiding it.

Look at how annoyed some of you are getting about this thread alone. Yes it's flogging a dead horse because it never changes. It's not only one person either. I don't start forum tussles but I will fight back. I don't take kindly to others talking to me like I am dirt beneath their feet. Somehow that makes me a bad guy too. Nobody likes a smart mouthed smartass. Internet bullying IS a real thing that is punishable by law. I've never asked for anyone to be banned. I've only ever wanted to post on a thread to have some fun without being mocked or humiliated. I DO think twice before posting on some forums/threads here because I've had other members target me repeatedly on those specific forums.

I've been reported for harassment/bullying Based on much less and some of it was, in my opinion only , an absolute farce. A lot of you know I love this site. I admire and respect the moderators more than they know for doing a thankless job. I keep hearing the same thing... "Grow up. Ignore it, don't feed the troll" the advice says yes there Are trolls. Live with it. The majority of those getting offended are moderators. Because you don't know what it's like. I'm not trying to offend any mods by saying that. It's a fact. I could find another playground to play in but i don't want to. Why do I have to move on because other members think it's funny to treat me like a piece of dirt?

It absolutely sucks to feel bullied or harassed. To me that is different than being trolled or disagreed with in a rude way.

I'm sure some people have legitimate complaints, but things like the OP calling OMKN's post a threat are ridiculous imo.
Wild at Heart
Quote by jollylolly

I'm sure some people have legitimate complaints, but things like the OP calling OMKN's post a threat are ridiculous imo.

That's what they do. Simmerdownchick and the rest of these **Content removed by moderator. Violates Lush TOS.** are like the guy in dark blue.

They exaggerate and try to get a red card pulled when they are disagreed with or losing the game like this fellow.
Wild at Heart
Quote by trinket

Internet bullying IS a real thing that is punishable by law.

Can you imagine the trinket v magical felix court trial? Where trinket unveils her dossier of me. She literally takes screen caps of everything I say and do and randomly sends me novella length private messages reminding me that she does. it's unsettling every time. The last one was just a few days ago.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by patokl
The mere fact, threads like these keep popping up, could be an indication, that people continue to disagree about it. Cutting off a debate will only make it pop up somewhere else, because as long as people see injustice they will bring it up.
As for "my idea of forum etiquette", that happens to be excellently described in the rules for forum posting.

I think you advocated in another of these threads for a 3 strikes and you're out type system in which every minor infraction would be counted against forum posters. Yes, sometimes people go too far. I'm glad there are moderators to deal with the hateful mudslinging posts. However I wouldn't like to feel stifled & worried over being suspended for the slightest thing.

And I have no problem with people exploring different identities here. I think it's great that Lush can be a safe outlet for people's fantasies. I was just using that to illustrate that this site is very different from a work or school related forum. We should have a bit more freedom of expression here smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by jollylolly

I think you advocated in another of these threads for a 3 strikes and you're out type system in which every minor infraction would be counted against forum posters. Yes, sometimes people go too far. I'm glad there are moderators to deal with the hateful mudslinging posts. However I wouldn't like to feel stifled & worried over being suspended for the slightest thing.

I did refer to three strikes out in an earlier thread, you are right. It was a response to an earlier statement, claiming the site would lose half it's members if rules were to be strictly implemented. I argued, that was not true. It was, as I stated, meant as food for thought. If you put extremes in either side of the scales, they might end up in an acceptable middle.

Quote by jollylolly
And I have no problem with people exploring different identities here. I think it's great that Lush can be a safe outlet for people's fantasies. I was just using that to illustrate that this site is very different from a work or school related forum. We should have a bit more freedom of expression here smile

I agree, I just think, that like in the real world, freedom of expression should not include the right, to personally attack, insult or bully people, and I'll never agree with classifying such behavior as merely annoying.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Wild at Heart
Quote by kiera

Jack is a person you know, he has feelings.

Thank you, kiera. I am glad at least someone sees how bad simmerdownchick, patoki and trinket are bullying me.
sorry, double post. Tried to edit and hit quote instead

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by RavenStar
The reason that you, Simmerdownchick, are receiving so much backlash on this thread is that the question is inflamatory and provocative in a not very enjoyable manner. Recent events around this topic should have been sufficient to warn against starting this thread. The response was both predictable and inevitable. Yet, you persisted, and here we are. Again.

As to your question, of course serial trolling should not be allowed in the forums. Duh. It's kind of an obvious answer. The only reason someone would respond 'yes' is to stir the pot. No one wants serial trolling. I'd like to know, specifically, what prompted your poll. I'm serious. Pussy footing around issues is annoying. Please tell me. Specifically.

