Would you just watch them or look away to respect their privacy? Keep in mind that you weren't horny when you first saw them.
I would probably hang around and ask if they needed a hand with what they were doing...
For a while .. when close .. get a towel (or tissue which ever is appropriate) and make some tea.
guess it depends on the person and the situation...could be most interesting!
If they wanted me to. Else I'd be polite and leave them to enjoy themselves.
Watching someone can be very erotic and I would stay and watch as long as I didn't feel I was intruding, and I'd love to join in.
Watch, certainly, if they didn't mind. Maybe even on the sly if I hadn't been seen or heard, and probably end up joining in!
I would watch for a while then move over and join in, to start with helping her then let her watch me for a bit and see what happens .....
I would definitely stay and watch, if they didn't mind of course. There is something extremely sexy about watching someone pleasing themselves.
if it was a woman completely naked not only would I watch but I also ask if we can help each other
Yes, and help if they wanted or masturbate as well so she could see.
once upon a time I would probably have blushed, turned away, and left clumsily - now, I'd quietly watch and probably offer my assistance
Yes and ask if they needed help x
I would stay and and start masturbating myself
I'd masturbate with her and go from there.
yes i would love to watch
Probably take over for them and heighten their experience. There is no shame in masturbating in our eyes.
My gf and I who live together can often enjoy the self pleasure in company. It happens mostly at certain times of the month.
Decide if was planned for me to see, and if so give them the pleasure of knowing I was turned on and masturbate for the too.ytlGeKfo8UrTRj6Z
Decide if was planned for me to see, and if so give them the pleasure of knowing I was turned on and masturbate for the too.amTD0OBb2hpM0JbV
Decide if was planned for me to see, and if so give them the pleasure of knowing I was turned on and masturbate for the too.
It depends who it is. Wife or significant other I would offer to assist. Other family members? Hell no!