I'm not sure if this answers your question the right way, but a try anyway.
To me, sensuality is something that someone has innately. I knew a guy once upon a time, whose very being was sensual. He had no idea that his voice, his mannerisms, etc. just oozed sensuality. It was just something that was a part of him and being anywhere near him set my meter off. I don't think a sensual nature is something that someone could 'learn' and project, I think it's either there or not. Someone who doesn't even know that they give off that vibe is even more dangerous ;)
I think it's part of your being/mind but something that also depends on one's life experiences. e.g. people that are exposued to constant voilence I believe become desensitised which ultimately has an impact on their sensuality (IMO). I feel the strongest validation of this is seen in people suffering PTSD and severe depression.GCp5ylF8qlKRqckt
This is an interesting topic and the replies have been interesting to read because I don't believe sensuality exists.
Sensuality seems to be a characteristic we attribute to people we already find sexually attractive or arousing in some way; it seems to me that the sensual aspect is just another term to describe sexual attraction.
Sensuality in and of itself without the foundation of attraction is totally abstract and as such it seems to be a redundant term.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Wow, it's actually never crossed my mind whether someone was born sensual or not. Nature vs nurture... I think sensual attributes can be picked up as we mature (sexually), although the physical attributes which we are born with shapes the kind of sensuality we would eventually grow into. You might have a feral, charged kind of sensuality. Or perhaps a softer, more delicate style. It all depends on your physique and personality. You're born with the former but have to cultivate the latter.
The gold standard of sensual acts for me is when you make me say "fuck..." under my breath without touching me. Speaking to me in a certain tone or just looking at me in a certain way does that. The mind games played in these instances can be rather sensual. Alternatively, you can just smell good. But if you have to touch me, gimme a massage then (SP's totally right about that one!).