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Active Ink Slinger
Hi all.

Do you think a partner truly loves and wants to be with you if they have been on numerous sex forums behind you back for over a year? Not only that but can they be entirely happy when they spent most of that time on girls profiles and chatting etc? Why does an attached man who gets plenty of hot sex at home need to view single girls profiles/pics? I'm struggling to get over it. He says there was nothing to it and it was all bullshit (course he'd say that!). He admits he has a porn addiction which I'm OK with but the constant searching of "normal" girls profiles and pics is not on. I went through his browser history and it was mostly all from here "reading messages" "in private chats". How can I move on?
Perhaps in his view (as with many) unless it is physical it never REALLY "happens" it's simply shared fantasy (and part of porn addiction IS addiction to sexual fantasy.) As to how can you "move on" It's a do or don't deal. IF you can think of it as I stated above you CAN (or should be able to do so) otherwise you probably never will.
i think weav summed it up pretty well. it may or may not be a big deal, and that's something you'll have to figure out between the two of you.

that said, now he knows that you know about it and that it bothers you. if he continues to do it now, it becomes a big deal even if it isn't already.
Active Ink Slinger
He has closed his account here. He closed his twitter account too and set us both up with one with matching passwords. He knows what he done was wrong but he isn't giving me the time to move on. When things pop into my head I need to talk about it or else I explode. I'm already hardly eating or sleeping and I try to hide it cos he gets violent. I don't think I deserve to be hit when he is the one that has done wrong. I need time and lots of reassurance and he isn't giving me either.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by MrsDikDango
He has closed his account here. He closed his twitter account too and set us both up with one with matching passwords. He knows what he done was wrong but he isn't giving me the time to move on. When things pop into my head I need to talk about it or else I explode. I'm already hardly eating or sleeping and I try to hide it cos he gets violent. I don't think I deserve to be hit when he is the one that has done wrong. I need time and lots of reassurance and he isn't giving me either.

If he is violent you need to leave now, dear. Please. Find a friend or a family member or a woman's shelter and just go, don't tell him where you are, don't answer his calls. I am sure you love him, and I'm sure it will be hard to do, but he is hurting you, and you (and all women) deserve better.
Blackbird Supernova
Agree 100% with V. No relationship, no PERSON, is worth putting up with any kind of abuse.
Active Ink Slinger
He is the one that has threatened to leave twice now. Packed his case. I love him I just want to be enough. He has told me point blank he won't give up porn or twitter and will always choose them over our 16 year relationship. I just want to be enough.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with the others, sounds like you need distance ASAP! Good luck to you xxx
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by MrsDikDango
He is the one that has threatened to leave twice now. Packed his case. I love him I just want to be enough. He has told me point blank he won't give up porn or twitter and will always choose them over our 16 year relationship. I just want to be enough.

But... he's just told you that you're worth less than porn to him!

Honey, time to cut and run. You always have to look out for number one first. That's you, by the way.
Head Nurse
+1 agreeing with RavenStar.

I know how hard it is to distance yourself from that sort of situation. I also know that you are doing yourself no favors staying. Really, you arent.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by RavenStar

But... he's just told you that you're worth less than porn to him!

Honey, time to cut and run. You always have to look out for number one first. That's you, by the way.

I know sad that's what hurts more than anything that I know he would rather have that than me. He even said if I didn't stop going on about it he was leaving, deleting and blocking my number and never seeing the kids again!!! They are 15 and 10. I don't know what to do because I cannot trust him to be good. I've stopped going to friends houses on a weekend because I cannot trust him.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by MrsDikDango

I know sad that's what hurts more than anything that I know he would rather have that than me. He even said if I didn't stop going on about it he was leaving, deleting and blocking my number and never seeing the kids again!!! They are 15 and 10. I don't know what to do because I cannot trust him to be good. I've stopped going to friends houses on a weekend because I cannot trust him.

