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Leave already!!!

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Advanced Wordsmith
Not too long ago, I met a girl from a hookup site and we met at a local pub and I brought her back to my place. Nice 22-year-old suburban girl, petite with nice round tits. Just from looks I would think she would be a keeper. She seemed pretty cool to, sounded like she was pretty out going and open minded. Well after we had sex, I thought she would go home but she was getting too comfortable still naked lying on my bed.I asked her if she was going to leave and she asked if she could stay over night because she didn't want to wake up her parents. Next day, I had to go to work, I told her to make sure she locks up before she leaves. I came back home from work around 8pm and she was still there. I didn't mind, she was cute and pretty fun to hang out with. We went out and she paid for dinner. Came back to my place and had sex couple of times and she stayed the night again.

Day three, came back home from work and still there but she was in different clothes. Day four. It was a Saturday, after morning sex and I kind of told her she can't stay place because I am going to have some guest over in the afternoon. She said she needed to go home anyways. Later that night she texted me that she wanted to get her panties and I told her to come over. She came over and stayed over again. Day five... I told her to leave. She got pissed off and left. Haven't talked to her since and she deleted her profile on the site I met her on.

What would you do in this situation? I made it clear before we met, that it was a hookup and nothing further than a one night stand.
Active Ink Slinger
Why do you call her a keeper?
To be honest, you helped to create the problem by leaving for work and letting her stay. You should have made sure she'd gone home, even if you'd have invited her back later. I would never leave someone alone in my home after one night.
So did she stay or did she go?

Anyone else hearing this song...;)
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by thesexynun
So did she stay or did she go?

Anyone else hearing this song...;)

if you say that you are mine,
i'll be here til the end of time
so you gotta let me know...
should i stay or should i go?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Wild at Heart
Did you meet her on a hookup site or a dating site... How exactly did you make it clear it was just a hookup? Like, I don't know how old you are but you better get used to that. She obviously saw you as more than a hookup and she lives with her parents at 22... Of course she doesn't want to go back home. I guarantee you that this will happen with every early 20's chick you hook up with if her living situation is less than ideal and she likes you. Those are the breaks.
Prolific Writer
What a weird story. I would have told her to leave when you had to go to work. Your lucky she didn't rob you blind.

A bit too trusting in my opinion.

Quote by DrakeAK
Not too long ago, I met a girl from a hookup site and we met at a local pub and I brought her back to my place. Nice 22-year-old suburban girl, petite with nice round tits. Just from looks I would think she would be a keeper. She seemed pretty cool to, sounded like she was pretty out going and open minded. Well after we had sex, I thought she would go home but she was getting too comfortable still naked lying on my bed.I asked her if she was going to leave and she asked if she could stay over night because she didn't want to wake up her parents. Next day, I had to go to work, I told her to make sure she locks up before she leaves. I came back home from work around 8pm and she was still there. I didn't mind, she was cute and pretty fun to hang out with. We went out and she paid for dinner. Came back to my place and had sex couple of times and she stayed the night again.

Day three, came back home from work and still there but she was in different clothes. Day four. It was a Saturday, after morning sex and I kind of told her she can't stay place because I am going to have some guest over in the afternoon. She said she needed to go home anyways. Later that night she texted me that she wanted to get her panties and I told her to come over. She came over and stayed over again. Day five... I told her to leave. She got pissed off and left. Haven't talked to her since and she deleted her profile on the site I met her on.

What would you do in this situation? I made it clear before we met, that it was a hookup and nothing further than a one night stand.

Not to bright to let that happen.
Wild at Heart
Quote by adagio_sabadicus

Not to bright to let that happen.

It's not like it's so easy to just kick a girl out after you bang her. It has nothing to do with him being bright or not.
So what's the big deal? She's gone. Isn't that what you wanted? The fact she didn't rob you is a good indicator she was interested in more than taking from you. I'm confused. Why are bemoaning her leaving and deleting her account? Confusing.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

if you say that you are mine,
i'll be here til the end of time
so you gotta let me know...
should i stay or should i go?

Love the clash
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe you think you made it clear it was a hookup, and Lord knows sometimes you guys don't exactly say what you really mean. Leaving her alone was a huge mistake and I'm confused as to how she was able to come and go? Did she have a key? You said you came back and she was still there, but wearing something else.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
She left, right? What's the issue?

And yeah, how is she getting in and out?