I don't participate in forums on other websites, so I don't have a good comparison for how much trolling or how severe the trolling issue is here versus anywhere else. I will say, though, that I don't feel any kind of trepidation or concern posting freely here. The forum moderators we have work diligently to keep things in check. They do a good job upholding the Lush t&c concerning the forums. If you have a specific problem, please let them, me, or any other moderator know. We'll try our very best to help you resolve it.

As far as threats go, no one is threatening you. Warning you about being careful is not a threat. No one has said, "Be careful, or else..." No repercussions have been even alluded to. You did, however, insinuate that your posting about this topic made someone look like fools. You weren't specific as to who, so that means you were fishing. Baiting. The responses you have received are, in my opinion, appropriate to the offense intended.

You are right, Ravenstar. You are. I can't argue with any of that, and honestly it's great advice. I will say that I've learned a lot from this thread, good and bad, but as long as a lesson is learned, it's a good think, right? So, I'll leave it be. The status quo will return to normal. Thank you for your unemotional and wise advise. I'll take it and move on.

Please delete this thread.

(Sorry, I didn't realize that wasn't allowed)

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Quote by Magical_felix

That's what they do. Simmerdownchick and the rest of these **Content removed by moderator. Violates Lush TOS.** are like the guy in dark blue.

They exaggerate and try to get a red card pulled when they are disagreed with or losing the game like this fellow.

Turds? That's shit isn't it? You just called posters on this thread shit.

Quote by Magical_felix

Can you imagine the trinket v magical felix court trial? Where trinket unveils her dossier of me. She literally takes screen caps of everything I say and do and randomly sends me novella length private messages reminding me that she does. it's unsettling every time. The last one was just a few days ago.

Actually I've never said I take screenies of everything you say or do. I wouldn't waste my money taking you to court either. Take a look at that Novella again. A few days ago we had messages going back and forth between us and nowhere did I say I had taken screenshots of everything you say or do. The "novella" length one was about something completely different. It went unanswered so again I should've known better than to waste my time. If my messages to you unsettle you then BLOCK ME. That's what I'm told to do.

Look at what you've just posted about me and others here. None of my posts are as rude as yours and i didn't just call everyone else a turd. you did. or lie. Neither did I specifically name Or direct any personal insults at anyone. You've just done the very thing this thread is about.

Again, you have used insults to try to defend your behaviour on the forums.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Simmerdownchick
This thread has gotten us nowhere. If I could, I'd shut it down. I started this thread because big mouthed insensitive comments keep getting made by the same people over and over. Do you honestly think I'm going to list them all here? Yes, Felix is most definitely someone I was talking about. Everyone knows it. I had stopped posting when Liz and Coco got involved. I had blocked Felix and Kiera, but I was bated back in. Eleven posts had been made before I responded to comments aimed in my direction. Eleven. I was baited and not very nicely either. Just delete the thread already. I get its inflammatory. That wasn't my intention, I just was trying to see what the silent majority thought. So punish me, and leave them be. Just please close this thread. I won't be responsible for anymore hostility spewing from anyone else's keyboard. And just to be clear. I respect the mods. The ones that decided to pop in, well...I still appreciate their dedication and helping out. I know it's not paid labor. There are a lot of mods. The last thing I wanted to do was offend them. It's not s job most would want and they keep this site going. Did o delete one? Yes but I realized they were redundant.
That's all I'm gonna say.

Please delete this thread.

I've waited 14 for you to reconsider your assertion that I threatened you. You take my advice as a threat but at the same time you say that those who think you're referring to people as fools as twisting your words. You can see how some people might struggle with your argument.

You think there's a silent majority that agrees with you. There isn't. Your friends don't make a majority. The silent majority don't give a shit either way. Trust me, your experience here will be a lot better here if you take a leaf out of their book.

If you can't bear to take note of anything I say, I strongly suggest you take note of the advice of others on this thread. Deleting this thread will throw a lot of good advice away.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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Wild at Heart
Quote by trinket

Turds? That's shit isn't it? You just called posters on this thread shit.

Yes, a turd is a tubular shaped piece of shit.


And trinket please, you repeatedly say you take screenshots of everything I say. You even included a screen shot in your most recent novella you treacherous dog. And horror movies are unsettling too... I still watch them though. It's fun. You're my lush horror movie.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Oh no. This thread didn't turn out like it was originally intended and it backfired and turned into a shit show?

Color me surprised.

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