Your kids don't need to see him. He is poison, and his abuse will poison them, and you. Please go, like, right now, or when the kids are out of school, so you can take hem with you. If you have to wait until he is gone or asleep, be packed and ready to go. That is not love. I know it feels like love, but he is hurting you.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Verbal

Your kids don't need to see him. He is poison, and his abuse will poison them, and you. Please go, like, right now, or when the kids are out of school, so you can take hem with you. If you have to wait until he is gone or asleep, be packed and ready to go. That is not love. I know it feels like love, but he is hurting you.

It's 5.20pm here. The kids are home from school and he got in from work a wee while ago. He didn't eat his dinner and has gone straight to bed because I didn't want to speak to him. He said I am killing him over a load of bullshit that meant nothing to him. Honestly I've nowhere else to go plus this is my village, my family are here. He came here to be with me and maybe time apart would help. Thing is though he said if he walks out the door he is never ever coming back. My daughter was broken hearted.
Blackbird Supernova
Lush isn't a site for therapy of the kind you may need to work through your issues around this. We may express our personal opinions and give you suggestions for how to proceed, but in the end, we're just a bunch of strangers who don't know the extent of your situation.

Decide what you will do, then seek help from family, friends, help groups. Whatever you need to do to straighten out your life.

Good luck.
Active Ink Slinger
I know lush isn't for therapy I only found myself here through him. I actually thought that the females who he had been chatting to on here would have contacted me like I asked but they haven't. I want to go to counselling but he said no way and I'd be going alone.

Anyway thanks for the replies I'll leave now.
Quote by MrsDikDango
Hi all.

Do you think a partner truly loves and wants to be with you if they have been on numerous sex forums behind you back for over a year? Not only that but can they be entirely happy when they spent most of that time on girls profiles and chatting etc? Why does an attached man who gets plenty of hot sex at home need to view single girls profiles/pics? I'm struggling to get over it. He says there was nothing to it and it was all bullshit (course he'd say that!). He admits he has a porn addiction which I'm OK with but the constant searching of "normal" girls profiles and pics is not on. I went through his browser history and it was mostly all from here "reading messages" "in private chats". How can I move on?

I feel for you. This is such a difficult situation. Relationships get muddled with secret things. I know that. After two failed marriages I'm the last one to give advice. The first wife was a whore that was cheating on me. My second wife was an angel that I cheated on.

I know that when we love someone deeply that there is always the possibility of being hurt or hurting them. I have discovered that love and sex are two completely different things. Together they are incredible but the lust that attracts us can as easily divide us. I hope your love is enough to overcome, to forgive, to reconcile, and work together to salvage your relationship. He's got a problem but there are programs that help, if he wants help.

I hope and pray you will work things out.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ChuckEPoo

I feel for you. This is such a difficult situation. Relationships get muddled with secret things. I know that. After two failed marriages I'm the last one to give advice. The first wife was a whore that was cheating on me. My second wife was an angel that I cheated on.

I know that when we love someone deeply that there is always the possibility of being hurt or hurting them. I have discovered that love and sex are two completely different things. Together they are incredible but the lust that attracts us can as easily divide us. I hope your love is enough to overcome, to forgive, to reconcile, and work together to salvage your relationship. He's got a problem but there are programs that help, if he wants help.

I hope and pray you will work things out.


Thank you. I don't think he thinks he needs help. He says I'm the one that needs help cos I let it annoy me! Seriously I find that fucked up. Even bringing up Going for help or anything he goes mental. Time may help. We shall see. Its been since boxing day and still I go days without food if I get bad thoughts. Thanks though.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrsDikDango
He has closed his account here. He closed his twitter account too and set us both up with one with matching passwords. He knows what he done was wrong but he isn't giving me the time to move on. When things pop into my head I need to talk about it or else I explode. I'm already hardly eating or sleeping and I try to hide it cos he gets violent. I don't think I deserve to be hit when he is the one that has done wrong. I need time and lots of reassurance and he isn't giving me either.

