I hope I can inspire discussion on such a broad subject and would love to know your thoughts

Quote by gunshopgirl
I'm not sure if this answers your question the right way, but a try anyway.
To me, sensuality is something that someone has innately. I knew a guy once upon a time, whose very being was sensual. He had no idea that his voice, his mannerisms, etc. just oozed sensuality. It was just something that was a part of him and being anywhere near him set my meter off. I don't think a sensual nature is something that someone could 'learn' and project, I think it's either there or not. Someone who doesn't even know that they give off that vibe is even more dangerous ;)
Quote by Python
I think it's part of your being/mind but something that also depends on one's life experiences. e.g. people that are exposued to constant voilence I believe become desensitised which ultimately has an impact on their sensuality (IMO). I feel the strongest validation of this is seen in people suffering PTSD and severe depression.TV6IAtYmj0QExS9Z
Quote by Guest
I think it's part of your being/mind but something that also depends on one's life experiences. e.g. people that are exposued to constant voilence I believe become desensitised which ultimately has an impact on their sensuality (IMO). I feel the strongest validation of this is seen in people suffering PTSD and severe depression.X5q0AjxrzuNkm3Bh
Quote by Guest
I think it's part of your being/mind but something that also depends on one's life experiences. e.g. people that are exposued to constant voilence I believe become desensitised which ultimately has an impact on their sensuality (IMO). I feel the strongest validation of this is seen in people suffering PTSD and severe depression.yXnZU0Hur6F6Pkbb