Yesterday, I spent about 4.5 hours edging before I shot it off.
I think that one hour, fifty-eight minutes is the longest I've ever gone without stopping at all. I had ten orgasms. That said, I have also spent an entire day masturbating on one or two occasions, there were just short breaks where I was trying to work on something, just unsuccessfully.
About 2 minutes unless you count the time I started just before the clocks changed from GMT to BST and then its 62 minutes.
About 3 hours, Sunday mornings with a hangover and the wife watching, i hold back as i enjoy wife watching but don't tell her haha
nearly two hours, with extreme edging and giving myself blue balls. the orgasm was amazing though.
probably today. came once, but have been rubbing my clit for hours on my day off.
Probably 9Omins.
I kept rewatching certain legalporno vids...I kept laughing too.
Over two hours. Less than three.
Ten orgasms, if anyone is wondering.