RUN, Laura...get AWAY NOW! If he's hit you just ONE TIME, he'll do it again and again and most likely it will be harder each time. Also get a restraining order against him. *&^%$# low life!! THIS is NOT love!!
Had you mentioned hitting you before I would have said the same as the others... GET OUT NOW! And, don't ever look back (except to make SURE he's NOT following you!) Accept NO excuses and make none for him. JUST GO! He DOES NOT love you and never will.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by MrsDikDango
I know lush isn't for therapy I only found myself here through him. I actually thought that the females who he had been chatting to on here would have contacted me like I asked but they haven't. I want to go to counselling but he said no way and I'd be going alone.

Anyway thanks for the replies I'll leave now.

It's not that you should leave, dear. You're welcome to stay, of course. I just want to make sure you get the help you need in dealing with the situation.

The girls are unlikely to contact you. It would be too much like owning up to something done wrong.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrsDikDango

I know sad that's what hurts more than anything that I know he would rather have that than me. He even said if I didn't stop going on about it he was leaving, deleting and blocking my number and never seeing the kids again!!! They are 15 and 10. I don't know what to do because I cannot trust him to be good. I've stopped going to friends houses on a weekend because I cannot trust him.

So to summarise:
1. You aren't enough, and never will be.
2. He gets violent.
3. He's threatened to walk out and never see his chidren again.
4. You've sacrificed your social life because of him.
5. You're missing meals, putting your health at risk. Which will impact on your kids.
6. He refuses to do anything at all to change.

I hope I haven't missed anything.
Now read this over and over again. If your best friend told you all this, what would be your advice? Then follow it!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Verbal

If he is violent you need to leave now, dear. Please. Find a friend or a family member or a woman's shelter and just go, don't tell him where you are, don't answer his calls. I am sure you love him, and I'm sure it will be hard to do, but he is hurting you, and you (and all women) deserve better.

Excellent advice, Verbal.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrsDikDango

I know sad that's what hurts more than anything that I know he would rather have that than me. He even said if I didn't stop going on about it he was leaving, deleting and blocking my number and never seeing the kids again!!! They are 15 and 10. I don't know what to do because I cannot trust him to be good. I've stopped going to friends houses on a weekend because I cannot trust him.

Honestly, after reading a bit more information on your situation, I retract the advice I gave you privately. This guy is just not worth it and it sounds as if he's never going to change, and please don't believe for a single moment that he will. I'm speaking from experience. There are people who are so set in their ways that nothing you do, say or try, will make them change. You waste your energy trying to help them or trying to get them to see how they behave and how their behavior affects your relationship, and they don't care. You will be better off without him and so will your children. I highly doubt he devotes time to being the kind of father they need so it's best to just move on and find someone who will cherish and love you. It will be difficult, but if you don't make a decision, you will spend another 10 years in the same boat. I see a lot of the members are giving you some great advice, and I ask that you consider your options and take action.

my brief thoughts on domestic violence--

i have never thought that someone who commits one act of violence (depending on the level of that violence) is an inherently abusive person who will continue to be violent and continually get worse. in my job i've unfortunately seen a great deal of domestic violence.

