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How often do you and your partner / sig. other have sex?

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How often do you and your partner have sex?

17 votes remaining
Multiple times a day (1 vote) 6%
Once a day (7 votes) 41%
Every other day (1 vote) 6%
Every few days (6 votes) 35%
Once a week (1 vote) 6%
Bi weekly (1 vote) 6%
Once a month (1 vote) 6%
Birthday and Anniversary sex (0 votes) 0%
We're both virgins again (4 votes) 24%
Active Ink Slinger
My wife and I are on 2 different pages when it comes to sex. She's ok with once or twice a month and I'm more of an everyday - every other day guy. She apparently thinks my sex drive is crazy high. I am curious to see where everyone else stands.

Tanks for your input!
Active Ink Slinger
I was going to post a similar question to the gals. I imagine that the folks on this site are likely going to be skewed towards the more often rather then less often. For example, does your wife get on Lush? I would guess no.

We are in our forties and when chatting with friends that are married we apparently are rabbits. They barely have sex. Many of the women don't want to but do occasionally and they call it "marriage maintenance".

Some of her girlfriends are amazed at our sex drives. To be honest we would do it more if we could but we don't always have complete privacy.

Good luck!
Advanced Wordsmith
Me and my wife only have sex once or twice a month but I would rather have sex every other day at least
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by brianlarry
I was going to post a similar question to the gals. I imagine that the folks on this site are likely going to be skewed towards the more often rather then less often. For example, does your wife get on Lush? I would guess no.

We are in our forties and when chatting with friends that are married we apparently are rabbits. They barely have sex. Many of the women don't want to but do occasionally and they call it "marriage maintenance".

Some of her girlfriends are amazed at our sex drives. To be honest we would do it more if we could but we don't always have complete privacy.

Good luck!

I also had this initial reaction. but then looked at it differently. I'm on here to fill the void, and i'm sure others are too. In theory that would make this a more diverse, therefore more accurate poll.
I'm not sure, just speculating and hoping for lots of input from everyone.

Thank you for your input!!!
Sigh. Both virgins again to all intents and purposes, though with my birthday looming, I'll try to bump it up to Birthday and Anniversary Sex. I could really go for 2-3 times a weeks or even just weekly but life and personalities keep in the getting in the way.
Active Ink Slinger
To tell ya the truth, I have no idea when the last time, my husband and I had sex...(to fricking long)
Rainbow Warrior
Since I live with 2 guys, who are both my bed buddies, I had to put multiple times a day, mainly because if one of them has sex with me, the other one usually does too. Unless I'm sick, on my period, or rushed with too much to do, I pretty much have sex with one or both of them every day.
Her Royal Spriteness
Every 15 minutes. hang on, brb...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Generally I awake next to my gf and there is always some form of sexual touching/feeling/kissing that takes place between us. I would say we have some form of sexual connection each day.
If I am sleeping with one of our guys then sex will happen for sure, and not necessarily once or in one way.
The Linebacker
An average of 6 or 7 times a week. She initiates about 60% of the time. Not every day but some days two or three times. Unfortunately, sometimes I have to go out of town for a few days with my job or I don't get in from work until really late.
My husband seems to be quite happy with once a week. Twice on a really good week.
Myself, I would love it every day, somedays more then once a day. I would be happy to regularly have sex a minimum of 3x a week.
My drive has always been much higher then his. Though with age I find his is dragging and mine is increasing!!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Pretty much every day, either morning or night.... Occasionally both
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by secretspice
To tell ya the truth, I have no idea when the last time, my husband and I had sex...(to fricking long)

Same here. I think as the poll goes on, you are going to find that we are unfortunately in the majority.
Chat Moderator
On average, a full session at least twice per week. Healthy quickies of 40 minutes or so at least 3 times per week.
My gf arrives on weekends or during holidays, for that time it's minimum 2 to 3 times a day..... otherwise I think it's an average of every other day with FWBs :P
Average of 3 or 4 nights / days per week,.... such is the married life
Every other day except for the weekends (daily)
Advanced Wordsmith
For me and my partner, it all depends on the time of the month.
We've been seeing each other for 7 month's now, some weeks her doors are closed and I can't get a hold of her. One time we didn't talk for a week and a half. I called and text but no response. Some weeks, she is in heat and I have a hard time keeping up. Like 2 to 3 times a day. She would come to my house like 4am before she goes to the gym. After work she at my house before I get home. Or she would stay at my house few days or I will stay at her place.

I just can't figure it out. I think it's stress induced.

Anyways, first post ever!!! and more to come.

Cryptic Vigilante
I don't see my girlfriend much during the week, so we can go a few days without having sex; when the weekend arrives however, things get pretty wild and we can fuck 4-5 times in a span of 48 hours.

We both prefer it that way actually. I usually leave work before she does to avoid heavy traffic (around 4pm), so stopping by at her place isn't always an option. And then we're both busy with our respective activities during the evening: I workout every day and enjoy my solitary interests, and she has a few activities/lessons scheduled (sports, Spanish lessons, etc.).

I'm not quite the type to enjoy cuddling in front of the TV and having vague/pointless conversations anyway, so not seeing each other every day and just doing our own things separately is a very positive thing for me; and my girlfriend is almost as independent as I am, so it's not an issue either. We just have a quick phone conversation in the evening and then save all the fun conversations/activities for the weekend... and the same also applies to sex. Things are a lot more exciting when both partners don't always interact within a boring daily routine, in my opinion.
The lack of sex and the constant been turned down was a factor in our marriage break up. You can only get turned down so many times before you start looking elsewhere, which I assume is why the majority of people come on here.
So my answer to the question was not enough!! and now I've gone from virtually non-existent to totally non-existent.