When you masturbate, which do you enjoy most often, a quick relief, or a long, lingering 'self-massage'. I'm wondering if there's a gender preference, or if one lingers longer as one gets older. I'm a 'linger with languour' person, what about you? (I'd be interested to know if you're male. female, or trans etc, it's not always obvious from names, but of course you don't have to divulge if you don't want). Thanks
Most often, it's something done to scratch an itch which has to be dealt with before an important meeting of some kind, so I am mostly doing it to get off. This isn't my preference, as I would much prefer to take my time and let it build, so that my climax is more powerful when I do finally cum. Oh, and I am an older female, just for clarity's sake.
I like to get off morning and evening. Mornings are quick to relieve pressure.
Evenings. I like to take my time. Enjoy n savor.
My opinion
When I lived alone, I tended to stretch it out, but nowadays masturbation is quick and dirty.
I can enjoy it in every way shape and form. It just depends on my mood at the time.
Being a bi female I can be alone or with my partner it matters not.
Prefer to take much time. Like to repeatedly edge myself until ejaculation starts just from thinking a erotic thought, without any movement of hand.
It truly depends. There are some mornings I may spend up to 2 hours masturbating and have several orgasms. There have been times when I have been stressed and can't sleep and a quick 3 or 4 minutes to orgasm and sweet dreams.
It ist a mood thing for me mostly.
If it ist a lazy morning or afternoon, I have a glass of Pinot, maybe hangin' in the hot-tube, und it ist a nice day out?
Then I'm more of relaxing, maybe reading a bit, und rubbin' one out slowly until I'm just desperate to orgasm.
If I'm just coming home at 400am that morning from getting felt up most of the night serving drinks at the Pub,
or I've been on a date with someone I'm really sexually attracted to, und we not end up in bed that night?
Then I'm soon changed into something sexy/comfy, und my dildo drawer like I'm a horny stripper...giggles
Depends on why I am masturbating. If I have time I love to stretch it out only coming when I can't hold it any longer. If it is to relieve stress before an important meeting or the like, I slip into the ladies room and get myself off. I love long pleasuring sessions that can be stretched out, but often I need to be relaxed and orgasm helps with that
If I have the time, I love to edge and go for hours before I just can't hold it any longer. Those are the best orgasms.
How long is a piece of string ?
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.
Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Bi male. It depends on mood and goal. I can stretch it out over a long time "edging" if I'm doing it for lasting pleasure, but I can also enjoy a "quickie" to get some relief when I'm feeling very horny.
So, what's the world record?
First and foremost I agree completely with RunningWoman I tend to go until I am finished. If something has gotten me to the point that I need to orgasm then I am not looking for a quick release. I want it to last and enjoy. Especially if the something is a chat on here. A story or a video may get me rather excited, but it is different when there is actually a partner, even in cyberspace.
There are times she is kneeling out of obedience, reverence and respect. Those are the times it is okay to stand above her. But when she is kneeling because the weight of the world is just too heavy to bear … that is when You should be kneeling beside her.
The length of any given session depends on a few factors. If I’m not overly pent up and antsy for release and if I’m not pressed for time then I prefer to savor a slow build up to a satisfying release. Sometimes I’ve gone for hours before reaching orgasm but usually it is within twenty or thirty minutes.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
Its that time of the month when I am so horny I can hardly leave myself alone. I took a day off from work for that reason and masturbated on and off from breakfast until after I had gone to bed -- and still wanted more
I always have this big plan in my head that I’ll go on for ages and then some image comes into my brain and before I know it I’m gasping and shaking lol.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
I've gone for 5 hours (edging) and I've gone for a couple of minutes just to get off when I'm horny. Optimally, I'd say 20-30 minutes is enough to build to an really intense orgasm. But if I have the time, I don't mind spending it on myself.
Don't believe everything that you read.
I've been able to edge for up to 2 hours before, but that's such a waste of time.
I like long, languorous, with romantic thoughts.
I like long, languorous, with romantic thoughts.