i don't think it's right to judge someone for the rest of their life over one terrible thing they did. far more telling is how they respond to it. does the person realize they did something terrible, and get whatever help they need to make sure it never happens again? or do they continue to deflect blame and escalate the violence? if it's anything other than the former, then something is seriously wrong and they probably will never change.
Active Ink Slinger
It wasn't a one off. Since this all started day after boxing day I've lost count the amount of times he has hit me in someway or another. Even him poking his finger right into the skin below my ear lobe really hurt. Throughout the years we have both been violent, I tend to throw things. I had a black eye a few months back and right now I have a bruise on my tummy where he grabbed my phone and slammed it on me. I am not a victim, well I don't feel like a domestic abuse victim but I suppose I am in a way a victim just now because o haven't done a thing wrong except confront him over what he has done. Its 7.55am here and before he left for work I got poked in the face for asking him why I couldn't find him on imigur yet he has 100's of followers..... I need a long hard think. I can't go on like this. I feel better when he is at work because I know he has no internet and can't do anything. I'm constantly on egg shells when he is home. I just can't believe I was so fucking stupid! He came home from work had dinner went upstairs and that was him! Never sat with us in the sitting room never took us anywhere never came when we were going anywhere. All that time he was either watching porn or talking to girl on here or twitter. That is a hard pill to swallow. He also has a gambling addiction that he admits to...what a catch! I know what I need to do but doing it is a different story altogether.
Quote by MrsDikDango
I know what I need to do but doing it is a different story altogether.

this is a very important statement i think. as long as you make excuses for him or blame yourself, it's hard for any change to ever happen. but once you know and accept reality, then something positive can happen. it's not going to be easy to do what you need to do, but there are people and resources to help you and protect you. he's an asshole. you aren't. move on to a life you deserve. god bless you.
Active Ink Slinger
If your partner is violent to you then get out now. I grew up with a violent father who used beat my mum up and men like that will never change. Also the fact that your other half tells you that he is going to walk out and leave you and the kids is emotional bullying and he's doing this to make you feel that you're somehow to blame and to try and control you. Growing up with a violent father will affect your kids, your kids will see what's going on and it will affect them, I know this, as it affected me, I grew up being distrustful of men. Get out while you can.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mrd82
my brief thoughts on domestic violence--

i have never thought that someone who commits one act of violence (depending on the level of that violence) is an inherently abusive person who will continue to be violent and continually get worse. in my job i've unfortunately seen a great deal of domestic violence.

i don't think it's right to judge someone for the rest of their life over one terrible thing they did. far more telling is how they respond to it. does the person realize they did something terrible, and get whatever help they need to make sure it never happens again? or do they continue to deflect blame and escalate the violence? if it's anything other than the former, then something is seriously wrong and they probably will never change.

With regards to domestic violence, it's unacceptable for any man or woman to hit their partner. I do agree that judging someone for one incident may be unfair, but it would totally depend on the situation and if the person was truly sorry for what happened and it's never repeated. Forgiveness is a gift you give but only if the person deserves it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrsDikDango
It wasn't a one off. Since this all started day after boxing day I've lost count the amount of times he has hit me in someway or another. Even him poking his finger right into the skin below my ear lobe really hurt. Throughout the years we have both been violent, I tend to throw things. I had a black eye a few months back and right now I have a bruise on my tummy where he grabbed my phone and slammed it on me. I am not a victim, well I don't feel like a domestic abuse victim but I suppose I am in a way a victim just now because o haven't done a thing wrong except confront him over what he has done. Its 7.55am here and before he left for work I got poked in the face for asking him why I couldn't find him on imigur yet he has 100's of followers..... I need a long hard think. I can't go on like this. I feel better when he is at work because I know he has no internet and can't do anything. I'm constantly on egg shells when he is home. I just can't believe I was so fucking stupid! He came home from work had dinner went upstairs and that was him! Never sat with us in the sitting room never took us anywhere never came when we were going anywhere. All that time he was either watching porn or talking to girl on here or twitter. That is a hard pill to swallow. He also has a gambling addiction that he admits to...what a catch! I know what I need to do but doing it is a different story altogether.

Domestic violence victims don't see themselves as victims and often blame themselves as the cause of the beating or emotional abuse. Sounds like you both need to learn to communicate verbally as opposed to being physical with each other, and it's a good idea to get some counseling. I think you both need cooling periods and would be better off living separately until you figure out how to move forward.
In addition to leaving and then divorcing this guy get a copy of the book "Men Who Hate Women and The Women Who Love Them"