Are you sure you aren't just wanting to brag about fucking a cute 22 year old who buys you dinner and stays all week because you are just so darned adorable?
Who has to leave? Hillary Clinton? Yeah that bitch has to leave
Cheeky Chick
Okay, so you 'made it clear' it was 'just a hookup' but allow her to stay not one night, but several, even though it meant you were still getting some.

You wanted her to leave... So she finally does. And does so pissed off. (Who cares? It was just a hookup)

She deleted her profile from the site you met? ... Again, who cares, it was just meant to be a hookup. You got a week fling from it.


I'd say be careful on who you let stay in your apartment for hours on end. The entire work shift? And you had just met her. Are you crazy? You brought the situation on yourself, if you ask me. Also, about her page on the site, she probably just deleted it and made a new one to avoid you. It happens often.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Nerdy_Castle
Who has to leave? Hillary Clinton? Yeah that bitch has to leave

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by DrakeAK
la la la

What would you do in this situation? I made it clear before we met, that it was a hookup and nothing further than a one night stand.

This entire post made me fucking laugh!!

I mean .... really??? The entire scenario ....

You are amazingly trusting and somehow offended that the "keeper" parked her ass in your place ... and then you come home for a few fucks .... and you're appalled??


You are so lucky she didn't take you for everything you had and then some. I'd be tossing anything she could have poisoned .... there's a lot of fucked up people out there.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Verbal
She left, right? What's the issue?

And yeah, how is she getting in and out?

Are you sure you aren't just wanting to brag about fucking a cute 22 year old who buys you dinner and stays all week because you are just so darned adorable?

Yep. OR:

Your story is too vague and just has to be leaving out a lot of details you are not offering us.
It reads like this to me: you meet a lady from some "Hookup" site (?) you do not clearly define for us, you screw the girl, let her stick aorund so you can screw her over and over, letting her stay like she is beginning to mean something to you, then ask her to move out etc. At a minimum you were complicit in her staying, giving her false hopes. Soundfs like you let her feel she was wanted there. Then you say YOU have the problem? She got used as far as I can tell.
Sorry if I am totally wrong here but from what little you gave us, and so much you left out, it is my take on your "situation" as you state it and I read it.
Active Ink Slinger
Mistake 1: Inviting a stranger you met online to your home. (Really?)
Mistake 2: Sleeping with a total stranger you know next to nothing about. (How do you know she's clean? Was there paperwork to prove it?)
Mistake 3: Assuming she's "worth keeping" because she has nice breasts. (Obviously, you wanted more than one night with her.)
Mistake 4: Letting her stay the night. (Were you hoping for a morning quickie?)
Mistake 5: Not insisting she leave first thing in the morning. (Clearly not a one night stand anymore. One night stands GO HOME.)
Mistake 6: Trusting A STRANGER YOU JUST MET to lock up your house when she leaves. (This is just stupid.)
Mistake 7: Not tossing her butt out of your house when you come home and find her still there. (Who does that?)
Mistake 8: Letting her "woo" you by paying for dinner. (Since you haven't figured it out by now...SHE'S TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOU.)
Mistake 9: Fucking her again. (Really? REALLY?)
Mistake 10: Letting her stay the night, again and again and again...(You are beyond foolish.)
Mistake 11: Finally getting her to leave, and then inviting her back! (WTF? Does she have a magical golden pussy?)
Mistake 12: Becoming emotionally invested and upset that she cut all contact. (You clearly wanted more than a one night stand with her.)

At what point did you make it clear to her this was a one night stand exactly?

You continually lead her to believe you wanted more than a one night stand. She probably thought you wanted a relationship with her, since you let her keep staying. Of course she left pissed. It's easy to see why she would think you broke up with her. You have no right to be appalled at her behavior when your own judgement is so questionable. At 28, you really should know better by now.

You'd better pray your week long dalliance with a woman who took advantage of your hospitality and manipulated you into letter her stay an entire week, doesn't end with her showing up at your doorstep pregnant. She'll be the type that will put your balls in a vice for the next 18 years of child support. Being a father doesn't end when the kid turns 18 either. It's for the rest of your life, which means you'll be stuck dealing with her for the rest of your life too. If you don't end up with a baby, or an incurable STD from this stupidity, I'd consider yourself lucky.

Consider this common sense lesson number 1: Don't bring strangers into your home. AND DON'T LET THEM STAY.